My son had many surgeries when he was younger and would be bedridden for a month at a time. He was not adhd...but these ideas may help.
We regulated the day....made a schedule. Arts and Crafts, puzzles, playdough, model airplanes, paper airplanes, whatever it was so h ehad something to look forward to.
WE also made up special days:
Camping day: set up a tent in the living room and mocrowaved smores
balloon day: blow up a balloon and see how many times you can bat it back and forth to each other.
hand held for five dollars
movies and play station is great
go on line and get simple science experiments to make
make one of those volcanoes that has lava coming out
make goop...with glue and corn starch
make playough
bake cookies
taech him to juggle
make a bird house...there are all sorts of kits
have kids over to play board games
have him start a scrap book and decorate the pages
they have a lot of arts and crafts projects for boys at Wal Mart:
plaster cast things
model cars
decorate your own pillow case
give him a cheap camera and let him take pictures of the family or go sit out in the yard
2006-11-05 11:00:47
answer #1
answered by heartwhisperer2000 5
Difficult because the child has ADHD, but there are great books for 11 year olds. Boys might like The Guardians of G'Hoole, The Spiderwick books, Lemony Snicket etc. Girls will love Judy Blume books, Sisterhood of The Travelling Pants etc. Have child watch films that you loved as a kid and discuss them. (Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Wizard of Oz etc.) Sometimes we access different games online through Yahoo and use the trial period (usually 30 minutes) to try out new games. Good Luck!
2006-11-05 05:55:50
answer #2
answered by Katie Rose 2
Well here are some ideas that will help you.First of all does he or she like to cook?If they do let them help you prepare dinner.If he or she have brothers or sisters have them take time to think of some creative ideas for them.Take time out of your busy schedule and spend sometime with them.Ask some other parents if they have any other ideas.You just have to keep he or she occupied.They'll be in a lot of pain for a couple of weeks.Just try to make them happy.It's not fun having a broken leg.
2006-11-05 06:48:10
answer #3
answered by alibrown08 3
I asked my 11yr old son to answer this one for you. He suggests lots of video games & movies. He also says using the computer will help to stop the boredom. He also says that you should play lots of games with him. Board games, card games etc. He says not to limit his t.v time either. There really are a ton of things that you can do to help him. You should take the opportunity to strengthen you relationship with him since he has alot of down time on his hands. Imagine how special he'll feel knowing that you love him enough to stop what you're doing to play! Imagine how much fun you'll have being able play with him!
2006-11-05 07:33:24
answer #4
answered by jodi g 3
What a great opportunity this is to play board games as a family! They are relatively inexpensive and can be educational as well as fun. Our favorites are Monopoly and Scrabble. Clue is also a fun game.
This unfortunate experience may just help your family be closer than ever by spending time together!
2006-11-05 06:30:29
answer #5
answered by SuzieQ92 3
"Being In Control : Natural Solutions For ADHD Dyslexia and Test Anxiety'.
2006-11-06 13:51:47
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
My son is also ADHD, but he is now 21. When he was small he cut his foot open and was told he had to keep it elevated in order for it to start to heal, had stitches and couldn't walk anyway. I taught him how to crochet and that kept him busy during his recovery time. He learned something that mom was doing and now he knows how. It was something beside tv and video games, he learned to use his hands. Good luck.
2006-11-05 05:55:11
answer #7
answered by armymom 2
my son whom is also 3 likes water paints and the Vtech Bugsby that way if I am tied up with house chores or my younger son he can interact with the book he can listen to the story and it is just a really cool book but nothing is better than snuggling up and reading to them! They love it! Oh and my Son LOVES his flash cards we do them daily and he doesn't have a broken leg so he could be running around but loves them so I imagine they would be fun as long as you don't get frustrated if he doesn't get a couple wrong
2016-03-19 03:54:34
answer #8
answered by ? 4
Frist of all "good luck" and hopefully you have a reservation for a "rubber room" set for yourself afterwrads (LOL). Books, LOTS of books, and lots of paper. Although mine wasn't ADHD she did spend time bedridden and I found that having her read inspired her to write. Encourage the child to write about anything. Hand held video games are good, I found that the "sims" games to be excellent, in that they teach about interaction as well as creating their own worlds. Also encourage the child's friends to come by, even have a "broken leg" party if you're up for it. Also invest in a lot of "dammitol" and "fuckidol" LOL
2006-11-05 06:54:43
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
anything that he can do with his hands would be great. Then switch off to another activity before the bordem sets in. Models, play games, vidoe games (if your into that I don't belive in them but at a time like that a game boy would be a life saver) Just switch on/off activities.
2006-11-06 08:51:15
answer #10
answered by BAR 4