I'm the same way, I wouldn't want to just make out with someone cuz then I'll feel wierd later, but what you need to do is get to someone that likes you or you like. Before you know it, you might end up being with them. Learn from your mistakes and don't regret anything.
2006-11-06 09:48:54
answer #1
answered by Lilmamasita 2
well you kinda answerd your own question there, not sure bout guyz needing this, but i know many of females that not contiuesly needing it but sub-contiuesly needing a rebound guy i know this cuz i have been that guy a few times, just go out with a guy friend a few times or a guy that might like you, if you don't want to make out don't but either way it will help you get over your old bf, and if you are happier away from him then stay way from him and making out is not that important
2006-11-06 09:51:36
answer #2
answered by dom_parnell 3
1st of all, your pastor must have in no way requested you this type of factor, to decide on among church or your boyfriend, he used to be made by way of God too and God loves him and also you; He might in no way ship you to hell considering that he used to be now not christian. second, regardless of how frequently you fall or activate God, God remains to be, good, God, he'll now not get mad at you for those who talked dangerous approximately His religion, for those who simply say sorry and real imply it, He will forgive you. third, consider of Heaven on this method, all of us have a place reserved to be subsequent to Him for he loves us ALL, from the opening to the tip, for those who devote sin it's satisfactory so long as you notice what you probably did used to be mistaken and real say sorry for the sins you have got dedicated. In this procedure one will grow to be extra of well man or woman and grow to be extra like His picture. I wish this helped, confidently this may increasingly ease your brain. Also, don't believe down considering that of what folks let you know, ultimately it does now not topic what they are saying however how God feels approximately you. Good good fortune on this.
2016-09-01 08:15:26
answer #3
answered by ? 4
I had some good times with my x, but I know that he is not for me period. Your are not the only one who is getting over an x. Just remember your not alone.
2006-11-06 09:54:57
answer #4
answered by Good Grief 4
Theres nothing wrong with getting to know someone, the more you know them, the more you'll want to be with them.
2006-11-06 09:48:58
answer #5
answered by Sentinel 3
I have a tongue like Gene Simmons. Email me.
2006-11-06 09:47:10
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
So why do you need help, you seem to have it worked out pretty well.
2006-11-06 09:47:52
answer #7
answered by huggz 7
your not weird and maybe you should give him a second chance other wise forget about him
2006-11-06 09:50:45
answer #8
answered by kristymaeriley 2
see a counselor for a few sessions.
2006-11-06 09:48:02
answer #9
answered by a_blue_grey_mist 7
well I am glad you could vent, maybe one day you can ask your question.
2006-11-06 09:47:45
answer #10
answered by Angry Insightful Black 3