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Hey well my cat is 2 years old thats how long we have had him for he is only a indoor cat he is a pur bread tonkanese and every 5-10 min he sneezes nasty boogers everywhere what is wrong with him help!

we took him to the vet and got him medicain its not working!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-11-02 10:17:49 · 4 answers · asked by thecassers 2 in Pets Cats

4 answers

Then take him BACK to the Vet or to ANOTHER Vet for a second opinion........some medicines take 24-48 hours to start working

2006-11-02 10:22:34 · answer #1 · answered by sred 4 · 0 0

oh poor thing!!!
First of all take it to the vet immediately..maybe you cat has a disease that is caused by another animal such as a dog...my boyfreind's cat that i gave to him had the same problem and in the end it died but th eother one was saved cause he took it to the vet and found out that he has a disease called bortedella that he got from a dog when my boyfreind visited the vet to fix his cats broken leg...

second: clean your house...maybe your house has dust or perfume that your cat is allergic to.my cats sneeze when they smeel perfume or dust...or maybe you have plants that are producing pollen in your house or garden thsat is making him feel allergic too

third: take him to the vet and get him to give the cat antibiotics...and then clean the place where your cat sleeps or change the basket/blanket...by the way, if u have birds in your house...maybe the birds waste is affecting his sneezing

fourth: is it cold there? keep your cat warm by wrapping it up in a blanket and putting it in a box or its basket to keep warm ornext to a heater(not for long time cos it might die)

fifth:visit another vet or another animal hospital...maybe your vet is not good...

sixth:Cats are very suseptible to upper respiratory infections that manifest as sneezing, runny eyes, and sometimes nasal discarge. Some cats may not eat as well due to decreased sense of smell. Feline asthma is a non-infectious disease of middle aged cats that manifests as wheezing and coughing and can mimic other conditions, such as heart failure(from a virus that he or she has caught from another pet). Anytime your pet is showing signs of illness or just not "him/herself", it is time to visit your veterinarian for an examination and possible treatment of the underlying cause.

seventh:wat you can do to help him breath a bit better when he is weezing is this...every heard of vics vapor rub? well go buy a small jar of it and put a teeny tiny bit on your finger then rub that on his chin..yes chin, not his chest not his nose, no place where he can lick it or get it in his eyes. it wont hurt him, he wont even know its there, but the vapors will help clear his head a bit.

i hope your cat will be better soon:)

2006-11-02 18:49:17 · answer #2 · answered by myheartsuzan 2 · 0 0

Why do you think anyone here has a better answer than your vet? Let the vet know he is still sneezing.

2006-11-02 18:20:13 · answer #3 · answered by old cat lady 7 · 0 1

there is probably a sorce of dust were the cat sleeps

2006-11-02 18:21:53 · answer #4 · answered by dragon 1 · 0 0

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