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John 21:22 "Jesus when he had said this, he breathed on them, and saith unto them, recieve you the Holy Ghost."

yet muslims say that the Holy Ghost who is also called the Rosh Hakodesh the spirit of Holiness in the Jewish scriptures-also called the comforter too in John 14&16th chapters-who will be in you-they say its talking about Mohamad-do you agree?

2006-11-07 00:43:16 · 7 answers · asked by ? 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Jesus also said have you yet received the Holy Ghost? when we pray and let Jesus into our heart we get both Revelation 3vs 19&20 He knocks on our heart to come in and show his love, to deliver from sin and become our friend, if we repent of sin and let him in. and then the Holy Ghost is there to convict of sin but as a friend-as he does in each heart to help us to Let Jesus into our heart as Jesus asks us to do.

2006-11-07 00:45:26 · update #1

7 answers

No. The comforter Jesus speaks about is the holy spirit.

2006-11-07 00:49:24 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

They're talking about the same Jesus. They claim--because Mohammed claimed--that the canonical Christian scriptures are wrong. Mohammed made extensive use of some other Christian writings--ones that were not included in the New Testament canon because the Church did not believe they were authoritative or useful. Most prominent of these are a Gospel of the Infancy of Christ and a Gospel of the Birth of Mary. The Qur'an repeats stories from both. A primary emphasis in Islam is the One-ness of God. Mohammed did not, and his followers generally do not, understand that the Christian creeds surrounding the doctrine of the Trinity emphasize that God is one. For all I know, Mohammed's main acquaintance with Christianity, aside from his written sources, might have been heretical Christians from the Arian branch, which has built into it a nearly inescapable polytheism. At least, that is how most Muslims appear to understand our doctrine of the deity of Christ, and so they reject it, unaware that orthodox Christian teaching also rejected it a couple centuries before Mohammed.

2016-05-22 07:12:17 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

David Israel,
You are a Christian. I do know that you seem to have some psychological disorders and therefore may not be capable of hearing dissent. Nonetheless, I must tell you david that I think this evil and deceptive form of missionizing you are perpetrating is degrading Christianity and the good, normal christians who practice it.
. It is, by definition, impossible for it to be "jewish" to believe in jesus. "Jewish" is, by defintion, what jews have historically and contemporarily believe. Since in neither scenario do we find "believing in jesus", then we must clearly realize that belief in jesus is not something "jewish". You can call it "biblical" (and still be wrong), but certainly not "jewish".
. On the side, the subject of Isaiah 53 is promised a "long life" and "seed" (i.e. physical children). Clearly this isn't about jesus.
. And Isaiah 7 is clearly not messianic if you read the whole chapter. and "alma" doesn't mean virgin either. You'd know that if you spoke hebrew (I guess learning basic hebrew wasn't part of your "extensive jewish upbringing", huh?)
. On the side, Isaiah 9 can't be about jesus since, according to christianity, he's the "son" not the "father" (as the verse states). Nor did he have control of the government (to the contrary, the roman government killed him). And he certainly did not establish "endless peace".
oh, and lastly, I've decided that you truly epitomize everything I find intensely intellectually unsatisfying about christianity.

2006-11-07 03:14:06 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The Trinity clearly explains Jesus miracle birth. The Holy Ghost is Angel Gabriel. That summaries it all.

2006-11-07 00:48:45 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

I think 15 angels can fit on a pinhead, what do you think?

2006-11-07 00:45:32 · answer #5 · answered by fourmorebeers 6 · 0 0

proves just how much Mohammad has twisted the Quran.

2006-11-07 01:17:15 · answer #6 · answered by Either/Or 2 · 0 0

Muslims often deliberately claim that Jesus spoke of Muhammad as that prophet who would follow him, or that Muhammad was the "Comforter" Jesus promised would come. The references Muslims vainly cling to about this are mentions of a comforter to follow Jesus in John chapters 14, 15, and 16. Both of these are more Islamic lies. Jesus did warn us that false prophets (Muhammad) with false Gospels (Qur'an) would follow Him, and try to deceive many.

The Comforter Jesus spoke of was the Holy Spirit who filled the Apostles while they gathered together on Pentecost. While gathered together they all began speaking in foreign tongues. The Comforter/Holy Spirit/Ruach HaKodesh also imparted the ways of God on Mary, the Apostles of Jesus, and about 120 other Disciples that day. Three thousand came into the Church that same day. Jesus' followers then immediately took Him seriously and they went out and began preaching the Gospel. The Comforter was NOT Muhammad. In John 14:26 the comforter is specifically identified as the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in the name of Jesus Christ. There is no mention of any Allah, Muhammad, or any prophet to follow Jesus in any Christian or Jewish Holy Books.

