My 7 year old is into sports, he likes basketballs, footballs, bikes, skateboards. As for 4 year old girls, Have you thought about educational games? Like Leapster...I bought one for my niece, she's 4 and she is learning how to read. They have it in pink for girls, and it's portable, for long road trips!!! There are also many leapster products for the 7 year old also.
2006-11-05 08:31:52
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
How well do you know your nephew? What is his favorite sport? Maybe 2 tickets to a local farm league sports game, i.e. baseball, hockey, college basketball. Maybe he might take you and you two could "bond" giving you the chance to get to know him a little better. Being the center of attention for a few hours is really what all kids want anyway. Make this a chance for you to be like a big brother to him where he has another adult to trust and turn to as he grows.
Maybe you should just point blank ask him what he really likes and what he has on his christmas list for Santa. Maybe a gift certificate to Toys R Us for after Christmas where he could pick out his own toy would be right.
Little girls??? I have 2 boys. Is she girly? A girl can never have too many Barbie goodies. Try and stay away from the trashy ones like the Bratz dolls. Again, find out what she likes and ask her mom what would be the best for her (and her mom).
2006-11-05 10:45:15
answer #2
answered by Diamond Girl 1
My son is almost are some ideas:
Any of the Ben10 brand things,
The game Big Trouble,
The game
Any Pirates of the Caribbean stuff. They love that,
Any of the Cranium games (learning games that the kids LOVE to have fun with),
UNO Attack or the new UNO Spin,
Shell Shocker R/C
For your Niecehere are also some ideas:
the new TMX Elmo,
GLO eMagical Rainbow bear that lights up,
TJ Beary Tales,
the game Elefun
Good luck!
Check out the toy can most likely find most of these things there. Here are a couple:
2006-11-05 11:25:49
answer #3
answered by diamond_deb_2000 2
Your a nice uncle to be concerned so early about Xmas gifts! Well for your niece I would suggest barbies, they love them at that age. If she into learning you could go to the Leap frog area at Toys r Us and find something in her age group. Also the big thing with girls is BRATZ girlz, my little girl LOVES THEM! For the boy.....mmmmm. Well I have a nephew around that age too, if he likes sports than you can check into getting tickets to a sporting event! Maybe you could take him to a basketball game , or football game>???? Good Luck
2006-11-05 11:46:46
answer #4
answered by Jm 3
For your neice a Barbie and for your nephew an action figure or boy stuff
2006-11-05 09:05:57
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
For the boy, sports equipment that he doesn't have would be a good gift. Maybe tickets to a hockey game if he lives near a team (they are usually pretty reasonable)? There are basketball games now too.
For the little girl, barbies, stuffed animals, coloring materials....
2006-11-05 08:33:41
answer #6
answered by Jamir 4
perhaps trains could be a suitable determination. a minimum of with trains Dad and son could have some high quality time at the same time. Get off the settee and do something powerful. It sounds like Dad has to improve up. kind railroading lasts a life-time.
2016-10-15 10:12:00
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
my 7 y/o nephew like sport video games
2006-11-05 12:27:27
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
go to jack in the box get a kids mean and give hm a Nerf toy
2006-11-05 11:59:24
answer #9
answered by i ♥ u 2
there is something at wal-mart that's a 7-sport-set for 19$.
2006-11-05 11:01:59
answer #10
answered by cjm 3 2