the bigger one has always been nice but playful and i cant tell if hes being mean to the kitten or not, they act like theyre playing but the little one acts afraid and would back away yet put his paws up to play at times or fight back? is this normal? do they hate eachother? is there anything we can do to help them get along?? please help.
12 answers
asked by
➔ Cats
should i yell at the older one when he goes after the younger one? should i separate thenm?
11:07:25 ·
update #1
the little one hissed a few times but stopped the older one never hissed but is meowing more
11:09:47 ·
update #2
It's difficult to tell by your description alone. If there isn't a lot of hissing going on or extreme roughhousing, then it's just play and/or the elder cat is teaching the younger about boundaries in the household.
When cats get together they will play rough sometimes. People play rough at times also, so just think of it that way. If it really appears as though it's not play, then admonish the elder cat harshly immediately, but make certain you do so to the younger one as well but firmly rather than harshly. They both need to know that neither one will be favoured when they act up.
Edit: If the elder one never hissed then it's likely it wasn't trying to hurt the younger one. The younger one would hiss to let the elder know it was going a little too far in it's treatment of it. Try not to give either more attention than the other until they're used to each other. Make certain you talk to them and pet them both more than you normally would.
2006-11-04 11:08:59
answer #1
answered by marklemoore 6
Just trust me on this one... They need time
I once brought home a kitten and it took 2 weeks before they stopped hissing. 9 years later, they're still good buds, my mom has them.
My current two are about 9 months apart. After 2 days they're best friends. I mean literally they sleep in a pile (pretty funny since they're now 6 & 7 one's 10lbs & one's 25lbs).
Just relax, don't push it, and give them time to adjust
2006-11-04 11:40:58
answer #2
answered by njyecats 6
I think you should separate them. I had a similar situation, but my old cat was definitely not being nice. Put the baby in a room and let him smell everything and just get used to it. Slowly introduce the older cat to the baby.
2006-11-04 11:13:59
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
yeah, theyre just playing :) its normal.....I have 2 cats and a kitten and we just got the kitten a few months ago. we thought they just werent getting along with the kitten so I took him and placed him in my room for a day or 2 and the other cats were going crazy looking for him lol
2006-11-04 18:48:07
answer #4
answered by ixamxthexwalrusx 1
Explain: well yes I would tell you.But better listen up here
ok since older cats have different ways than kittens do its
because they have behavorial patterns which some pets dont
and alot of them are bit fussy with food .So introduce your new kitten to other whatch and supervise both! http://yahoo.petownner'
2006-11-04 11:24:20
answer #5
answered by 6
They will have there little spats until they adjust to each other.Give them time they will get along,its way to early to expect them to be friends yet.Dont punish anyone, let them work this out for themselves,but of course keep an eye on them so things dont get out of hand during there adjustment to each other
2006-11-04 11:10:32
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Well, this is what happened to me. I brought my cat to my aunt's cat and thye began to fight. since my aunt's cat is still very much older than mine, my aunt's cat was just trying to protect her territory, your older cat might be feeling the same thing, and the younger kitten might just still want to play around...
2006-11-04 11:12:35
answer #7
answered by solvingprobs 1
give them time to get to know each other and things will fall into place. ur older cat is just letting the little one know who is boss.
all cat authorities say cats should have company so u did the right thing, just give them time.
2006-11-04 11:09:16
answer #8
answered by Nora G 7
the bigger one could be showing her dominance and showing he/shes in charge but yet they could just be playing around but the big one could be a little more rougher then the kitten could handle try separating them if it looks like its getting rough but the big one is probably just playing around GOOD LUCK HOPE THEY GET ALONG
2006-11-04 11:09:17
answer #9
answered by so_chyna 1
Your big cat is probably immature since it is still a baby. It just doesn't know better yet. The fact that they are interacting is a good sign.
2006-11-04 11:06:49
answer #10
answered by lakecity21 3