Yes, i try to be as polite as i can be until they push the last nerve button and then the get the other me and its she's not nice at all.
The day after Christmas when they have the sales. I went to wally world you know how they have registers on both sides and have a thin line. I asked this lady to move cause she was in the way and I asked her politely to move because i didn't want to hit her with the carriage. She like you can't cut into line. I was like miss listen its.. She said, something in spainish no clue what she did. After trying to be nice and trying to explain it and then being cut off and her holding up not only the line i was in but the line she was in. I lost my cool. Then i felt horrible because I lost it and I was going to apologize until she called me a bad name in spanish.
I usually say excuse 3xs and say it really loud. after that I tell them to MOVE. That mostly works more effectively.
I resturants. I am always nice to the waitress, where as I've waitress before I know it can be stressful.
I was in Kmart last Christmas, and the head cashier was agrueing with her employee on the floor in front of customers. I told her that she should not be in the position and you do not yell at employee's on the floor when customers are on the floor its rude and its unprofessional.
2006-11-02 12:39:29
answer #1
answered by dee luna 4
Yes, and beyond being provoked too. It will make you feel good to think that no matter who tries to spoil your day you will always be a polite person.
2006-11-02 20:46:19
answer #2
answered by Carmen 2
Yes, and if they aggravate me so much that I'm so steamed up, I have to go home or lock myself in the office until I think I can go out again and not be grumpy to everyone else i come into contact with.
2006-11-02 22:13:14
answer #3
answered by Realty Shark 4
Yes. And even beyond provocation sometimes. That's the way I was raised. My late father is still my role model. He was the most easygoing, giving person I've ever known.
2006-11-02 19:52:09
answer #4
answered by Oghma Gem 6
Politeness should be a given
2006-11-02 19:57:12
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Absolutely. Even if they try to provoke me.
2006-11-02 19:54:53
answer #6
answered by robin rmsclvr25 4
Yeah I do and sometimes I can't help my self, all the badness breaks out in one massive hit
2006-11-02 19:52:10
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
you must always make an effort. the next person you meet can change your life in ways you wouldn't imagine.
2006-11-02 19:55:24
answer #8
answered by Eryc 5
yes i do, even if someone is bugging me i tyr my best to control myself...but sometimes some people just don't give up until they get the negative reaction they are looking for
2006-11-02 19:57:24
answer #9
answered by joanna_m2001 2
Yes, and when provoked, my motto is, "Walk away from trouble."
2006-11-02 20:08:28
answer #10
answered by Yo it's Me 7