Get her to lay down in a dark room and put a cold wet washcloth on her forehead. If you have any Sprite, 7-up, ginger ale or some kind of juice, try to get her to drink something.
2006-11-05 11:17:30
answer #1
answered by Ryan's mom 7
Call your mom. She will be able to help. This may be just the stomach 'flu'. Just allow her to drink water or clear fluids a little at a time. If she has diarrhea, which may happen, give her only banana, apple, rice, tea or toast and clear fluids are still OK.
If she has a fever stay with the advice above. If she complains of abdominal pain she will have to see a doctor.
When she fells better and is not having vomiting or diarrhea, you can increase her intake with soup, crackers, jello and bland foods. If she can tolerate these then she can eat most anything but avoid foods like pizza and spicy sauce. Good luck.
2006-11-05 11:29:39
answer #2
answered by nursienurse 3
ok what was she doing before she got sick?
dose she feel hot to you ........ if you can take her temp
dose she feel as though she is better now or going to get sick more?
do you have the number of her doctor?
if so call them and ask them for help, if all she did was threwup once then feels better just watch her for a little bit and see how she dose.
2006-11-05 11:18:29
answer #3
answered by jlw78418 2
let her rest on the couch - keep a bucket near by. she may throw up a few more times - that's ok. In an hour or so, let her take some small sips of water. She should be ok until your parents get home Don't worry.
2006-11-05 11:18:14
answer #4
answered by ravenwood4455 3
I agree to call 911, however you should have some sort of an emergency contact to call. And secondly a 15 year old should not be babysitting while the 8 year olds parents are out of town. That's just a big no no on their part.
2006-11-05 11:20:17
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
get her to lay down on the couch or anything.
take some cleaning products,take ragged up towels that they would hardly use,take a bucket,put the cleaning products in their that would clean a carpet.then just scrub.
or if its a wooden floor,take a mop and just wash it.
2006-11-05 12:15:46
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
have her lay down and take it easy, see if she has a fever. If she does call another neighbor or relative close by to come help you.
2006-11-05 11:34:14
answer #7
answered by Shadow Kat 6
call your parents and ask for advice.
BTW, what are you doing on the computer then?
2006-11-05 11:27:50
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
check for a fever
2006-11-05 11:18:43
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Go to neighbours and ask for help
2006-11-05 11:16:06
answer #10
answered by Lovebeingamom 2