Well, do you love your boyfriend? Or do you love you lover? It could be that your lover is pleasing you more with the sex and stuff, but you know, if your lover makes you happy then go with him, because your boyfriend has no right to treat you like ****!
2006-11-06 10:04:34
answer #1
answered by Stefanie A 2
Well, that's a heck of a way to show someone you love them now, isn't it? To cheat on them...just remember, what goes around comes around and by cheating, you have ok'd yourself to be cheated on.
If you aren't completely into your "boyfriend" then let him go...he should have the opportunity to be with someone that really digs him, not that's going to fool around on him and disrespect him.
As for the other guy, if he doesn't mind that you're a cheater, and may well cheat on him too then more power to you both...a match made in Hades to be sure.
Karmic justice will prevail.
2006-11-06 18:06:25
answer #2
answered by . 7
love is not about sex. it is about respect and selflessness for the other person. consider all your options and follow your heart. and remember, you don't HAVE to go out with anyone.
2006-11-06 18:06:14
answer #3
answered by disciple1987 2
if u want to leave him leave him but if if u seriously luv him then dont leave him. but if u luv the other boy then stay w/ him and leave your boyfriend . its your choice and u cant relie(worst speller) on anyone on that one its your choice. hope this helps
2006-11-06 18:14:34
answer #4
answered by josh's baby 4 life!!! 1
YES! your BF would be crushed but if your BF treats you like sh*t then move on girl
2006-11-06 18:04:51
answer #5
answered by My dad ate my homework 3
YES! just leave him now before it something bad happens.
2006-11-06 18:04:03
answer #6
answered by David 5
U had sex wit, the dude, come on give ur b-f a break!!!!!!
2006-11-06 18:04:39
answer #7
answered by outlaw2737 2
i guess follow ur heart
2006-11-06 18:06:40
answer #8
answered by Raine[: 2