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im a christian but im beginning to doubt the religeon and needed your advice. i just had a few questions that i need answered. they are:

1. how can you burn in hell if your soul does not have a physical body and nerve endings?

2. what if evolution is real? in a sense that god created the basic materials in order for evolution to happen

3. what about the people who had near death experiences and were clinicaly dead for 5-10 minutes and all reported different?

im just very confused and im beginning to doubt the whole idea itself. if you think about it, god seems very cruel. why would he burn you for all eternity just for choosing something that makes you happy, and why does he expect us to beleive his son died on the cross for our sins if alot of evidence proves something else

2006-11-07 04:32:35 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

19 answers

Yes! You are on the way to the conclussion....!! Just 3 days remaining!!
if God thinks he can punish the soul after death,there he fails.If he really want to correct him he should do it with his life!!

2006-11-07 04:42:24 · answer #1 · answered by SREE 2 · 0 2

1. how can you burn in hell if your soul does not have a physical body and nerve endings?
It's not so much an actual burning in a pit of fire, but a removal from God and knowing what you've lost. The pain in your soul is a thousand more times then that of your physical body. And it is never ending.

2. what if evolution is real? in a sense that god created the basic materials in order for evolution to happen
There is nothing wrong in that thinking. After all, let evolution happen, but God was there first.

3. what about the people who had near death experiences and were clinicaly dead for 5-10 minutes and all reported different?
Heaven (and hell) are different for each person. THough, all accounts I've read were simular.

2006-11-07 12:41:10 · answer #2 · answered by sister steph 6 · 2 0

Don't give up your faith in God, bu consider finding another church that teaches and practices the whole truth of the Bible. (It won't be easy.)

1) Most churches today teach that sinners will burn in hell forever beginning as soon as they die. Either this teaching is a lie, or God is a liar and the Bible is fiction. I choose to believe the former.

It is important to understand a couple of things. First, we ARE souls, we DO NOT HAVE souls. (See Gen 2:7) Secondly, death is like sleep; we do not do anything and we do not know anything during that time. Death is the absence of life.

One of the biggest lies is that ministers teach that punishment in hell begins at death and will continue forever; they have no scriptural evidence for ths belief. Revelation 20 describes how the unrighteous will be resurrected and try to conquer the New Jerusalem before the fires of hell are ignited. Other places in the Bible indicate that the wicked will burn until they become ashes (there in nothing left that can burn) and the effect of this fire will last forever; they will never have life in their bodies again.

On the other side of this is another lie that people go to heaven when they die. When Jesus was resurrected he told Mary not to touch him because " I am not yet ascended to my Father". Was it a cruel joke for Jesus to resurrect his friend Lazarus and bring him back to this earth? No, it wasn't cruelty because Lazarus had gone no further than the tomb that his body had been laid in.

2) If evolution is true, then God is a liar and the Bible is fiction. It is plainly stated that God formed man from dust and breathed life into him. Try an experiment in evolution: put a bunch of nuts, bolts, screws and nails in a can and throw the contents into the air and see what you make as a rresult of your actions. This is similar to what is taught as to the way life began on this earth and how the earth formed. Or, you can try to creat a new life form by exploding fireworks. Good luck.

3) The near death experience is exactly that- near death. One of the last sences to be lost before death is hearing. People are able to hear even if they can not see what is going on, and the sounds go directly from the ears to the brain. Another common factor noted in near-death experiences is bright lights. Have you ever thought of how much light is required in an emergency room or operating room? Better yet, think of the outcome if there was poor lighting. Some individuals may have a very faint pulse and respirations and they approach death. In these cases there is still brain activity and the easiest way to detect brain activity is through an EEG. Look at the example of children who have been pulled from very cold water after 30 or 40 minutes.

Don't give up, God desires that every one turn from their sins and choose to receive his gift of eternal life.

2006-11-07 13:21:35 · answer #3 · answered by Marty 4 · 0 0

First the soul can be tortured. Burning can come in many different forms. Evolution is a tool...main line churches have never had problems with evolution...it is so called fundamentalist that put their own flare in that do...and being clinically dead may not be actually dead...and what they are experiencing is what their mind expects to experience....listening to people on here is not a good way to get information....even from me because you do not know me and can not confirm what I am saying...the power of the Internet is that anyone can post or publish...the weakness of the Internet is that anyone can post of publish....

what evidences proves something else about Jesus dieing on the cross....believers at the time could have saved their lives by denying the truth of Jesus but went to their grave more devoted after his death than even when he was among them....look at history...not just in the Bible for evidence....Paul became a strong convert after Jesus died and instead of persecuting became the strongest disciple of them all.....keep the faith...people back then would not have continued to believe and promote right up to being put to death if there was not something to it...think about it....

2006-11-07 12:37:58 · answer #4 · answered by chico2149 4 · 1 0

Have you ever heard about "phantom pain"? That is the physical pain that an amputee suffers even AFTER their limb has been amputated...now imagine hell....where the unsaved soul goes after death....if in THIS lifetime people can feel pain in members of their bodies that are NOT there anymore, why couldn't a soul in hell feel torment in their body? BTW....hell is ONLY until Revelation chapter 20, when the unsaved dead will appear before the Great White Throne Judgment of Christ. At that time, Jesus will reunite their bodies with their souls, and they will be bound hand and foot and cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death, and this is for all of eternity!

