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26 answers

do whats right for you, you know the options, if you do it because someone else wants you to then you will definitely regret it later.
personally i would have an abortion, or you will be looking at a very hard next 15-20 years for you and child, but you could have an abortion and maybe even learn a bit more responsibility and sense not to get urself in this position again. then later when you're ready you can do things properly and have a better life for your family.

2006-11-06 11:20:00 · answer #1 · answered by zimba 4 · 0 0

Talk to someone soon. Your parents preferably. Do not consider abortion! That is a life growing inside of you no matter what anyone else says. If you decide you cannot take care of the baby, there are plenty of very willing and loving people out there who would adopt that baby. There are many people who cannot have children and would love to be pregnant. I am sorry that it happened to you this way. You are too young to be having sex. It is more than just a physical thing - there is responsibility involved. Responsibility that you are too young to handle. I hope you learn from this experience. I hope and pray that everything turns out well for you and that you give that baby a chance at life.

2006-11-06 19:09:12 · answer #2 · answered by ELIZABETH B 3 · 0 0

what ever u do don't have an abortion. thts murder. if it was me i would regret letting my baby get adopted.its gonna be inside of u for 9 months.youl love it no matter what.talk 2 your parents.once u start showing signs of pregnancy, eather get home schooled or transfer schools. once the babys born and uve lost all ur pregancy signs transfer again then the ppl at ur new school would never know.but ud have to think of an excuse so friends couldnt spend the night. this is what id do im in middle school to and i think U SHOULD NOT GET AN ABORTION!!i hoped i helped this has to be a really rough time 4 u
best of luck

2006-11-06 19:20:40 · answer #3 · answered by = )Chloe( = 1 · 0 0

You are so young! I wish I could be there to give you a hug. Think about telling your parents now!!! Sure, they might be disapointed that you are pregnant, but they will stand behind you. If you don't think you can go to them, go to the mother of a trusted friend. Have her go to your parents with you. You are too young to go this alone. Don't try to get an abortion on your own. That's a decision you will live with the rest of your life.....It's not easy, like the commercials might make it seem, it's a terrible decision to make for anyone, let alone a child like you. Consider giving the child up for adoption. It would be the greatest gift you could give to a loving couple who can't have children. You made a choice to act like an adult by having sex, now you must face the difficulties of adulthood. Don't compound the problem by making a rash decision. My prayers are with you.

2006-11-06 19:20:26 · answer #4 · answered by Rose D 1 · 0 0

This is something you shouldn't go through alone. Your parents do need to know (and, if you are taken to the doctor for anything by them, chances are if you don't tell them--he will.), and as soon as possible. No doubt they will be majorly ticked off about it, and will be hurt and upset about it. Believe it or not, they will find out soon enough--best to admit a mistake was made here. This is a hard lesson to have to learn, and any thought of abortion should be dismissed immediately, as it can (and usually does) have major physical results that can be negative (i.e. inability to have children when you are ready to have them).
This is a dangerous position to be in, and it can ruin your life early. Seriously consider adoption for this child, if you carry to term, and let this be a valuable lesson for you. Sex and Middle School dosen't mix--PERIOD.

2006-11-07 04:21:16 · answer #5 · answered by Mudcat007 3 · 0 0

Hang in there. You really need to talk to someone who has experience with being pregant.
If you have time, take a look at this website below. Get some help from a nurse or school council.
Having a baby is a wonderful thing even if it was not expected.
Best Wishes

2006-11-06 19:07:52 · answer #6 · answered by garden_mom 2 · 0 0

Im so sorry that you have gotten your self into this mess. I think that the best thing for you to do is find a way to talk to your parents. I know its really scary to do so because your parents might want to beat the crap out of you. If your having sex at such a young age it must be because your parents are never there for you. Talk to your closest friends and see if you could stay with them for a while if your parents do not respond in the correct manner. You just really need to talk to your parents before your pregnancy is noticeable. If you want an abortion i suggest you talk to your parents about it and if your parents wont let you abort think about adoption. I know this must be really hard for you! You must talk to your parents though.... no matter how horrible they are you need to talk to them. If they kick you out and you have no place to go there are teen shelters for girls like you. Do not keep quiet though you need to talk.

2006-11-06 19:33:16 · answer #7 · answered by natpulido 1 · 0 0

middle school.. so your like 13 or so.. wow...

get an abortion and don't tell anyone but ofcourse talk to your family. I know it seems wrong but you others can bennifit from the stem-cells so you may actually save a life

it's better then loosing your whole life to rasing a child that your not ready to parent.

next 18 yrs of your life will be owned by your kid

also, don't believe anyone who says " if your old enought to have sex, your old enough to have a kid".. because that's nonsense

do what's right for you, if you have the child it won't be right for them either

don't feel bad it happens.. learn from this though

2006-11-06 19:08:30 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Are you a boy or a girl? if you are a girl..Sweetie, you should have your families full support. You need to have a plan ready, medical insurance, the whole deal. You need to have support of those who can support you , because pregnancy is hard. Read up on how to raise a child, unless you're planning on abortion, which is really expensive. Eat healthy, and tried to take care of yourself. Dont let anyone outside of those who are supporting you know about your pregnancy. Boys, same advice to you, expect that: you got in this mess, get yourself through it, and dont leave the poor girl

2006-11-06 19:07:39 · answer #9 · answered by Miki Green 2 · 0 0

Well, I'd love to preach to you about being kind of slutty to be having sex in middle school... but that's niether here nor there.

Tell your parents and hope they will help you either raise a baby, put a baby up for adoption or have an abortion (which is what I would do if I was you).

2006-11-06 19:06:01 · answer #10 · answered by FaeryLilly 1 · 1 0

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