get a good book and have a seat on the white throne. If you're home alone I'd take the phone with you, it never fails that when you go into the bathroom the phone rings.
2006-11-05 10:22:41
answer #1
answered by Kitikat 6
While its easy to see the amusing side of this as offered in the other answers, there needs to be a straight look at this incident.
Someone on your trick or treat route gave you and possibly others laxatives instead of candy or chocolates. This is an assault and if it were to be proven who did this they could be charged. Unfortunately, it may not be possible to find who was responsible.
I have to agree with Bright_eyes about Halloween being dangerous. I watch every year as groups of youngsters and teens walk the streets of my neighbourhood door-knocking strangers' houses asking for treats. This is fraught with risk.
You will need to be very careful in future about the candies and chocolates you receive from strangers. It may seem a little uncool in the eyes of others but it wouldn't to have an adult watching proceedings from a waiting car so should anything happen, you have some back-up.
By the way, the laxatives, depending on how many you consumed, should not have too great an adverse affect on your health. Just drink plenty of fluids to keep your body hydrated during times you are affected by them.
I hope this has been of some help to you.
2006-11-07 04:13:32
answer #2
answered by Anthony 3
keep your self hydrated drink pleanty of water get a few mags and just wait it all out thats alll you can do oh yeah and get rid of the other candy
i think halloween is the most dangerous time of the year cant you all remember your parants saying never take candy from a stranger u never know what they can do to it and you have just provd that its not safe
2006-11-05 18:25:54
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
OMG....blech.....plan on being in the bathroom for quite a while.....and don't stray too far from one.
Take some tunes, the phone, some reading material and pop a squat....literally.
Drink plenty of liquids so that you don't dehydrate, also!
Hope everything comes out alright! :-)
2006-11-05 19:10:17
answer #4
answered by diamond_deb_2000 2
Stay close to the bathroom. When your bowels let loose, make sure you are drinking plenty of water or pedialyte. Eat a banana once in awhile, it can make your poop firm back up.
2006-11-05 18:27:31
answer #5
answered by nimo22 6
Go with the cramps!
Ever so often a human body needs
to be recharged..
Be grateful that someone thought
of your poor, dirty intestines.....
Laugh about it,and thank them for a clean,
better looking face!
2006-11-05 19:51:30
answer #6
answered by just me here 3
I don't believe you! There is no laxative that looks like candy and if you did, you'd tell you parents, not ask it in here. Grow up.
2006-11-05 19:46:11
answer #7
answered by grahamma 6
Wait till it all comes out! I wouldn't leave the house.
2006-11-05 18:21:35
answer #8
answered by ezgoin92 5
Drink plenty of fluids so you do not get dehydrated
2006-11-05 18:32:08
answer #9
answered by heyitsmedarra 3
wait it out...not like its going to hurt you you will just be in the bathroom
2006-11-05 18:44:36
answer #10
answered by lisa 1