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Whats the best way to stop a house cat from peeing where they shouldn't, mine keeps going in a corner despite all attempts to train her, we've put down plastic matting to stop it from staining (we have wooden lanament flooring through out) . Also how to remove the odour without using strong chemicals, i heared of using other house hold ingrediants but i've never found a good example.

2006-11-02 23:53:18 · 16 answers · asked by Stephanie k 2 in Pets Cats

Whats the best way to stop a house cat from peeing where they shouldn't, mine keeps going in a corner despite all attempts to train her (the tray is cleaned at least 3/4 times a day as we discovered she doesn't like any form of litter), we've put down plastic matting to stop it from staining (we have wooden lanament flooring through out) . Also how to remove the odour without using strong chemicals, i heared of using other house hold ingrediants but i've never found a good example.

2006-11-03 00:01:25 · update #1

the tray is cleaned at least 3/4 times a day as we discovered she doesn't like any form of litter

2006-11-03 00:02:03 · update #2

16 answers

try putting selotape around his willie, and when he pulls a really funny face, you can send him outside

2006-11-02 23:56:05 · answer #1 · answered by The brainteaser 5 · 0 7

Last year my beautiful Manx cat Theodore went out for the evening and never came back. I love cats and the house didn't feel the same without one, so I picked up Lola from a rescue centre. She was very frightened and would pee all over the house. I found Cat Spraying No More� on the internet and the techniques worked almost immediately. I haven't had a problem with Lola since. Amazing!

Can't stop your cat peeing in the house? Then worry no more...

2016-05-14 15:48:44 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Firstly, you should never rub a cats nose in urine or punish a cat by locking him up, that's just downright wrong and cruel and will only make him frightened and confused. Secondly, there is obviously something wrong, as by peeing everywhere he shouldn't, he is in his own way trying to tell you something is wrong with him and he's not happy, so you need to get him to the vets asap. If he has a urinary infection it will be causing him pain amongst other things, as he will associate the litter tray with this. My female cat did exactly the same when she had cystitis, she peed all over the place except the litter tray.

2016-03-19 03:03:51 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

clean the area with a solution of water and biological washing powder or liquid. The enzymes neutralise the smell. Then place a small dish of cat biscuits in that area. Re cat litter, use wood based. I have 12 cats and they like it but won't use any other kind. I have given away samples to other cat owners and their cats take to it too. Plus it never gets stinky.
Never ever rub it's nose it as it will only make is afraid and lead to more weeing out of stress. Never use vinegar to clean the area as the smell contains the same ingredients as urine and make it think it's ok to pee there.

2006-11-03 00:42:20 · answer #4 · answered by fenlandfowl 5 · 0 0

If your cat doesn't like traditional litter, try using shredded paper, though some cats prefer flat sheets. It will absorb but you'll have to empty it three or four times a day to avoid odors.

If he keeps going in the same corner, put a litter box (filled with paper) in that corner. After a couple of days, gradually move the box (a foot or two a day) back to where you would like it to be.

Good Luck!

2006-11-03 00:06:26 · answer #5 · answered by DetroitBrat 3 · 1 0

I have always had cats and i find the best solution is to spray a little bit of vinegar where they keep messing and it will stop them it has worked wonders with all my cats, if this doesn't work then only as a last resort I would rub there nose in it, (but if like me you are a big softy then you won't be able to do this) I remember my mum doing it to one of our cats when I was little and it did work, but I have never been able to do it myself (too soft lol)

Vinegar is also a good way of getting rid of the smell or bio carbonated soda

Good luck

2006-11-03 00:06:02 · answer #6 · answered by hnccctalh 1 · 0 1

My cat had the same problem but she went on Sofas, baths, plastic bags. I tried putting food down, changing her litter tray, spraying the area with Citrus, vinegar anything I could think of in the end. I ended up finding out why she peed where she did was because she was unsettled.

Do you have any other cats? We had three and after one went missing, Maisy settled down again and herself and her bother get on really well now. I used to have housemates aswell and that unsettled her. Now there is me and the other half and because the house is quiet and we are content, she is happy.

At one point we were going to put her up for adoption because the problem was so bad and at least it has a happy ending.

Good Luck

2006-11-03 02:39:01 · answer #7 · answered by smudge 3 · 0 0

i had the same problem with one of the cats in my last litter.
there are quite a few thiongs that you could try to get them to use the tray. one would be to stop cleaning it out so often. a cat tray should be claened 1 or 2 times a day as it is important for the cat to be able to smell it. the other thing is to try everything to fill the tray. have you tried shredded newspaper, bob martins crystals, wood chips, paper balls (bob martins) gravel and garden dirt. the kitten i refered to earlier would only use garden dirt!.
the other thing is to move the tray to where they are peeing, get more than on tray for a while if you have to, when you have found which tray ythey like to best you can take any others away one by one.
as for the smell try lemon juice. mix it in water with a littlew bicarbonate of soda. rub on your floor and then wipe off with clean dry towel. this works if the mixture you use is like a sloppy paste.
you say that you have some plastic sheeting down in the area. sprinkle some pepper on it. all cats sniff before they pee. the pepper will irritate their nose and they will not pee there.

2006-11-05 09:19:09 · answer #8 · answered by chrissy m 1 · 4 0

Try putting cat in her box a few times a day to see if she will use it for you. You should probably keep kitty locked in a room with her box until she uses it, then let her out for a bit after she uses it, to prevent more accidents.

Take kitty to vet to see if it is a medical or behavior problem. If it is medical, like urinary tract infection, it is treatable. Urinating outside litterbox is a symptom of medical problem.

We use clumping litter, it is great, you can scoop urine and poo, keeping box really clean.

Try buying your cat another litterbox, so she can choose which one she wants to use. We have a hooded and non-hooded box for our cat because she was going outside of litterbox due to medical problem, crystals in her urine.

You can cover your floor where she peed with tin foil. Cats don't like tin foil. (My cat peed a few inches away from the tin foil, so it didn't help a whole lot, just peed in a new area.)

You can buy "Cat Attract" litter. It is supposed to work 100% of the time.

Found here:

2006-11-03 01:47:42 · answer #9 · answered by hello 6 · 0 0

Some cats like litter, others like paper, and others like slick surfaces. Try using just sheets of newspaper on the bottom of the litter box, and if she still doesn't use it, leave it bare and clean it thoroughly whenever she uses it. Might even make cleaning easier. Dump it, rinse it, done! You could also try outting the same plastic you have on the floor on the bottom of the litter box and removing what's on the floor, since she's used to the plastic.

2006-11-04 05:35:30 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

get yerself down the pet shop (or hunt around on the net) for a device called a Scaaat. It's motion detector attached to a can of compressed gas. When the cat walks in front of it, a blast of air comes out and a high pitched alarm goes of. After a few, harmless, blasts you won't even need to keep it switched on to keep kitty from doing pees in the corner.

2006-11-02 23:57:55 · answer #11 · answered by Andy M Thompson 5 · 0 1

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