i personally believe that chi exsist in all of us just you need to be able to channel it to make it become effective and this can take long long years of practice and still you may never be able to use it to its ultimate limit whatever that may be....i have had what you are talking about happon to me before to and also when the chi is flowing through my body i get little dots on my hands and what not and i seem to be more focased....i dont really know if that helps but yeah thats how i feel
2006-11-05 08:16:56
answer #1
answered by hiddendragon6000 2
There is something in all of us. Us, europeans call it spirit. Some people call it energy, easterns call it chi. Someone said that there are no documentation on it, whatsoever. Tell you what, There are tons of papers, articles, books written about this, of course no one has found an answer to what CHI really is. Because people are not mathematical formulas, there is no wright wrong or in between. There are infinite possibilities and forms of us and there is no way anyone can be certain on things like "does chi exist" or "is cancer cureable". But if you strongly belive in something, believe in it up to extend of feeling it, you will know that for you and only for you, Chi exists and you dont need to document it or go around telling it to everyone. You can utilise it for your own good and for good of others.
I believe in chi, thus I believe in utilised forms of it, like dim-mak (death touch). There are jokes about things like this. But tell you what - its always easier to laugh at things then try to understand them. So it is rather a personal question to each one of us, wether chi really exists.
Good question, by the way!
2006-11-05 15:35:30
answer #2
answered by Nick Z 1
like the rest of reality, it is all in the mind.
just like people believe in god, or not. its all personal.
if you believe, then it may just work for you. the sensations, are they from chi or your belief in chi? psychosomatic?
rely on the physical before relying on the jedi force. that way, at least you do have some control over an opponent if it comes down to it.
I believe it is present, but just how much can be used is not of interest to me. I allow acupuncture to manipulate it to better my healing, but dont think it can be used beyond the body.
2006-11-05 08:23:27
answer #3
answered by SAINT G 5
I don't know but If you look at my track record a majority of mu answers could be called visceral and atavitic to not only the FCC, but various religions and races and orientations around the world. I just think that not only as American's but as people and free individuals we are entitled to freedom of speech and the right to express our opinions even if they may piss motherf*ckers off or cause massive uproar. We express ourselves through art and what besides life is more precious? I like your question, keep more like them coming.
2016-03-19 03:55:34
answer #4
answered by ? 4
I can completely relate to your experiences! yes there is something to it, what I do not know. I have seen and attempted several chi demonstrations, most very simple, but it has proved to me it cannot be in the mind. It may very well come from there but it is defiantly projected into reality. here is an example i did a couple of times: place three to four people standing front to back like they are waiting in line. then have all of them close their eyes.
when people close their eyes they will naturally sway a little. stand behind the line of people and begin to push through the air toward them imagine your hand as a fire hose, blow water out then immediately imagine the line tied to a rope and begin to pull them back Try to get them all swaying the same direction at the same time. This sounds like a very hokie and simple way to demonstrate it but the best I have achieved is five people all swaying the same direction for according to a guy timing it lasted 32 seconds!
2006-11-05 10:17:17
answer #5
answered by M&M_89 2
Yes, chi exists -its the force that gives a human the strength to do things that should be impossible, eg, when they lift a heavy weight, like a car, to rescue someone. By focusing your energy you can develop it, some people recognise it as mind over matter.
2006-11-07 10:37:39
answer #6
answered by Purple 8 4
I have had this feeling in my hands to when in meditation and when giving healing (not reiki incidentally) an old girlfriend said she had this feeling all over her back while observing. I can't give any definative explanations as to what the reason for this might be but I do have experience of what you are talking about. Am interested in hearing others thought too.
2006-11-07 08:58:03
answer #7
answered by northcarrlight 6
Talking about Chi is like talking about the force, its just plain make believe. If chi powers and crap were real, don't you think there would evidence and documentation?
2006-11-05 14:28:58
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I have no doubt that Ki is real. I don't understand it, but there are lot of things I don't understand. The more I learn, the more I realize how much there is That I don't understand.
2006-11-05 09:34:33
answer #9
answered by yupchagee 7
This is how you will turn out if you take chi too seriously:
Totally brain washed and a clown.
2006-11-05 08:56:09
answer #10
answered by Anonymous