You know what sucks as well.Legal immigrants like my mom,dad
and little sister and me from India have to go through 9 years of
hell to get a citizenship.And my dad is a computer programmer
who wants to help this great country and yet we are treated like dust and have to go through so much to get a citizenship
while the illegals get all the respect and even get to stay here.
2006-11-05 16:07:02
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
What JD reported ~ UP^THERE ~ is ANNUALLY, that means EVERY YEAR, PEOPLE!!
Add to that, the costs to citizens personally by wages being depressed, overcrowded schools, decline in education, destruction of property by 15-20 living in a 2 bedroom apartment, destruction of neighborhoods, groups/gangs loitering in the streets and on corners, criminals and disease here due to not being screened as legals are screened, etc.
Yes this is an invasion and many Americans are blind to it. It has been gradual and they don't stop and think about how our country "USE" to be!! (or they are too young to remember how it once was). It has changed drastically in the last 20 years and it has NOT been for the 'better'...
2006-11-05 15:50:02
answer #2
answered by Lelani 2
Hello JD
You have posted content to Yahoo! Answers
in violation of our Community Guidelines.
As a result, your content has been deleted.
What does "illegal immigration" cost American taxpayers
in a single year?
Deleted Answer:
cuts into the wages of American Workers
To The Tune Of Some $ 200 Billion (With A "B") Annually
According to Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-Colo.),
who is head of the Congressional Immigration Reform Caucus,
"Massive immigration of low-skilled, low-wage workers
depresses wage rates
for people who are at the low economic end of the scale.
The overall effect will be
the decline of the living standard of every American,
or most Americans."
According to TNRIP,
the financial cost of this foreign invasion to U.S. taxpayers is staggering!
Here is a break down of the annual costs:
Education: $22.5 billion
Bi-lingual Education: $3.3 billion
AFDC: $2.4 billion
SSI: $2.9 billion
Social Security: $24.8 billion
Housing Assistance: $2.6 billion
Criminal Justice: $2.6 billion
Jobs Lost by Americans: $10.8 billion
Other Programs: $51.4 billion
Food Stamps: $7 billion
Health Care: $1.4 billion
(That Totals $131.7 BILLION Annually Folks)
This Estimate Does NOT Include
The Some $39 Billion (Again With A "B")
UNTAXED US Dollars Exported Annually
In The Form Of Remittances
($39 Billion Is Exported ANNUALLY To MEXICO ALONE
BILLIONS Of More US Dollars
Is Exported To Nations OTM By ILLEGAL ALIENS
To Their Families At Home)
Contribute To The High Cost Of HEALTH CARE
Because They Have No INSURANCE
And Its YOU The TAXPAYER That Supports The System
That Governs The Health, Education, And WELFARE
That Many ILLEGAL ALIENS Take Advantage Of
Are A Burden To OUR (AMERICAN) Education System
And Making It Virtually Impossible For (Underpaid) Teachers
To Give The Neccessary Time And Attention
To The Individual Students
understand what is at stake,
and wonder what our response should be
to sedition, intimidation and acts of defiance
against our republic and our ordered liberty.
The Human Cost
Reason of Violation:Spam & Advertisement
They Keep Deleting
We Keep Reposting
Keep On Keepin On
2006-11-05 15:45:12
answer #3
answered by JD 2
I agree that illegals can and are causing serious problems. Can we chew another bone here. Truely sorry to Hispanics and Arabs, but most of us Gringos can't tell foreignors apart ( or spell for that matter). It's only partly about the money. Right now, I think the big concern is terrorism. I'm sorry that hard working farm and domestic workers who end up buying stolen social security numbers(boy have you been ripped off, usually by your own people who set you up for this trip) get caught up in the cross fire. Of course legal citizens who have had their butts chewed up by the IRS, spent thousands in legal fees to straighten out their identities, think they have been terrorized, but that's nothing compared to women who have been raped and children who have been abused by illegals who have been kicked out once and snuck back in. Then there are the Muslims masquerading (get this , I just got into a race with spell check on that one. My fifty-five year old dictionary got it and check's still working on it) as Mexicans, taking advantage of that border. Why don't the Mexicans drown the imposters in the rio? Maybe then they could get special status. SECURE THE DAM# BORDERS. Oh heck, let's just let the free for all begin. I was born here. What's your excuse?
2006-11-05 15:26:33
answer #4
answered by character 5
Illegals most certainly receive entitlements from the US government.Some are obtained with false documentation and some like the following are given to them by the government.The figures in this posters question are correct and very accurate.
