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My daughter is 9 years old and a total DRAMA QUEEN. If she gets a scratch on her arm she acts like it will fall off. She starts to cry and scream if she gets a math question wrong. Then the other day she said voices are telling her to kill herself. I don't know to believe this or chalk it up to her drama. I know what you're thinking'How dare I ignore this?' But she really lives for all this drama... Help Me

2006-11-04 10:56:17 · 18 answers · asked by cyndie 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Grade-Schooler

Like I said she is 9 but has tested on a 12 year old level.

2006-11-04 11:02:43 · update #1

18 answers

Wow..this is tricky. I used to be a psychiatric nurse and heard this stuff all the time. Is she lacking attention? Or does she suffer from schizophrenia? I guess the best thing would be to take her to your MD and tell him/her exactly what she's been saying. He can then do a more thorough assessment and point you in the right direction. Who knows...maybe if she knows you're taking her, she may say she made that up....the safest thing to do would be take her to her MD.

2006-11-04 11:07:06 · answer #1 · answered by madwackas_girl_79 2 · 1 1

I am a girl and i was never a drama queen and i dont believe that voices are telling her to kill herself. Give her a nice quite parent talk, and if that doesnt work take her to someone... people have a lot of answers towards that kind of thing.

2006-11-04 11:06:23 · answer #2 · answered by IcanHelpyou:) 3 · 0 0

see a doctor, suicide threats are not to be taken lightly they are a call for help.

with this type of ups and down added to the screaming she could be a manic depressive.

If she lives for this then she has problems.

That is not really the description of a drama queen, drama queen live to be in the center of things to get attention. they want to be one of the most popular people, They are not like you described your daughter, she probably has few friends

2006-11-04 11:11:13 · answer #3 · answered by Wicked 7 · 1 0

Take her to a therapist, if, her acting out and drama continues. I know a woman that had the similar experiences as a child and was told to suppress her feelings and they would go away. Later, she was diagnosed with a form of schizophrenia. Preventive care is always the best!

2006-11-04 11:19:44 · answer #4 · answered by lynnguys 6 · 1 0

i think she needs to see the consequences of her overdramatics. if she cries and screams when she gets a math question wrong, force her to get a tutor, even if she doesn't really need one, or tell her that if she wants you to help her with math then she'll need to not make such a big fuss and focus. give her a consequence for making mountains out of molehills.

and force her to go to a psychiatrist to talk about the voices she hears. like everyone else said, if she's hearing stuff like the voices when she's 9, that can't be good and might get worse as she gets older.

2006-11-04 11:01:41 · answer #5 · answered by mighty_power7 7 · 0 0

Take her to a psychiatrist (not psychologist) who can examine her and prescribe anti-depressants if necessary. You need to tell your daughter that things like that are serious feelings that you will help her get through if she is serious. you should also tell her that exaggerating for attention is not right and you will give her attention no matter what. Make that appointment, because if the doctor says she's faking, then he can help her get over her drama. If she's serious, he can help her by prescribing medicine.

2006-11-04 11:00:52 · answer #6 · answered by Andrew B 2 · 0 0

My 10 year old son has similar problems with hearing voices and hallucinating and I brought him to his pediatrician. He was diagnosed as bipolar, ADHD,and clinical depression. He was referred to a psychiatrist ,he is now on medication and is during much better in school.

2006-11-04 16:22:52 · answer #7 · answered by monil_precious_moments 1 · 1 0

She is probably over reacting. When my child behaves like this I give her all the attention she wants, but I over react it. I go way over board by smothering her with hugs and kisses call her my poor sweet sweet baby. We both get a good laugh, then she just stops. It's crazy but works well.

2006-11-04 13:24:17 · answer #8 · answered by Girls M 4 · 0 0

That seems like something that needs the attention of a psychiatrist. She could really benefit from a bit of therapy.

2006-11-05 04:34:09 · answer #9 · answered by Jm 3 · 0 0

she might be a drama queen...but she is 9 and for her to say something that disturbing at that age i would definetely give it some attention....you dont want her to be the boy that cried wolf.....better safe than sorry

2006-11-04 10:59:15 · answer #10 · answered by askaway 6 · 0 0

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