I was sort of hoping,
That you would come along,
Like the answer to a prayer,
And the music to a song.
Like the kind of thing that happens,
At a special place and time,
That will change our lives forever,
Like a fantasy of mine.
The fantasy was there before,
I ever knew your name,
And now that I have found you,
We will never be the same.
So, pardon, if I look at you,
Forgive me if I stare,
At the fantasy I knew before,
I saw you standing there.
For I was always hoping,
That you would come along,
Like the answer to a prayer,
And the music to a song
2006-11-03 11:31:34
answer #1
answered by god knows and sees else Yahoo 6
O Blush Not So!
by John Keats
O blush not so! O blush not so!
Or I shall think you knowing;
And if you smile the blushing while,
Then maidenheads are going.
There's a blush for want, and a blush for shan't,
And a blush for having done it;
There's a blush for thought, and a blush for nought,
And a blush for just begun it.
O sigh not so! O sigh not so!
For it sounds of Eve's sweet pippin;
By these loosen'd lips you have tasted the pips
And fought in an amorous nipping.
Will you play once more at nice-cut-core,
For it only will last our youth out,
And we have the prime of the kissing time,
We have not one sweet tooth out.
There's a sigh for aye, and a sigh for nay,
And a sigh for "I can't bear it!"
O what can be done, shall we stay or run?
O cut the sweet apple and share it!
2006-11-03 11:45:24
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I was drawn to you like a fly to a burning light
Your brightness captivated me and I was entrapped by your beauty
To my eyes, you are like a celestial sight
I can not help it nor can I ignore thee, the thought of thee, How you effected me
When I gaze into your eyes I was spell bounded
Sweetness, you had me mesmerized
Being around you makes my heart spin round and round and left me grounded
Addicted to you your beauty radiates
The sight of your eyes, the windows to your soul, beautiful soul within my sight has struck me down to size
Leaving me mesmerized
2006-11-03 11:46:40
answer #3
answered by J.D 2
Try lovepoetry.com. They have some really nice poems.
2006-11-03 11:32:29
answer #4
answered by nona 3
I work in a flower shop and you wouldn't believe how many men use this one.
Roses are red, Violets are blue, Your a little hottie and I want you.
2006-11-03 11:34:39
answer #5
answered by girlio33 2
I love you
you love me
here's a rose
for you from me
2006-11-03 11:32:04
answer #6
answered by Mr. Bonanzas 3
try this
i think your breast's are nice
and you should kiss me
2006-11-03 11:31:38
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Karate chop yourself....
2006-11-03 11:31:15
answer #8
answered by Anonymous