October 13, 2006
U.S. Promotes Food Stamps For Illegals
The United States Department of Agriculture is spending taxpayer money to run Spanish-language television ads encouraging illegal immigrants to apply for government-financed food stamps.
The federal agency, which claims to provide leadership on food, agriculture and natural resources based on sound public policy, is working to promote its food stamp program in the Latino communities with a costly series of ads on the nation’s largest Spanish-language network, Los Angeles-based Univision.
A few years ago the Department of Agriculture’s Division of Food and Nutrition Service made a deal with the Mexican Embassy to jointly distribute informative brochures and create public service announcement informing Mexican migrants of the free food program for the poor.
Mexican Consul Luis Miguel Ortiz Haro even starred in some of the U.S. Government-financed television commercials, which explain the program and provide a phone number to apply. In the widely viewed commercial, Ortiz Haro assures that receiving food stamps “won’t affect your immigration status.”
Indeed, food stamp recipients do not have to prove immigration status as per Department of Agriculture guidelines. In fact, they say that states distributing the assistance must comply with the provision of the federal Privacy Act which says states are prohibited from denying an individual any right, benefit or privilege because of an individual’s refusal to disclose his or her social security number.
With these assurances from their own government official as well as U.S. authorities, it’s no surprise that the number of food stamp recipients has risen dramatically in the areas covered by the promotional U.S.-Mexico campaign. One Southern California county alone reported hundreds of calls when the commercials first aired. Many others are sure to follow.
2006-11-06 02:07:16
answer #5
answered by Yakuza 7
Thanks for the imaginary numbers. I should also thank the illegals who have been paying into my social security by working with fake IDs.
But seriously unless you are a Native American, like me, you have no right to complain about any immigrants.
I don't condone any illegal activity, but these immigrants you try to blame for your problems are simply poor people trying to survive by moving to a rich country and happily performing menial tasks. If that doesn't make you feel better just realise that it is costing a whole lot less to feed and house these poor people than it is to kill the poor people in Iraq.
2006-11-05 15:09:39
answer #6
answered by dirtypoolskater 2
I am against illegal immigration, but it would be good if you were to post your source.
As for illegals not getting Food Stamps, Welfare Etc, Their kids born here are considered citizens, that makes them eligible for assistance. If the illegal mommy wasn't here in this country, there would not be the need to fund welfare to such an extent.
2006-11-05 15:04:26
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
How do we know this information? How do we know how many illegals are here? Did they all fill out a survey or census lately? Since illegals - even the ones who pay taxes - are not eligible for social security, unemployment, medicaid, medicare and the likes how do we know the people mentioned about who ARE receiving these benefits are illegal? Do they waltz up to the government office and say "I'm illegal but I want this anyway" and our government just said "OK"? Or maybe there is someone there in every government office for every person who comes up to the window to obtain services to verify that they are using someone else's SSN or tax id#? How do we KNOW that illegals are doing this? I don't want to see numbers. Anybody can spout off numbers. Look - 96% of all illegals are Mexican! Do I know that for sure. Of course I don't. Nobody can possibly know that yet I read that figure twice now in this forum. It doesn't mean anything to me! I WANT TO SEE HOW THEY GATHER THIS INFORMATION.
2006-11-05 15:11:13
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Undocumented immmigrants pay $1.5 billion in Medicaid taxes each year, along with another $7 billion in Social Security taxes.
Illegals come here to work, and they are hired by employers who want the cheapest labor they can find, for long hours, no benefits.
Their employers pay them regular wages and withhold the regular taxes. Many of the illegals then fail to file income tax returns leaving the government with social security and medicare taxes which they are unable to apply to accounts and income tax withholding which goes unclaimed.
in my experience the people on welfare, of whom I am aware, are white and african americans.
Get ready for massive food shortages this summer. You’re going to be paying $5.00 for a head of lettuce. A basket of strawberries will be $10.00 — if you can find any in your grocery store. 2007 will see empty shelves in supermarkets — both fresh and canned produce — and Americans will be digging up their lawns to put in vegetable gardens.
People will be asking, “How could this happen in America, the richest country in the world?”
2006-11-05 15:32:57
answer #9
answered by cibercitizen 3
Thank you for an informative and thoughtful post.
Perhaps Americans will vote accourding to the effects of illegals on their pocketbooks!
2006-11-06 03:08:18
answer #10
answered by Kate 2