We have 4 kids. For 3 of then school is easy and they are way above grade level. For one of them school is hard. She always has more homwork because she dosen't get it done in class plus she has to study more because she is under grade level. When she has all this work that the rest don't have she gets upset and pretty much shuts down and I get no where with her. I am her stepmom and I am the one that does most of the work with her because she lives with us. Her mom and dad are a little harsh on her brothers grades, and really harsh on her sisters grades, but when they see her grades they say "good thing she's so pretty" oh it makes me so mad. Any way any one got any good ideas on how to help her study without making her feel that she has do do all this extra stuff or like it doesn't matter if she does.
7 answers
asked by
lee b
Pregnancy & Parenting
➔ Grade-Schooler