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Spoke to the teacher, said he will speak to erveryone in the class, my daughter is in tears in the am, worried about this one boy, it makes her extremely uncomfortable to even hear these words! She said its in her head all the time and she gets bad thoughts in her head, (like the inappropriate words he is using towards her) Sexy, Hot, Boobies, etc...

2006-11-05 14:44:02 · 13 answers · asked by Elle 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Grade-Schooler

13 answers

The teacher needs to address this with the boy and his parents immediately. If you do not feel appropriate action has been taken please talk to the principal.

2006-11-05 14:53:34 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I think you need to speak to child protective services because a boy that age shouldn't be talking like that. He knows a lot of information for a little guy. Maybe things are wrong at his home and talk to the police cause even though he is a little kid, doesn't mean it's any less sexual harrassment and tell them about you talking to his teacher and it's still going on and you may want to talk to the school board as well. All this may be extreme but your daughter is feeling unsafe and something needs to be done.

2006-11-05 14:54:27 · answer #2 · answered by youngpoet_33 2 · 3 0

I would raise hell with the kids parents and tell them to control don juan jr.
This is a problem the schopl should correct now. Don't they have more thna one class room in this grade? Make them move the kid out. It sounds like he has eithe rbeen watching too many unsupervised movies or else is running with some bigger kids.
Chew the teacher and schoolout and ask they if they understand lawsuit.

2006-11-05 15:22:11 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

ah yes children being very different these days being more vulgar in early age such as 7 rather then in teen years the age where they start to realize feelings but to realize them at 7 is extremely worrisome hes maturing too fast you need to speak to the school and take care of this matter in a polite approach.Wait i had just now realized the fact that it has been 8 years so she must be 15 now.

2014-04-15 09:59:34 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

skip the teacher , talk to the principal and call the boys parents. I would not trust a 7 year old boy that talks like that. I would be afraid of him acting out on his words

2006-11-05 14:54:26 · answer #5 · answered by xjoizey 7 · 4 0

I have to agree. Go to your daughter's school and talk to the principal. Let her know that this little boy is harrassing your daughter and she does not feel comfortable around him. That is ridiculous that the teacher has allowed this to go on. I would go to school and raise hell. I have an 8 year old daughter myself and I would go and complain and raise hell

2006-11-05 14:53:46 · answer #6 · answered by alfaro.laura 1 · 1 0

talk to the teacher AND the principal!! This little boy could grow up to be more than just a jerk, he could end up a rapist. He is apparently not being raised in a loving home. Your poor daughter! Just keep reassurring her how much you love her and will be there for her.GOOD LUCK!!

2006-11-05 14:57:22 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I would tell your local police dept if the pricipal is not doing anything..my daughter was being harrased by a mexican girl every day, she was given notes by her saying ""I hate you" "You r ugly" this was when she was in 2nd grade and they moved the girl out to a different class ..they even called the police in to talk to her...

2006-11-05 16:25:16 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Take it to the principal.F the teacher.Your baby should not haf to feel scared or uncomfortable going to school.School is a learning institution and it's free.PRINCIPAL!

2006-11-05 14:48:41 · answer #9 · answered by dccuttie75 6 · 0 0

omg! isnt it amazing what our kids have to put up with. if this was an adult in a work place it is called sexual harasment. not good enough. your poopr little baby. Give her kisses and cuddles.

2006-11-05 14:48:37 · answer #10 · answered by alilovespete 2 · 3 0

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