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sleep with them? Remember no other human contact for 2 years...and of course the in-law is of the opposite sex.

2006-11-04 06:59:10 · 21 answers · asked by Mendi8a 5 in Society & Culture Etiquette

21 answers

I'm female & only have sisters in law. I love them to pieces for being able to live with and put up with my brothers.

I'd enjoy being stranded on a desert island with them for 2 years because we're all very strong & capable women. No, I wouldn't sleep with them. Sex isn't everything.'

2006-11-04 07:10:02 · answer #1 · answered by Bluealt 7 · 3 1

An in-law, stranded for 2 years, opposite sex.....yes I would.

2006-11-04 07:02:52 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

No way. My brother in law is like my older brother. I've known him since I was three, he is my best friend. I would never do that to my sister anyway!

2006-11-04 07:05:31 · answer #3 · answered by Hannah 2 · 3 2

No. 2 yrs is not that long. What happens after the 2 yrs and you go back to your normal life? So embarrassing isn't it? What if you get pregnant? You are in deep ****.

2006-11-04 20:11:09 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

NO. What made u think of THAT question? And what's up with your avatar!? Where you in that situation!? I would not do anything but talk with my bro. in law and tell him what I miss about his brother and what I'd do to my husband when I see him....

2006-11-04 17:01:30 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

not my brother in law, he is a loser! I would sleep on the other side of the island!

2006-11-04 07:27:23 · answer #6 · answered by egbkid 4 · 3 2

No, beacuse he annoys the crap out of me. I'd probably make a swim for it before it got to be 2 years!

2006-11-04 11:55:11 · answer #7 · answered by SBWV09 1 · 1 1

Intamacy is one thing.
Companionship is another.
I could not be intamate with family,
but I would be a good companion.
Someone to keep you company,
but not a girlfriend. Strictly family
relationship. Any other way would
be weird. 2,3,4,5 years... I don't care how long. It's weird.

2006-11-04 07:31:09 · answer #8 · answered by BabyGirl~ 4 · 2 1

I'd be bangin my sister in laws brains out. Especially since I'm quite sure either of my brothers would be doing his thing with other women

2006-11-04 07:02:20 · answer #9 · answered by Chris D 4 · 1 2

nah, I'd mastrubate then I for sure wouldn't get pregnant plus I wouldn't want to have a baby on an island, there wouldn't be a doctor or pain meds

2006-11-04 08:49:42 · answer #10 · answered by Ms.BusyBody 4 · 1 1

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