You should be asking your teacher this question. Tell him or her that you want to pull your grade up and ask if there is extra credit or anything that you might be able to do..Be serious when you talk to them Good Luck
2006-11-05 10:30:03
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Oh man... sorry to hear about that! I would be pretty mad too tho.
From my understanding each quarter the laste is wiped clean with your grade and you go back to gathering new grade (for that quarter) all over again. At the end of the year they all average out for your overall grade.
So- for right now, think that you have the A and how you keep it. Do all your homework- study for your tests- ask friends to help you study.
Stay after and talk to your teacher. Tell her you'd like extra credit work that you can do to help your grade. You could also ask her if she could help you- (most teachers LOVE to work with students before or after school)
The main thing is- you have to show EVERYONE you are trying- your parents- teacher and yourself.
Good luck hun!
2006-11-05 10:33:46
answer #2
answered by Mommyk232 5
Do your homework and do it right. Ask teacher for extra help and extra assignments so that you make sure you understand everything before every test.
Do not let a day go by without studying.
Now here is the hard part, you have to do 2 quarters of work. So you have to learn the new stuff and now you have to go back to the begining and do every assignment and every test and quiz so that you blew off the 1st quarter.
You will need to ask your teacher for help on that as well. Spanish is not that difficult, just apply yourself.
2006-11-05 10:36:23
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
It's hard to catch up on a foreign language once you get behind. You'll have to figure out how to learn everything you missed. Your best bet is to go to the teacher and explain what you want to do. Ask for extra credit, and some help after school. Be prepared to go over quarter's lessons by yourself to get caught up. YOu might ask for help from a friend in class to help you too - studying and reviewing words.
2006-11-05 11:21:43
answer #4
answered by ravenwood4455 3
i say... study everyday, try very hard, and focus on spanish rather than your other classes. never miss work, do all of it, try your best on them. If you want extra help, you can go here:
look thruogh the works, and do what fits your level the most. I go there all the time, because my teacher says it's great help, and it works very well! the vocabs are all stuck in my head, as well as the verbs. study on it before tests or do ten minutes of it every day.
2006-11-05 10:30:39
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Study! Also ask for extra credit to raise the grade.
2006-11-06 05:01:46
answer #6
answered by KathyS 7
Ask for extra credit and work extra hard and study extra hard because when u get older and get a job itll pay better 2 be bilingual so just think of that while your studying money money $$$$$$$$$ : )
2006-11-05 11:18:39
answer #7
answered by Shurbie 2
seems such as you will possibly in case you lived in my college district. yet permit me provide you somewhat suggestion. you have 4 years left, make it 4 sturdy years and get with this technique and pull up your grades. once you're searching for greater preparation, you will % extra desirable grades.
2016-11-27 20:52:29
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
well that has happened to me before in french ask your teacher and make up funny things to remind you of a word. it helped me pull my grade up from a c- to b+
2006-11-05 10:30:07
answer #9
answered by right there with u 1
work really hard because i did the same thing good luck
2006-11-06 10:09:37
answer #10
answered by 2