'Acne' ..! I can appreciate something of how you might feel with it, but.......
Years ago I got off an underground train and saw thee most beautiful blond girl step out of another carriage on the arm of a guy who had a severe hunch-back. The thought that lept into my stupid 'naive' mind was, 'What's she doing with a guy like him?'
Ok, she clearly must have had her reasons ...and I figure that I was bright enough to recognise my own narrow minded, stupid naivety then and there.
Later, I was at an Adult training college where there was a guy called Norman, a rolly-polly short (I was 6ft 3ins, he about 5ft 5ins) Jewish guy, who was always talking about his wife and kids. He was a really great, nice, friendly, chatty and helpfully guy whom everyone liked.
One day in the summer the college had an Open day, and I met Norman who was coming the other way from around a corner. He was with a STRIKING looking 5ft 10in golden 'glowing' blond woman whom he introduced as 'Inga,' his (Swedish) wife ~ followed by two of the nicest happiest kids I've ever met.
I didn't realise I'd any wind in my sails to have taken away. But I was (again) very, very surprised at the differences between them ....and how happy the were together.
If nothing else, I so envied them that happiness.
Just to turn this around. Would you consider dating a guy who could only use one arm? (- and walks with something of a limp and who doesn't dance).
This, none of this, may mean anything to you, but I hope it does.
2006-11-07 07:25:28
answer #1
answered by sashtou 7
The acne will clear up in time. Sooner if you try and do something about it.
You're still young. If durin this time you don't get much attention then so what? Concentrate on your career for a bit, get a good job and when everythings cleared up, meet someone rich and successful like you.
You have all the time in the world.
2006-11-07 17:03:07
answer #2
answered by charlie 3
I would. Acne is temporary, it will go. I care about the whole package, not a few spots here and there. Believe me its not such a big deal. Otherwise leopards will never find love.
2006-11-07 15:43:51
answer #3
answered by netwalker01 3
I don't care if the woman has acne. What matters is in their hearts. If they have a ****load of acne, but have a great personality, I would go out with them definitely. Ladies, email me at johnluisduffy@yahoo.com
2006-11-07 15:36:47
answer #4
answered by Firefighting Hero 3
it depends on what you mean by "date".
If it is sex, sure guys will "date" a lady with acne.
I know you want honesty. Most guys, given the choice will choose a lady with a clear complexion over a girl with acne.
Take care of yourself, watch your diet, exercise, and don't make the acne worse by squeezing the pimples or using excessive makeup. The acne will clear up. See a dermatologist if you have severe acne that could lead to scarring.
2006-11-07 15:12:17
answer #5
answered by Jack C 5
Have u been to the dermatologist?
us experienced guys (older that 35 but younger than 50) look a little deeper than a little acne.
work at it it wont last forever and you'll find that shallow guy you think u want, or u can keep the confidence and let the rest of your attributes offset the acne and you'll be amazed at the results
2006-11-07 15:00:46
answer #6
answered by jawtar 2
One should look at the total package, personality/looks and compatability.
Shallow people will be put off by the acne, the one you want
will want you regardless of some spotty skin.
2006-11-07 16:03:30
answer #7
answered by Axeman 4
Any guy that shallow wouldn't be worth dating. Your acne will clear up, meanwhile just keep your skin extra clean to help speed up the process.
2006-11-07 15:19:02
answer #8
answered by F 3
it will go and u will be beautiful again. a man shud know that and get in there now! different if u were ugly to begin with tho! they may even enjoy puzzles and be attracted by the thort of doing dot 2 dot on ur face and seeing wot picture appears! hope that helps!
2006-11-07 15:05:57
answer #9
answered by adriboff 3
Certainly I would, I know a few cuties that have zits. Besides, it's what's on the inside that counts.
2006-11-07 15:05:32
answer #10
answered by Anonymous