I sent barbie invitations, no RSVP's which is normal with the people I invited, but what should I do as far as games and decorations? My step mom got pegasus(barbie) stuff, and the cake is barbie, but now my daughter is all Bratz.... Should I go ahead as planned with the Barbie and tell her next year Bratz, or should I run my head off trying to exchange stuff? Also, any suggestions on activities/games that are unusual and interesting that might add a bit of flair?! Thanks in advance, I know you will come through.~ Christy
PS~ I still haven't gotten her her "big gift", any suggestions there for a new 4 year old?
13 answers
asked by
Pregnancy & Parenting
➔ Grade-Schooler
okie as for the barbie vs bratz you're the one who has to deal with the temper tantrum if she doesn't get what she wants (if she is that type lucky u if she goes with the flow) exchanging everything will be a pain on your part. talk (convince if you can) to her see if she can settle for barblie this year bratz for next year (or whatever she is into next year) as for games here are a few sites I found good luck :)
2006-11-05 14:13:34
answer #1
answered by mandad1084 2
I think she will be too busy having fun with her friends to notice if the party is bratz or barbie. You might want to get a pinata, play pin the tail on the donkey, or play musical chairs. I find that no matter how many games/activities I plan they all end up doing their own little thing. You shouldn't stress over it too much. You might want to get her a trunk of dress up items for her "big gift".
2006-11-05 22:12:23
answer #2
answered by suz' 5
Go with what you have and don't get into the Bratz conversation. As soon as the kids start oohing and aaaing over the Barbie stuff, Bratz will be forgotten.
2006-11-06 12:01:39
answer #3
answered by bookmom 6
Tell her Bratz is for 5 year olds and she will have to wait a year. Then go with the party as planned.
2006-11-05 22:23:36
answer #4
answered by erinjl123456 6
Did your daughter ask for Barbie? If yes, then stick to it. If you picked Barbie and she really wanted Bratz, change it for her. ( She may not like Bratz next year) 4 year olds love face painting- buy good face paints- and paint things like hearts, rainbows, stars, nothing difficult. They also like getting their nails done. Pinatas are always fun. I always did a fun craft at my daughter's parties. Something great to take home like necklaces or little wooden boxes that they can glue gems and glitter on.
have fun! Don't stress out , they are just kids!!!!
2006-11-05 22:14:22
answer #5
answered by weswe 5
Do not run your head off trying to exchange stuff.
Will she be going to preschool? Perhaps something useful yet fun might be in order (a Barbie or Bratz small backpack, to be filled very lightly with dolls and dolly accessories?).
2006-11-05 22:10:30
answer #6
answered by amy02 5
Go ahead with the Barbie.. games: my daughter just turned 5 and games we usually play is pass the parcel, pinata (one from Kmart set u back $25 and they dont hit it, they have strings they pull, also played treasure hunt with lollies. You dont need to many games they get tired very quickly and will play with any presents she will get.
In regards to present: Bikes are always good, leapfrog (the one that teaches your children to read), clothes, books and disney dvd's, anything dora the explorer is good too.
2006-11-05 22:37:01
answer #7
answered by Cassidy 1
I wouldn't change the theme. That gives your daughter the wrong message. Keep it simple -- check out www.birthdaypartyideas.com Keep the kids busy with games and crafts -- they'll have fun regardless. Kids just luv parties.
Good luck!
2006-11-08 21:57:49
answer #8
answered by Mary C 3
Stick with your original plan. I mean, how spoiled do you want her to be? There are lots of websites that give you party game ideas ...search for "birthday parties" or something like that. As for a big gift, she's your daughter, shouldn't you know what she wants? Maybe you need to spend more time getting to know her as a person and less time trying to please her.
2006-11-05 22:08:04
answer #9
answered by luna 5
Do as planned with what you have already purchased and relax. Call the people that have not responded and get an answer.
Musical chairs
Freeze dance
Hot Potato
2006-11-06 13:00:29
answer #10
answered by KathyS 7