For very long wavelengths (up to the visible spectrum), any thin layer will stop the radiation (consider a blindfold). Even clothing will stop most.
The one used most commonly for radio frequency waves is called a Faraday Cage. It is basically a metal screen box which has been grounded.
Ultraviolet rays can be stopped with a sun-screen.
If the wavelengths are very short (x-rays), then a lead shield is more suitable. X-ray technicians also have aprons and throws which will stop most, if not all, x-rays.
Some ultra-short wavelength EMF are almost impossible to stop.
2006-11-02 12:18:54
answer #1
answered by Richard 7
Any grounded metal will absorb EM radiation. A layer of sheet metal wired to a grounding rod, or household plumbing, or the ground wire of household electrical wiring will block EM.
2006-11-02 18:03:58
answer #2
answered by dinotheorist 3
A lead hat and face shield should protect your head, not sure about the rest of your body
2006-11-03 00:08:34
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Also, wired grass for windows and grounded screen inside walls is effective
2006-11-03 17:57:44
answer #4
answered by itsbob1 5
I wear a tin foil hat.
2006-11-02 22:46:49
answer #5
answered by Roadkill 6