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When it is in fact a bunch of words thrown together by the Clergy of Rome to promote Cristianity as a religion.

There are far too many contradictions, even in the Gospels they chose to put in the Bible to make it appeal to the masses.

Where in the Ten Commandments does it mention "though shalt not be Homosexual"

2006-11-07 04:35:22 · 32 answers · asked by Georgie's Girl 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Lu- you idiot, that is exactly what they do. Impose their views on everyone else. I don't knock on your door asking you not to believe do i.
Surgery isn't natural but i don't see christians refusing heart by passes do i.

O.K people lets get this straight, my question was inspired because some religious nut decided to answer a question about Homosexuality with the claim it's a mental illness and everyone with a mental illness is born with it. As a Nurse i know this to be complete tosh. So why is it that you lot can stick your noses into everyone else's lives without any kind of facts. yet mention that your religion isn't always factual and you don't like it. It's hypocritical, so if you stay out of everybody else's business i'll stay out of religion.
For those who don't preach i have the utmost respect for, it's the idiots who can't complete an answer without saying find god, or the bible says that i have a problem with. Get a mind of your own.

2006-11-07 05:09:17 · update #1

32 answers

Maybe he was at the book signing?
Thou shalt not upset those that believe in faerie tales!

2006-11-07 04:41:50 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

The bible was indeed given to men by God. A couple of interesting facts. Men even in the 1500's believed that the world was flat. Yet, in Job, the oldest book of the bible, we read where the earth is a round sphere suspended in air and not held on to anything. How did Job know that. Also in Job, he talks about the bands of Pleides. The constellation of Pleides was always thought to be one solid unit until only 100 years ago when with the most powerful telescope, they realized it consisted of a series of bands. So, again, how did Job know that. God put lots of little nuggets in his word for those who have the desire to find them. There are so many examples. Also, the bible was written over 2000 years by 50 different authors in different lifetimes and yet they all have the same theme all the way through. Even the dead sea scrolls show that except for a few small words like "the" etc, the bible we have today basically the same as when originally written. This may be more information than you need to know but. As to Homosexuals, the bible says that no homosexual or effeminate will be in the kingdom of heaven. That's good enough for me. The homosexual does not recognize God's plan for the human race but as it says in Romans 1, they decided to go their own way and pervert God's plan by men turning to men and women to women. It is condemned in the old testament and the new testament.

2006-11-07 04:44:55 · answer #2 · answered by SusieDarling 2 · 1 1

i would like to hear more about these supposed contradictions, as many of them can be dissected and resolved with proper hermeneutics and exegesis.

as far as the clergy of Rome theory - this is a common misconception that many people believe (especially after the release of Dan Brown's literary work), but upon the proper study of history, it can also be disproved.

For instance, the Bible was circulating in the early second century (100-105) and accepted as Scripture, as attested to by the Early church fathers. The big theory is that in the second century, Constantine declared Christianity to be the religion of Rome, and then the Church leaders of that day conspired with him in writing the Bible.

Unfortunately, there are way too many inconsistencies in that thought process. Constantine's Edict of Tolerance was not announced until the early fourth century, and the Council of Nicea did not convene until the mid fourth century.

Also - the council vote on which books were cannonical was about 300 to 2. ouch...

i hope that helps some - i encourage you to do some objective research into this.

EDIT: I forgot about the ten commandments part! sorry!

The ten commandments are not the specific commandments by which we live today...for instance, i have not coveted my neighbor's donkey or maidservant in a long time (though sometimes i may struggle...it's a very nice donkey!)

Jesus gave us new commands that further reveal the ten commandments: love God with everything you are, love others like you love yourself.

Now on to homosexuality. It is condemned as a sin in other parts of Scripture, so it would fall under obeying God - a demonstration of one's love.

2006-11-07 04:47:49 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

God has always spoken to prophets and they have in turn shared God's word. That is what happened with the Ten Commandments. That was not the only incident God spoke to prophets. There was Adam, Noah, Abraham, Jesus, and many more. So, you cannot choose to only follow certain teachings and not others (why do you believe the 10 commandments?). Christ taught people and they (apostles) kept records. Just because religions have taken the records and interpreted them in their own way doesn't mean there isn't some truth to them, especially the original records. You seem confused. Good luck.

