"In love" means to be in love with someone romantically. It's an active act: "I love you now, and I will continue to love you." Basically (to me, at least), to be in love with someone is to say that you are passionate about this person, that if that person was with me right now, we would not have to describe what "in love" means.
"Love", as in "I love you, but I'm not in love with you" is platonic love, friendship love. It's passive, as in "there's love in my heart for you". It's akin to the love I have for my mother or my best friend from high school. It is perfectly possible to have both platonic and romantic love for someone, but usually if you are differentiating from being in love and just loving someone, then you are just talking about platonic love.
Yes, I have felt both. I currently feel both for my girlfriend, and I have felt both--both separately and together--more times than I care to count.
I hope that helps.
2006-11-03 19:40:26
answer #1
answered by hotstepper2100 3
Love...I care deeply, whatever happens, happens, life will go on.
In Love...When I couldn't go on living if this person weren't in my life.
I thought I have been in love, but sometimes when I reflect back...its like, did I really, really love that person or I was I in love with the thought of being in love, if you know what I mean??
2006-11-04 03:41:25
answer #2
answered by jellibean_72 1
Love is all kinds of love for all kinds of things such as family, friends, pets, hobbies, etc.
To be in love is be in love and you share your intimate life with him/her. You completely give your soul and life to the person you are in love.
2006-11-05 06:17:23
answer #3
answered by Myself 3
being in love to me is that butterfly feeling in my stomach everytime i see someone i like, that sweet anxiety. its that cute worry if he is gonna like my clothes or if he ll text me.... you know?
i used to feel sad when people told me that this is a feeling that fades away... but i dont anymore cause i know that love can take its place. and love is something deeper. its mental. its that complete communication you can have with your partner, that spiritual connection that leads to a deeper level of understanding and security within the relationship.
i felt both. being in love rocks...... but love... RULES :-)
2006-11-04 03:42:31
answer #4
answered by chrissva 1
love in my dictionary is universal love eg. u love your family, friends,etc....
in love means u're really in love with someone special n' have unique feelings towards that person.....u care for the person unconditionally n' always thinking about it......
sure, i've felt both in my life....don't we all???lol
2006-11-04 03:33:25
answer #5
answered by Marijuana 5
love-universal or unconditional..the way i love my friends, family, my pet, etc..
in love-liking someone and being able to sacrifice for him/her...or give of yourself.
no i haven't really felt it. i thought i did but then one day i just decided that this isn't what i thought it was.
2006-11-04 03:37:58
answer #6
answered by pokerface 4
felt both of this ,to be in love it is a bit short time
to love it is for all your life
If you are single and have the time, please visit my site:
2006-11-04 03:53:55
answer #7
answered by c g 1
Love = To like somebody
In love = To love whom you like.
Yes please.
2006-11-04 03:33:07
answer #8
answered by Hem 3
2006-11-04 03:44:00
answer #9
answered by Anonymous