She was 26 when she had her trransplant because of autoimmune hepatitis and cirrhosis. She has monthly lab work and her last "numbers" were in the 400's and they should be in the 20's for 30's. She takes 12 Prograff pills a day and was just started again on Rapamune (sp??) and steroids. I don't know the dosage. She says she is not drinking alcohol and has felt pretty good-she had no idea til Tuesday about the abnormal "numbers.". She has lab work monthly and had a liver biopsy on Halloween. Is there specific things she needs to be doing--better diet, more rest, less stress, etc that she needs to follow? She was planning her wedding for next April but doesn't want to go thru with it if she's going to be sick again.
4 answers
asked by
Sharon L
➔ Diseases & Conditions
➔ Other - Diseases