2006-11-07 05:10:21 · answer #4 · answered by straightup 5 · 0 0

There are 635 laws that were written in Leviticus and Deuteronomy in detailing the explanations of what are there in the Major Ten Commandments. One of which specifically mentioned about God command against a man who sleeps with another man as if he sleeps with his wife and must be put to death. There are no contradictions in the Old Law but the New Testament is really questionable and to further support your claim
God said that "a time will come when His New Covenant will be made written in everyone's heart and mind and no longer will a brother tell another to know thy God because they will all know me" so. The New Testament as we know is not yet from God but it is just about the life of Jesus and the apostles wrote their books were based primarily on hearsays because they all ran away during Jesus punishments and their written works came back 65 years after Jesus death and the rest is history.

2006-11-07 04:58:26 · answer #5 · answered by Rallie Florencio C 7 · 0 0

The inspired Word of God. Not God's own words. Different thing. Although there are, indeed, direct quotations from the mouth of God--namely the Ten Commandments, in addition to whatever Jesus said.

Actually, the Bible is not a bunch of words thrown together by the clergy of Rome. It is a number of ancient manuscripts compiled by certain Romans. That is, the Romans did the compiling of manuscripts written by people from certain places in the Middle East.

In the Gospels there are no contradictions. There are paradoxes. You get the key to understanding them once you ask God for his grace. Until then, you are outside of the locked door, thinking it impossible to enter.

There is no commandment that says, "Thou shalt not be homosexual."

2006-11-07 04:41:01 · answer #6 · answered by Gestalt 6 · 3 0

The Bible is indeed the Word of God, written by men of God, and protected by God so it was not changed. God is powerful enough to do that, and anyone who doubts that, is trying to limit the power of God.

There are no contradictions, those who do not have God's Holy Spirit in them, can't see the whole Truth of God's Word. When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, God sends His Holy Spirit to live within us to guide us and show us His Truths.

God called homosexuality an abomination, it was not one of the 10 Commandments. But it is a sinful lifestyle choice. God does not make people homosexual, they choose that lifestyle because they lust for people of the same sex.

2006-11-07 04:54:30 · answer #7 · answered by Born Again Christian 5 · 1 0

St. Augustine dealt with and dismissed all your objections to scripture back in the 4th century.

You can find his stuff on line for free.

Prohibition of homosexual activity predates the 10 Commandments and is part of the natural law, which all humans implicitly understand, and without which mankind could not exist.

It sounds as though you might be allowing your confusion over sexual matters to spread to other important parts of your life.

Consider the many benefits of celibacy.

2006-11-07 06:55:52 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The Ten Commandments are just a basis of our living habits brought to us in the Old Testament.
The Bible also says that homosexuality is an abomination to God, and any sexual immorality. He also specifically instructed us to be fruitful and multiply--and how can you do that if you are homosexual. All sin is the same and we are all sinners---but God loves us and hates the sin in us. If you have a personal relationship with Him- you strife everyday to be closer to Him and live the way that would please Him, as if he was physically standing right next to you.

2006-11-07 04:45:09 · answer #9 · answered by heavnbound 4 · 1 1

The Bible says it is the perfect Word of God, so either it is, or it's a lie and total garbage. You can't have it both ways.

The 10 Commandments don't talk about homosexuality, but remember Sodom and Gomorrah? And Romans 1 has a few things to say about it.

2006-11-07 04:42:38 · answer #10 · answered by bandit 3 · 3 1

God has said that it IS his own words. I'm sorry, I do not have the exact scripture reference in front of me, but somewhere is says "All scripture is God-breathed". God was simply speaking through a human.

The Bible does not contradict itself. When there seems to be a discrepancy, humans are simply misinterpreting it.

The Ten Commandments do not say "Though shalt not be Homosexual". God has said it numerous times through scripture. It is one of the Laws, (I believe Deuteronomy) where it says "Though shall not have sexual relations with another man". Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed for that. Do you think God won't do it again sometime?

2006-11-07 04:38:15 · answer #11 · answered by rohd_boy 2 · 3 1

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