I really don't think so but be very careful who you talk to over the internet people are not always who they seem to be!! But i can not read or mind or tell you how you feel that is something only you can tell.
2006-11-04 10:33:46
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I don't mean to sound like a bad guy...
You are not in love with some guy over the internet. You can't be.
You are in love with an illusion, a metal construct you have created in your mind that doesn't match the person you think you love.
You are in love the same way a little girl is in love with someone like Justin Timberlake. Just the same way a little girl thinks she knows everything about him, by reading all the articles about him on the internet and in the magazines and watching interviews.
You don't know this guy, you can't know a person from merely just talking to them online or over the phone. It's not the ENTIRE story.
What you are is infatuated, not in love.
Be careful please, you are heading in a very dangerous place where you are bound to get hurt.
2006-11-04 18:39:03
answer #2
answered by then NATE says 1
Cold and scared? I'm not sure I understand......maybe you are just infatuated with this guy. Do you know who this person really is? The Internet can be a dangerous way to meet people--be careful
2006-11-04 18:35:04
answer #3
answered by CTMEDS 3
No, that is not love, that is anticipation - not the same thing. Love is born out of truly knowing someone, how they look when they laugh, the crinkles around their eyes when they smile, how good they smell after a shower. It is the internet - not real and not love.
2006-11-04 18:32:11
answer #4
answered by chris 5
You're probably more in love with the IDEA of the guy. Too many people online are totally fake, so it's hard to love someone who isn't who you think they are. But you could care about the person you think they are, and who you want them to be.
2006-11-04 18:32:09
answer #5
answered by HelloMeg 3
This is called "apprehension", not love. You are in the process of exploring an unknown arena and it is wreaking havoc with your mind, body and emotions. If you decide to continue with this please only do so with extreme caution because it could be quite dangerous.
2006-11-04 18:42:50
answer #6
answered by Bethany 6
not in love just a silly crush.
2006-11-04 18:31:56
answer #7
answered by fajita 7
you sound ...like your ready to have his baby..go for it..
2006-11-04 18:34:01
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
i dont know ! if you dont know that how could i know !
2006-11-04 18:31:17
answer #9
answered by Pavel 2
am I what?
2006-11-04 18:31:20
answer #10
answered by troble # one? 7