"But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you" (John 14:26).
The "Comforter" refers to the Holy Spirit who descended on the Apostles of Jesus at Pentecost, just as Jesus said.

This is another attempt by Islam to gain some sort of credibility. Jesus foretold the coming of the "Comforter", which is the Holy Spirit.

Jesus did not say the following:

`Jesus, the son of Mary, said, O children of Israel, verily I am the Apostle of God sent unto you confirming the law which was given before me, and bringing good tidings of an Apostle who shall come after me, whose name shall be Ahmed.' (Sura 7:157)
Note the word Ahmed, of which the name Muhammad is compounded.

We at Bible Probe believe Muhammad is one of those false prophets who would deceive many (billions of souls) that Jesus warned us about.

Islam is a Non-Prophet System, literally....

This following passage from the Qur'an shows that Muhammad was one of the imposter's Jesus warned about. In the passage below, Muhammad attempts to make himself equal to the sinless Jesus who showed his divinity by many miracles.

Muhammad himself admitted twice he could do no miracles.
In fact nowhere in the Qur'an does Muhammad perform even one miracle. So for Muslims to claim he performed miracles when the Qur'an itself states he did not is simply lies.

There are no recorded miracles of Muhammad in the Qur'an, but when Muhammad's followers saw Muhammad's inferiority to Jesus they started making some up in the Hadith: Muhammad cut the moon in half with a sword, a palm tree cried like a baby because Muhammad wouldn't preach under it, Muhammad made water flow out of his fingernails so that people could drink--the Hadith contradicts itself on how many supposedly people drank it. These made up "miracles" go on and on. Also, the Hadith makes it clear that Muhammad was a sinner--NOT sinless as some Muslims now claim: "Muhammad replied..."O Allah, set me apart from my sins..." Volume 1, number 711

The Hadith, Bukhari, Vol 2, No. 167 "The sun eclipsed and the prophet jumped up terrified that it might be the Hour (of Judgement)"

- Sura 17:90-94 of the Qur'an tells about how, when Muhammad was challenged to perform a miracle and prove he was from the true god, he could not perform any and here he actually says himself: "Am I anything but a man,- a messenger? ".

- In Sura 13:7, we find that Muhammad did not perform any miracles. The people are saying that even one sign would be enough to convince them, just one miracle performed by Muhammad - and yet he still does none....

All along, the unbelievers asked Muhammad to perform a miracle so that they could believe. All they got in response was,

- Sura 17:90
They say: "We will by no means believe in you until you cause a fountain to gush forth from the earth for us.,"

And Muhammad would reply:

- Sura 17:93
Say: "Am I anything but a man,- a messenger?"

Muhammad did no miracles. He did not heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons, or rule the wind and the waves. He had no more power than any normal man. The famous Iranian scholar, Ali Dashti comments:

Moslems, as well as others, have disregarded the historical facts. They have continually striven to turn this man [Mohammed] into an imaginary superhuman being, a sort of God in human clothes, and have generally ignored the ample evidence of his humanity. They have been ready… to present these fantasies as miracles.

Reference: Ali Dashti, "Twenty Three Years: A Study of the Prophetic Career of Mohammad",

Muhammad even disqualified himself as a true Prophet of God.

- Sura 29:27 states clearly that, as far as Allah and the Qur'an are concerned, the only true prophets are those related to Isaac (Ishaq) or Jacob (Yaqoub); yet Muhammad, according to Muslim tradition, is related to Ishmael and not Isaac or Jacob.

The real God (Yahweh) chose to establish His covenant with Abraham and Sarah's son Isaac, instead of with Ishmael, the son of the slave girl Hagar. This choice of Isaac by God is mentioned 5 times, beginning in Genesis 17:18-21. Yet, who did this false Islamic god, Allah adopt? Ishmael! In fact, an important Islamic holiday called Id-al-Adha celebrates the bogus near sacrifice of Ishmael by Abraham in Mecca. Even though there is nothing in scripture suggesting Abraham ever set foot in Arabia.

Herein lies another prophetic truth! God rejected Ishmael and Esau because they were "wild donkeys" (Genesis 16:12) and men of the sword (Genesis 27:40). God did promise, however, to make Ishmael a great nation (Arabs). Who can deny that Islam, with its roots in Arabia, has not always acted like psychotic "wild donkeys" and "men of the sword"?

What can be rationally thought of the nearly weekly suicide bombings by Muslims, and the very real Muslim psychosis of thinking they will kill every Jew, and then every Christian and Hindu and every other non-believer, who doesn't convert to Islam? I advise Islam to read the real "Book" that says in Jeremiah (Prophet Jeremiah) that "there will be no more Jews on the face of the earth when the moon, the sun and the stars no longer shine."

2006-11-07 00:55:31 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

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