2006-11-07 13:39:52 · answer #5 · answered by lookn2cjc 6 · 0 0

I'm sorry that you have doubts. I think everyone has had doubts at times (including myself).
The answer to your first question about no physical body in hell:
All people people will be given a new, undying body.
Isaiah 66:23, 24 states "From one New Moon to another and from one Sabbath to another, all mankind will come and bow down before me," says the LORD. 24 "And they will go out and look upon the dead bodies of those who rebelled against me; their worm will not die, nor will their fire be quenched, and they will be loathsome to all mankind."

As to your question about evolution: What difference does it make how God created all things. I wouldn't let that bother you. God will reveal even this in time. I don't think it disproves God's existence.

People have a number of explanations on near death experiences. I, personally am not convinced that they are real. Different experiences may be attributed to how God reveals things to different people.

I'm sorry that you see God as cruel. I'm sure this is not how He would have you perceive Him. I'm sure He wants only the very best for everyone, but He can only work in the lives of those that want Him to. Those that don't have chosen for themselves, and there lays the sadness of it.
I will pray that God will help you in your doubt. Don't give up on prayer. Ask Him to help you to reveal Himself to you more clearly.

God bless you.

2006-11-07 12:56:30 · answer #6 · answered by paulsamuel33 4 · 0 0

Okay, first burning in hell is a statement to express the horriable feeling of eternal speration from God; second, there is no real evedence to suggest that evolution is a valid theory, the complexity of life would mean that life would have died before we had the chance to evolove; third, those that die and return from death have not been put before the judgement of God so they do not know for certain that heaven and hell are real or fake; finnaly God is not cruel He created us gave us a Law and we broke it we must be punished (if you have a kid and you set rules for him or her and they break it do you not punish them, of course you do, that is not cruelity it makes you just.) there is no evidence that Jesus did not exist or die on a cross in fact quiet the oppisit (four eye witness accounts, two well known and highly established historians all agree, Jesus lived and he was crucified), and if He lived you must ask is He who He said He is ("before moses, I AM(a pharse meaning He is God)," "I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life; no man may come to the Father (God) except through the Son(Jesus)," "if you have seen me you have seen the Father, for the Father and the Son are one") or is Jesus Christ in fact a lier or is a merely a lunitic?

2006-11-07 12:46:47 · answer #7 · answered by JesusFreak 4 · 0 1

1. This one can be explained through the new translation: "emotional suffering." Fine.

2. Evolution is real. You've heard of microorganisms mutating, haven't you?

3. "Near-death" experiences have a scientific and medical explanation that I read once. I'm paraphrasing, but it's basically the subconscious's metaphorical language, like a dream. I've had the "walking into the light" dream, near death. It was very peaceful and I'm not "saved."

Sorry, but Jesus' death was mild compared to what our countrymen have recently suffered at the hands of the terrorists. And, if God wrote the rulebook, why did he need violence to convince us of his "Truth"? He could have been more humane, at least. It makes no sense that we "needed" Jesus' death for "salvation"? Huh? That doesn't fit anywhere into Natural Law, which is consistent fact. One human being dying "saves" others? Who needed his blood: His loving and just father?

Also, "children cling to their abusers." Remember that. Christianity follows an abusive father. You already know all of this. You should listen to yourself. . . and follow the money trail.

2006-11-07 12:42:22 · answer #8 · answered by georgia b 3 · 3 0

Do you think it is possible to suffer in spirit?
What if evolution is real? Is it possible that 1 day to God didnt mean 24 hours?
People can still have dreamlike function before death and after resusustation.

I don't understand why we question God. "If God were so benevolent then why...this and that."
God is God. He created us to have a relationship with him. He didn't want drones, so he made us capable of having a choice. Either serve him, or ourselves. We cant serve both. He tried all through history to eliminate the 'bad genes' but man's own will sabatoged his plan. Finally he decided he wanted to show us how we are to live to fully find peace and joy and life. Still we have a choice. He wants total committment, he wants obedence, he wants to be #1 in our lives. When we decide,"Well, God, I don't really think thats the way it should be" we end up in the dark.

2006-11-07 12:42:40 · answer #9 · answered by ♫O Praise Him♫ 5 · 1 0

Christians have God's Holy Spirit in them to guide them.

You are not really a Christian, based on your statement.

1. Who said the soul can't feel pain?

2. Evolution is voodoo science that was never proven. The very first life form had to be created, because life can't evolve from non-life. God's Word says He created life, it doesn't say He let life evolve.

3. None of those so-called experiences can be proven.

2006-11-07 13:13:41 · answer #10 · answered by Born Again Christian 5 · 0 0

Are you going to keep listening to the world,or are you going to take heed to the holy scripture.
Number one,the bible clearly tells you and I that people in hell will be in eternal torment day and night forever and ever.Screaming and howling gnashing of teeth.Go stick your hand in a flame and see how it feels,then multiply it by one million.
Second,evolution is hog wash.It always has and always will be.You can't make a silk purse from a sows ear.Even the great and mighty,and very dead Charles Darwin gave up to God when he examined the human eye.Check it out.
Thirdly,near death experience.That's a mystery to behold.The way I look at it,either your dead or you are not.There is no purgatory.There is no in between.When a man is laying on his death bed screaming he is on fire and that he is burning and screaming,and he is in hell.That incident brought a hardcore atheist doctor to know the lord,that's when you know it's real.
How do I know?I was there.

2006-11-07 12:48:09 · answer #11 · answered by Derek B 4 · 0 1

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