cats are better because you dont have to take them for walks! and take them outside to use the bathroom!
2006-11-04 14:37:06
answer #1
answered by Kirstin Marie 5
You need to consider a few things. How much room do you have? How much time will you be spending with the animal. Do you have time to take a dog to puppy training and for walks at least every second day? You will have to house train either animal and tidy up their poop every few days once their adults. And there will be lots of little accidents while they learn to use a tray or to ask to be let out.
Can you keep a cat in at night? Do you have a good spot to put a litter tray, bedding and food bowls? You have to spend time playing with either animal as well. To stop them getting bored and chewing, digging or scratching things.
Do you have any other animals in the house at the moment? What about other family members?
Either a cat or a dog will be great.......any pet that can interact with you and love you is fantastic. Just consider what sort of life the pet will have with you and this will help you decide on either a cat or a dog.
Have fun choosing your little fur baby!
2006-11-04 11:48:32
answer #2
answered by red260z 3
Both are equally wonderful pets. A cat you don't have to walk and will always be there for you but the cat litter will need to be cleaned out every day. The dog will be an excellent walking or running partner and a great pet to warm your cold feet. they both greet you at the door and will cuddle with you at night. Your choice or you can choose both if they grow up together you will find they will keep each other company when you are gone. They will both vie for your attention just like children. Still your choice.
2006-11-04 12:00:14
answer #3
answered by rahlyd swamp muffin 4
The thing you should think about here is that dogs require much
more maintenance than cats. You have to take them to the vet,
(like cats), but you also have to have room for them to run and
exercise them. They can get hyper. They need to exercise.
Cats, yes they do have the litter pan issues, but they are clean,
loving, they are really low maintenance. My cat is 12 1/2 yrs.
old & I have never regreted getting him for one second.
And by the way, we live in an apartment and he growls when he
hears someone coming! So its just not dogs who do it!
Also the issue of "what kind" of cat and dog would come up as
well. A large dog? a small dog? they all have to be exercised.
2006-11-04 11:42:53
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I've never owned a dog, but cats don't seem to be as high maintenance as dogs. We can go away for a weekend and not worry about the cats. We leave weekend food & waterers out and they barely notice we're gone. Cats are laid back and less intense than dogs.
2006-11-05 10:15:57
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I perfer cats over dogs but the real answer here is which do you like the best?
Have you ever had experience taking care of a cat or dog?
They are both unique animals that require alot of care and love, yet in different ways.
If you still can't make up your mind, get one of each (that is if you think you can afford and have the time to take care of them).
2006-11-05 06:02:58
answer #6
answered by morningtwilight 1
I have both actually...4 indoor cats and one lovable indoor/outdoor Golden Retriever. I love em all. The cats are a little more independent but my dog is a just depends on how much you are gonna be at home...cats do not need quite as much attention as dogs but you can judge that. Whatever you pick they are a friend for life and there is nothing like having a best friend like that!
2006-11-04 13:12:36
answer #7
answered by tigerlily_catmom 7
I think you should ask yourself what kind of person you are. :)
I have owned both a dog and I right now have a cat. I am still more partial to dogs.
I enjoy physically wrestling with an animal, I enjoy a dog's loyalty and easier ability to be trained, and I enjoy being able to physically workout with an animal on walks and jogs. I have found a dog's medical bill to be less, although they need vet visits more frequently. They require more grooming as they do not always groom themselves and there is certainly a lot more information on their diets than I have found with cats as cats have not been domesticated as long.
However, I enjoy the cleanliness of a cat (although my cat is very messy). They are mischevious and you will have to deal with them going places you don't want, scratching furniture (unless you declaw), and they are harder to train. They usually like being lap companions and are very nice to have as one. They don't require as much play as a dog, but to have a happy, sociable, healthy cat don't neglect play. They are more independent than dogs when you leave home and are less likely to chew furniture when you're gone to work or something out of frustration.
Both have ups and downs. What I said are few of it all. Personally, both would be perfect!
2006-11-04 23:45:28
answer #8
answered by Kitty 2
It all depends on what you are looking for in an animal. Are you looking for a loving companion who is always at your feet? An animal that will always be right there and who you can take with you? Or would you rather have a cleaner, more dignified pet who only gets attention when they want? Cats are less work... thats for sure. Once they are litter box trained you are good... dogs take months to get fully house trained, and then you need to train them if you want them to be manageable. You dont have to get a young animal, but dogs will be more work. They are very loving and need plenty of time and attention... cats can take care of themselves and dont require constant attention to make them happy. I guess it just depends on your schedule.. do you work 8 hours or more a day? Do you have a fenced yard? Do you have plenty of energy to keep up with an animal? Dogs can be very expensive... so can cats, but if something goes wrong with a dog it usually costs quite a bit. Can you afford to provide them with any and all medication that might be required to keep/get them healthy? These are all questions that only you can answer... i just know that i have three dogs and a cat, and the dogs are always under foot and ready for love. They make very good companions, and make me feel safer. My cat will come out for love and affection when she is lonely, but otherwise hangs out in in her cat tree looking content. There are upsides to both... good luck!!
2006-11-04 11:46:21
answer #9
answered by firegurl1464 2
Get a cat. They are lower-maintenance, as far as they do not need to be taken for walks, can be left alone for long periods of time, and can be almost always guaranteed to come home when they run away. Also easier to potty-train.
In addition, they are friendly when treated right. And I've never heard about a child being mauled by their neighbors cat.
2006-11-04 12:23:24
answer #10
answered by Hayley L 1
What do you have time for. Dogs need to be train. Cats do to just how to use the litter box and such. Go to your local animal shelter, I am sure a cat or dog will catch your eye. and vice versa
2006-11-04 12:20:51
answer #11
answered by gemini19572001 2