Well my ex didn't like a lot of drama in his life so we broke up and he started dating another girl. So I met her, became "friends" and I planted drugs in her house and her car. I then called the cops on her and about 2 months later, her house was raided and her car impounded. Well, guess who called me shortly after? The ex. We are still together and it is 3 yrs later. Ha ha ha ha!!
2006-11-03 11:25:15
answer #1
answered by l'il mama 5
I gave up the college of my dreams (University of Virginia) and followed the love of my life to college. Did you ever see the show Felicity? Well...I Felicity-ed (yes, I made if a verb) this goober. To make matters worse, we made out once my freshman year, then he didn't talk to me until graduation. I think that was by far the dumbest decision I have ever made, but in the end it taught me an important lesson: You have to love yourself first and then everything else will fall into place.
2016-03-28 06:01:50
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Jumped in front of car, I thought was going to run him down. I know it was dumb but I loved him and still do. We are still together, happened when I was 17, I will never forget and neither will he.
2006-11-03 11:24:05
answer #3
answered by BabyPrincess REAL JAMAICAN QUEEN 3
Obviously I haven't figured this out, b/c I seem to be failing miserably in this department. So, I beg someone to answer the question WONDERFULLY so that I may try it too.
2006-11-03 11:21:50
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Umm I can't really think of anything right now but once I beat up a kid with a plastic spatula at my boyfriends birthday party!! lol it was kind of funny.....
2006-11-03 11:20:42
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I slept with my ex-husband cuz i hate his new ugly wife.I will anytime he asks. I save all our conversations and someday she will get them in the mail!!!
2006-11-03 11:22:48
answer #6
answered by IT'S JUST ME ! 7
waved my wand out the car window while she drove.
2006-11-03 11:42:17
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
kissed another coz she wanted
2006-11-03 11:20:45
answer #8
answered by Angad 4
well .. I sang a song .. and it was so awefull .. it was a crowded place .. so you can imagine ..
If you are single and have the time, please visit my site:
2006-11-03 11:22:28
answer #9
answered by c g 1