of course i Love you i really do i Love you all if we could stop putting each other down and lifting each other up we would be much better people when we were born into this world we were all the same besides being male or female but we were all infants innocent of the Worlds wickedness we should return to that innocence and Love like a Child thank you may all your life's be filled with Love
2006-11-02 03:04:22
answer #1
answered by jamnjims 5
Everyone has a chance to get into heaven, although we DO NOT deserve it. It is a gift from God for those who follow Christ. NO ONE is worthy of heaven though. I am human and although I have the same judgmental thoughts that everyone else has from time to time, I have learned to cast them out as they are the work of satan. I do believe in loving everyone, no matter the race, culture, religion, what they look like, how they walk and all that other stuff. Even though we are Christians, we are still human. Being Christian does not make us perfect it just means that we have been saved from our sins, although I am not excusing the behavior of my fellow Christians because it is not acceptable, but we will all make mistakes. There are many people that do claim to be Christian because they believe in Jesus, but they don't follow the scripture. For them, I have no rebuttal. I only know the way I am and I don't get mad at people for not believing, nor will I bash them, it DOES hurt me to see people going down the wrong path now that I know the true path. It cuts me like a knife to hear people throwing around the term Christian and Atheism loosely. It is a serious issue and should be treated like it's a little more important. Just one more thing, I have heard quite a few Atheists on here bashing the Christians too. It is a two way road. With that being said, Christians should not retaliate on the bashing though. That is not what Christ would have done.
2006-11-02 03:07:29
answer #2
answered by jesus_freak_az 2
Wow, I never thought of it like that before.
2 + 2 = 4... Can this be the ONLY truth?
Suddenly I now realize that all answers are valid... 2 + 2 = 56 or 2 + 2 = 22. No matter what answer I choose, that is my 'truth' and no teacher has the right to correct me or tell me otherwise, right? The "true" answer is whatever makes me happy.
How dare some old pasted math book try and tell me that 2 + 2 = 4! Is this the only exclusive key to the correct answer? NO! My "feelings' tell me otherwise and I should not be corrected for them either if it makes me happy. Yes, I "feel" we can all be correct at the same time and that NOBODY should fail "the test" and we ALL deserve to get into "college" or "heaven".
I now feel ashamed for having taught my child the difference from right and wrong. Who am I to say what is right or wrong? If it makes him happy, then he may do, say and think whatever he wants, even to his own detriment. Yes, THIS is true love, I see this now.
Yes, 2 + 2 = whatever you feel it is at the moment.
Forget what any 'teacher' tells you, if they tell you the answer can only be "2", then they are hateful, intolerant people who should be openly ridiculed.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for your words of wisdom Dear Question Asker. Let's hope more people take heed to your 'new math'.
2006-11-02 03:32:51
answer #3
answered by Chong Connery 2
I think it's a bit of a stretch to say that Christians are these terrible monsters and the atheists are emotional martyrs. If you ever look at any of the discussions, mud is consitantly flung both ways in equal amounts. Whether in provocation or retaliation, both are guilty of ignorance.
And that's where the issue is at. Regardless of what your beliefs are, christian, wiccan, atheist, muslim, w/e there is one commonality you share with everyone else... you're still a human, succeptible to the same faults and evils that your christian or atheist counterpart is. Being a Christian doesn't mean you are better than everyone else, smarter, OR WITHOUT SIN. Nor is being an atheist make you an enlightened humanitarian looking out for other people. I've met plenty of ignorant and selfish atheists who do nothing to provoke arguements and fights with everyone else who doesn't share their beliefs, in which they demostrate nothing but their ignorance. I've also met plenty of Christians who are insistant upon pushing their beliefs onto other people in very un-Christian like fashion, by attacking and condemning people to hell and which they are in no position to do, and in most cases they are even worse sinners than the people they are accusing.
Regardless of their beliefs, people will be people. Regardless of their beliefs, all people are equally ignorant and sinnful.
PS. In regards to the latter part of your question. A Christian can and should accept other people, even if they don't share their beliefs. They can't condone such beliefs or choices, nor can they deny them access to heaven since they are not the final judge. However, under Christian doctrine, only Christians get into heaven... but that's more a theological discussion than a social one.
