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2006-11-04 10:20:13 · 23 answers · asked by danthemanyankeefan 1 in Pets Cats

23 answers

Cats make wonderful pets! They can be affectionate or aloof, just as people can be, so don't be surprised if you get a snuggler and new 'bed buddy' when you decide to get a cat.

Practical 'pros' to cat ownership are quite straightforward.

Basic and preventative medical care is generally cheaper for cats as they are smaller and require less drugs when surgery is needed.

People who live in apartments or have very busy lifestyles are better off with a cat because of the limited space or time. The litterbox most people find so disgusting is actually a convenience and not at all difficult to clean and keep odor free. It also means you don't HAVE to walk a cat at least three times a day! And because cats don't need a lot of room, a cat tree, a couple of windowsill shelves just for kitty and an assortment of toys means you and the cat can live happily in even a small area.

Cats are cheap to feed. You can buy a large bag of food, store it in a large plastic container with lid to protect it from bugs (and the cat) and it will last you weeks, if not months.

Cats are remarkably easy to train. You need a firm voice, a bit of patience and a squirt gun or clean squirt bottle (none with the potential for residues, please!) to train a cat to stay off the top of the refrigerator, countertops and other places you don't want them. Kitty treats and/or a round of play with their favorite toy powered by you is a good way to reinforce positive behavior. Even as a little kitten, mine learned in less than two days to stay out of the fountain. He also plays fetch.

Most cats are also good with children. Mine is quite easily annoyed when strangers come over and is prone to scratching if they try to catch him or fish him from his hiding place. Unless it's a small child. Then he's right next to them, gently playing with his claws in the 'off' position, so to speak. Both the cat and the visiting child love it!

Cats are just as good alarm systems as dogs. My cat growls if a stranger approaches the door, including the mail carrier. But since he runs and hides if someone actually enters the house, I don't have to worry about him biting or scratching strangers.

The emotional rewards aren't so easily defined, but they are just as important.

Cats can be affectionate or aloof, but they do love their owners either way. Mine is a snuggler and hates to be away from me for too long. He's always in my lap or at my feet and sleeps in my bed at my feet or just above my head. He's very reserved around other people, however. He's a best friend for life and totally dedicated to me. He is concerned when I am ill and happy when I'm in a good mood. He is sweet natured and a natural commedian! Who wouldn't love to have a cat?


2006-11-04 10:50:56 · answer #1 · answered by morgorond 5 · 0 0

To own any pet you need to look at your lifestyle and how much time you are willing to spend with the animal. Cats are great because of their independency, but they are all very diverse in their overall attitudes. Some are snotty, some are pissy, while others are sweet and loving. A cat as a good pet depends soley upon yourself and your situation. There are millions of cats each year that are humanely euthanized, so if you'd like a cat, they are plenty to be housed......save the kitties!

2006-11-04 10:42:40 · answer #2 · answered by Jada 1 · 0 0

There are a lot of great answers here! Good work folks.

Kitty Buddies and Puppy Monsters both make great pets. I love the fact that each kitty buddy has his own personality and his own rules. They can be very cool and alloof. They can be super affectionate. They can be wound up and just into all kinds of what have you. They can be super sedate and laid back. What I enjoy most is developing an individual relationship with the cat that is entirely unique too that cat.

Puppy Monsters are super loyal and trainable. They will look after you and your family. I really enjoy the company they provide and thier eagerness too please. Unlike cats they will alter ***thier*** personallity to be closer too you.

So... in short! Yes. Because cats are groovy.

2006-11-04 11:20:51 · answer #3 · answered by refresherdownunder 3 · 0 0

cats are great pets depending on what you want for a pet.
cats are independent, they won't go running around after you or beg for treats or anything like dogs do. they like doing their own thing most of the time. really, all you have to do is play with it when it's bored, groom it regularly (or more often, depending on the breed) and clean its litter box, and obviously, feed it and give it water. if you're keeping as a housecat, which is probably a better idea than let it roam around outside, you'll probably have to get a scratching post and a few toys, to stop it from scratching up the carpets and furniture. and you should take it for regular vet check-ups as well. good luck in finding a pet, cat or otherwise.

2006-11-04 10:58:20 · answer #4 · answered by mcr-fan 1 · 0 0

Cats are very good pets for people who don't mind having an animal that is independent. Cats are generally not as friendly as dogs but the are nice to have around.

2006-11-04 10:28:17 · answer #5 · answered by Geek Freek 1 · 0 0

well depends really. If you dont want a dog to walk or do those things then its better to get a older cat from a friend or a shelter because its trained better. Its better to get a out door cat because you dont have to worry about it the hole time. But if you want a pet so then you could lose time and play with a pet then its better go get a dog.

2006-11-04 10:25:13 · answer #6 · answered by araleryani 1 · 0 0

This is a super broad question. For some people they are great pets, for others, they are not.

Bad: Some people are allergic. Some peole don't like cleaning litter boxes. Some people don't like cat hair. Some people don't like their aloofness. Some people don't like spending money on vet care. Some people don't want to be responsible enough to keep them inside. Some people can't handle a 20 year committment.

Good: They aren't as needy as dogs. Indoor cats can live 20+ years. Low maintence. They offer no-strings love & companionship. They are easy to take care of. They are easier to deal with if you travel.

It's all about perspective. : )

2006-11-04 10:42:08 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

From my experience cats are very good pets. The do not have to be taken out to go to the bathroom and they groom themselves.
On the minus side you still have to clean out that litter pan and if you have more than one cat (I would suggest getting a pair of cats...one keeps the other company) it gets dirty quick.
Also they can claw up your furniture...not all do that but you could have a cat who is a scratcher...I am fortunate in that the two kittens are not scratchers like my oldest cat Bob. Getting them fixed is a priority especially with a male to keep them from straying and spraying too! LOL
All of that said, I love my cats...they keep me company and do some of the funniest things ever...when they look up with those sweet adoring eyes it makes me smile big time! To me they are worth it all.

2006-11-04 10:39:57 · answer #8 · answered by tigerlily_catmom 7 · 0 0

Cats are marvelous pets. They are small and graceful, probably less likely to knock over a floor lamp and break it and set your house on fire. They are also low-maintenance; they don't require walks, can be left alone for long periods of time, and don't need potty-training. Unlike dogs, they won't maul children.

Also, cat's purr. The purr of a cat is possibly one of the most soothing souds in the world. Unlike the snoring of a dog, silence of a fish, scuffling of rodent, or squawking of a bird.

2006-11-04 12:29:19 · answer #9 · answered by Hayley L 1 · 0 0

This depends on your personality and amount of free time.

If you are out a lot and are a pretty independent person who doesn't need to be needed, then a cat is perfect for you.

If you have enough free time to spend walking and playing with a pet, and you prefer to have an animal who needs you and is happy to see you every time you come home, then you should consider a dog instead.

2006-11-04 10:28:57 · answer #10 · answered by The Lizard Queen 3 · 0 0

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