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does it matter that my son will not wear socks at all with his sneakers. will he feet still be warm with just his sneakers on.because he goes to school without socks on. can he get in trouble in school.he goes barefoot in the summer to camp and he hates me when i try to get him to wear socks.he will rather wear sneakers and no socks in thr winter and fall and be barefoot in the summer can so give me advise thanks

2006-11-05 07:25:29 · 12 answers · asked by get it 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Grade-Schooler

12 answers

If it bothers him that much to wear socks don't force him. You could try getting some different types of socks and see if that works. I don't think you can get in trouble, there is no law that says sock are required at school or anywhere else for that matter. You might think about providing slippers for him to wear inside school during winter.

2006-11-05 07:30:49 · answer #1 · answered by zara01 4 · 1 0

I really doubt if this would be a matter for social services, but you never know with them.
If he is comfortable going without socks and he doesn't complain in the winter about his feet becoming cold...then I see no harm in it. It isn't like it is a noticeable thing when he is wearing long pants and shoes anyway, unless he takes his shoes off during school. Just make sure that you wash his sneakers often so that he doesn't sweat alot and get atheletes foot. That would be the only problem I could see with this.

2006-11-08 21:08:03 · answer #2 · answered by lildragonlexi 4 · 1 0

I wouldn't worry about it, I don't think he will get into trouble unless the school has a dress code, which requires you to wear socks. His feet will still be warm inside his sneakers, if he refuses to wear socks in his sneakers. I see a lot of kids of all ages wear their sneakers without socks year round. There are certain sneakers you can wear without socks, which are designed that way, and they will keep his feet warm. Let him wear his sneakers without socks if he wants to, and don't force him to wear the socks. Forcing him may make him mad, and he will stop wearing socks completely If he is more comfortable not wearing socks in his sneakers that's fine. There is nothing you can do if he does not want to wear socks in his sneakers. IF you are concerned of his feet being stinky, ask him to put some deodorant on his feet before he puts his sneakers on his feet. You can also FreBreeze his sneakers after he takes them off. The only time I would worry about it is if he gets bad blisters on his feet, and/or if you get notes from school discussing him not wearing any socks. Sooner or later, his feet will become used to the cold, and not wearing socks in his sneakers.

2006-11-05 21:50:29 · answer #3 · answered by Pauly W 7 · 0 0

One of our kids refused to wear a coat and insisted on wearing the same pair of gym shorts and t-shirts to school for the first half of 9th grade. (the cold half). This was the source of many battles. Our big fear was of someone calling the authorities. We talked to a therapist who reminded us about picking our battles, and that was that. I went to the school psychologist, and gave him a heads up that we just weren't fighting this one, that the kid had other clothes to wear, and that, for some reason, this was an important point for him.

The only thing about sneakers without socks is that it can result in pretty stinky feet, but I'd say, if he's willing to live with the consequences of that, let him wear them. You might want to invest in a good anti-fungal foot powder, because I think shoes without socks increase the risks of athlete's foot. Let the school know that for some reason he has a big thing about socks, that it's not like he doesn't have socks, and you're going to let him make this decision himself.

As for me, I totally hear him on this. I prefer, actually, to go barefoot until there's snow on the ground and I have no choice left. Shoes are just really uncomfortable for me, and I can't stand the feel of socks on my toes.

2006-11-05 15:57:31 · answer #4 · answered by Amy B 2 · 3 0

It does and it doesn't.

It does matter because wearing socks actually keeps shoes from smelling bad, no matter how old your kids are, and the insides of the shoes will last longer.

Then again it doesn't matter because it is not that big of a deal.

Just explain it to him that when he wears his sneakers that you like him to wear socks and when he is barefoot you could care less if he wears socks or not.

I hope I could help you.

2006-11-05 18:17:49 · answer #5 · answered by nmk9543 3 · 0 0

I'd pick my battles. That was and still is the best parenting advice I've ever been given. If it is not against school rules, and it isn't at ours, don't worry about it. They are his feet! The worst you'll have to indure is the smell since tennis shoes will be oderous without the socks (but sometimes with, too!!)

2006-11-05 17:32:50 · answer #6 · answered by JaneDivided 4 · 1 0

I'm not understanding who the parent is in this question, or in some of the preceeding answers. Yes - pick your battles - however you're the parent, and if you decide he wears socks then he wears socks. I am a single mother of 5 - I've been through the "I'll only wear this" or "I'm never wearing that" stages before, and I decide what does or doesn't go on their little bodies.

2006-11-05 20:23:14 · answer #7 · answered by playing_shy 2 · 0 1

My doctor told me when my twins were born to pick your battles sparingly. To me this seems like something you shouldn't beat yourself up over. He will wear socks when he is ready and letting him make it his decision will make him stronger in the future. If his feet get cold enough, he knows how to solve that problem. Sometimes hard headed children need to learn a few lessons themselves, trust me. I am the mother of the 2 most hard headed girls I think I have ever met.

2006-11-05 15:31:50 · answer #8 · answered by Mustang Sally 5 · 2 0

the only trouble i can see is if he has to wear a uniform or such for gym class or some one in the school call and says you are neglecting your kids b/c he doesn't wear socks in the extreme cold.
My 2 boys wear the real short socks try them

2006-11-05 15:30:45 · answer #9 · answered by Brat 2 · 0 0

My sons friend wore shorts to school all year long up until he was in high school. It was kinda strange, he comes from a well off family so the issue was not that he had nothing else. Just a preference of his....BTW..he was Validictorian of his class too...

2006-11-05 16:40:40 · answer #10 · answered by JIM D 3 · 1 0

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