2006-11-02 03:14:24
answer #4
answered by jiganto 3
No matter the religion, no matter the belief structure, it is human nature to fear that which we do not understand, or that which goes against what we believe. Much fear is manifested in ridicule, hate, and judgement. Your intentions are good. Your motives are clear - Christian love. However, these negative answers and comments only serve to illustrate the point of "man's inhumanity to man".
Why this is, I do not know. Many will tell you they do not "hate" those of differing beliefs, but their actions do not support these claims. My personal belief is that those who judge here on earth will have to answer at some point in time. "Judge Not, Lest Ye Be Judged". The only judgement I have to worry about is God's. And I will have to answer for my actions, not anyone elses. I will have to answer for what I have done, or failed to do. Thus I live accordingly. Kind of the same as being an adult -- take responsibility for your actions. Those who treat others who have a differing belief as stupid, or in a manner of hate or condecension, will have to answer for that. I can try, as you have with your question, to show them their error. And hope and pray for the best.
2006-11-02 03:09:12
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I understand exactly what you are saying. Those type of Christians are the reason that I had stopped going to church for many years.
Just like you, I have no denomination because all I know is that I believe in Jesus and the Bible...but I dont like calling myself to a particular Christian denomination because for some reason they are all different. I think a lot of times the church gets you in more trouble. I hated seeing how many hypocrites were praising God one minute and being crude or condescending the next.
I always respect people for whatever they want to believe in. I will not push my beliefs upon them, I believe it is their right to believe as they wish and as long as they have no problem with me expressing how I feel, then I have no problem listening to them. I will never tell someone that they are wrong when it comes to religion.
2006-11-02 03:01:28
answer #6
answered by Barbi 4
My next door neighbors son is drowning in a pool. We haven't had the best relationship over the years, but I am turning over a new leaf, so before he goes under for the last time I shout "I love you" and walk away feeling good about myself.
It isn't love to withold the truth from someone. It isn't love to mouth the words, while you let them drown. I do you love you, seriously. That is why I am willing to stick my neck out and risk criticism by saying; "you don't deserve God, and neither do I". I have spit in His face so many times I deserve whatever punishment he deems necesarry. Yet he loves me, and you, so much that he gave his own life for ours. Scripture says whoever acknowleges their sin and turns to him for forgiveness will have forgiveness of sin, will be made right with God, and will gain eternal life. Whoever refuses the forgiveness God offers, gets the punishment they earned.
Why are Christians so dogmatic? Because to us belief in Christ is not just a "point of view", it is life and death. I don't like to stand by and watch people refuse life. If you were drowning, I would jump in to save you. If you were trapped in a burning building I would go in to get you. When a person's soul is in jeapordy, the least I can do is show them the escape route.
All of that being said, there is no reason for a Christian to be condescending, or mean and if that is your experience with Christians I am sorry. I know many more who you would find to be very loving, not only in their words but their actions.
2006-11-02 03:15:32
answer #7
answered by hutmikttmuk 4
Of course I love them, if only they could see that. I haven't seen any Christians doing the things you say, but I don't get on here that often either, so I'm sure it's happened. However I have seen Atheists on here telling us how ridiculous we are for believing in an invisible God and some saying really horrible things. I think there should be a mutual respect. I don't look down on anyone for their beliefs. I do care for their souls. I don't know what is so offensive about that? I just want everyone to have what I have. And I do want everyone to go to Heaven. Who wouldn't want that for the people they love? God Bless everyone on here!
2006-11-02 03:12:15
answer #8
answered by randito 2
I like the tone of your question. The word "love" probably wouldn't be my choice for what I feel for people I don't know, but I'll accept it in the context that Christians generally intend it. Respect is the word I'd prefer.
I am a Humanist, but I truly believe in freedom of conscience. I would defend with all my might the right of my Christian neighbors to practice their faith as they choose, but I would also oppose any attempt by them to impose their beliefs on others. That right they do not have.
2006-11-02 02:59:38
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I have no problem with the atheists who do not believe in God. I wish they would change their mind but God gave us a will to choose and they have that right. However I do have issues with those that blaspheme my Lord and say He was not the Christ and did not raise from the dead. He is my heavenly Father and just as if He was my earthly father I have issues with those who talk bad of Him.
2006-11-02 03:02:58
answer #10
answered by me 4