here is a link to my page on prayer. it might be helpful... prayer is simply communication between God and His people... lots of ways to do it... what ever it takes to get the thought out.... but it is only for those of The Church... a prayer from a non- beleiver, and even the insincere prayer of a beleiver, will not be heard by God.
2006-11-07 08:12:04
answer #1
answered by IdahoMike 5
The word "in" normally has the conotation of compatibility with, or acceptance by, as I am in the Army, or I have cancer in my liiver, etc. The idea of praying in the spirit therefore brings that idea to prayer and refers to prayer that is compatible with the teaching of the Holy Spirit or the character of the Spirit of God. The Bible lists the fruit of the Spirit as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control. The key here is that this is the fruit of the spirit, not the fruits of the spirit. You cannot have one without them all. For example you may have joy, but if you lose self control and begin to roll all over the floor and bark like a dog (As some suggest) you are not in the spirit, because the Bible teaches that the Spirirt of God is a God of orderlinees not one of confusion.
2006-11-07 16:21:53
answer #2
answered by oldguy63 7
You must be filled with the Holy Ghost in order to pray in the spirit. This is where many denominations, and many people in general lose it. When you decide to follow Jesus, and live to serve Him, you should pray for and expect to receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Many will disagree with this, because to receive this, you have to really get your life in line. If you have all sorts of carnal and worldly thoughts and desires in your head, the Spirit of God will not be there! This is central to being "Christlike". Can a person not filled with the Holy Ghost lay hands on a sick person and heal them? No. To do that, you MUST be filled with the Holy Ghost! I am not there yet, but I go to a full gospel church ( Pentecostal) that believes that Jesus meant what He said literally where spiritual matters are concerned, and there ARE true Holy Ghost filled people that go there, including my sister. I grew up with her, and I personally know what education she has had, and I have witnessed her hold a lady, and pray in the Spirit, in a different tongue, or tongues and that lady was slain in the spirit, hit the floor, and lay there a while before she finally came to and was filled with the Holy Ghost, speaking in tongues herself. I am a skeptic by nature, and I do not believe everything I see, but just knowing my sister, and seeing with my own eyes, I WAS IN AWE ! The presence and power of God was undeniable. I know what you mean about feeling as if your prayers are hitting the ceiling. As I said, I am not there. Yet. But the Bible says that God has begun a wondrous work in me and shall finish it until the day of the Lord. I just have to try harder to get rid of my anger, worldly thoughts, etc. We cannot hold the world in one hand, and God in the other. We must choose! For strait is the gate, and narrow is the way that leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it . The words of Jesus. Many religions say you do not need the Holy Ghost and all that, but that is their pride talking! The very people that walked with Jesus, His disciples, were told to go and pray in one mind and one accord to receive the Holy Ghost. That was the Pentecost. God filled them with the Holy Ghost, and they were just men. If He did it for them, He can do it for you or me! Without it, there would have been no healings, devils cast out, etc. by the early church. Jesus told them! So it is still true today! I will pray for you to have the strength to seek this, and you pray for me to do the same! Love in Christ. DL. P.S. Read the first and second chapters of the book of Acts. VERY IMPORTANT!
2006-11-07 16:48:06
answer #3
answered by Darryl L 4
Sometimes I think my prayers are hitting the ceiling too, but God says in His word that if you just make moans and groans with the right heart and mind, when you pray, the Holy Spirit will intercede for you on your behalf and I guess, "translate" you hearts desires to God. It's really amazing when you think about it. But just keep doing what you're doing while having the right heart, and God will take care of your innermost heart's desires.
2006-11-07 16:26:09
answer #4
answered by Chosen 1 2
I would say it is praying with the Spirit. The Holy Ghost is a gift which is given to us, if we are righteous and repent that spirit stays with us. I would say it is a spirit of meekness, being thankful and desiring to do the will of God over our own. It is being mindful and respectful and developing communication with your heavenly Father, it is real not pretend and you must believe and show faith in your prayers. Faith precedes miracles.
Always pray in the name of Jesus Christ.
2006-11-07 16:20:41
answer #5
answered by Angel 4
Yes, that's a good way to put it. It's one thing to pray while driving, or doing some other chore. It's another to pray while tuning everything else off around you, to focus on Him and who He is, and to actually communicate with the Living God. A "correct state of mind" is very important. Giving Him our undivided attention is what He deserves.
2006-11-07 16:10:50
answer #6
answered by trainer53 6
We have no other model than that which occurred when the Day of Pentecost was fully come. John the Baptist said that Jesus would baptize with the Holy Ghost and with fire - Matthew 3:11 & Luke 3:16. Jesus told His followers to go and wait in a certain place until they were endued with power from on high to be His witnesses in the earth, Acts 1:5-8. And in the 2nd Chapter of Acts, it says they were all with one accord in one place when - suddenly - there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues, like as of fire (there's that Holy Ghost and fire thing John prophesied), and it sat upon each of them. And they were ALL filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues AS THE SPIRIT GAVE THEM UTTERANCE. Acts 2:1-4.
Later on in Acts, Paul has his Damascus road experience then goes on to be baptized with the Holy Ghost and fire. Acts 9:17-18. It doesn't say he spoke in tongues like it says the 120 did on the day of Pentecost, but Paul, himself, in the very epistle where he talks about praying in the Spirit says in 1 Corinthians 14:18, "I thank my God I speak in tongues more than you all" - this after he says in verse 2, "For he that speaks in an unknown tongue speaks not unto men but unto God, and in verse 4, "He that prays in an unknown tongue edifies himself, and in verse 14, "For if I pray in an unknown tongue, my spirit prays..." and then verse 15, "I will pray with the Spirit and pray with the understanding also."
That message that Peter preached after they all prayed in tongues on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2:14-39? He didn't just pull that out of the air. It came forth as an interpretation of the tongues He had been praying when the Holy Spirit was poured out that day.
We have no other model for praying in the Spirit. Search the entire Bible if you dare and find any other way to interpret praying in the Spirit other than the model Peter and Paul spoke and wrote of.
2006-11-07 16:25:00
answer #7
answered by Carol L 3
You have to enjoy solitude and meditate. I think this is what Our Lord Jesus Christ meant when He said "Go to your closet and pray in secret, and the Father will hear your prayer."
Also pray with humility and sincerity.
2006-11-07 16:13:40
answer #8
answered by Ely C 3
Yes - ask to be filled with the spirit and then talk to God - I feel closer to God when I do.
2006-11-07 16:07:05
answer #9
answered by jworks79604 5
Yes............the Holy Spirit.
Try reading Proverbs.
Seek knowledge and wisdom.
Peace be with you.
2006-11-07 16:08:55
answer #10
answered by Anonymous