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2006-11-02 02:23:36 · 32 answers · asked by icclesnugglebuddy 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

cheap because we have just bought a house together so are both skint and she would kill me if i spent alot

2006-11-02 02:31:46 · update #1

32 answers

nothing is more romantic and cheaper than cooking for her and writing her a love letter which ul read to her after dinner while the two of you are alone on the porch or in the living room. plan the day. invite her for dinner. go to market to get cheaper products but good quality. cook her favorite. im a girl and i would love this from my man. it means, he can take time and feed me. and it may sound corny and all but love letter is still the best! and after u read it to her, she can keep it and can read that letter from time to time. and maybe give her a sinlge rose. thats cheaper than a dozen but its also very romantic. hope this will help.

2006-11-02 02:30:44 · answer #1 · answered by mela 3 · 0 0

I hope you are being cheap cause you don't have much money, but here are some ideas.

1. Instead of buying or going out to dinner, find a recipe online you think she'd like and make it together. There's a very erotic feel of working in the kitchen, accidentally bumping into the kitchen and playing with the food. Depending on what you make, it can be very inexpensive.

2. Bowling is often fun, humiliating and hilarious. If you both suck at it, you can even put the kiddie rails up and bowl like crazy people. Cost: Shoes, Renting a lane, and your pride.

3. Movie NIght. I'm a fan of horror movies, what better excuse to cuddle up to my guy! Rent 3 or 4 movies, get some popcorn an drinks, snuggle on your couch or bed and let the shrieking begin. I say 3 or 4 movies because you probably wont watch more than 6 or 8 hours of tv before one of you falls asleep.

4. Have a car picnic. Pack a nice picnic (no alcohol for the driver, please) and park the car at a scenic overlook, or where you can watch planes take off, or where you can watch deer or other wildlife amble by. Play some music or a book on tape or just talk to one another. This one works on cold-ish winter days (too cold and you have to run the heater) or rainy summer days!

5. Share a Sundae on Sunday. You could go to a local ice cream shop and have them build a sundae or get creative and do it yourself, but make sure its huge and you share the same dish!

6. Go to a museum. You'll be amazed how much fun you'll have laughing at the works of contemporary "abstract" art or discussing classic art. Even the most expensive museums have free days, late afternoon or student specials. Make a few calls -- it will be worth it. Sometimes a historic site will have a reduced rate on a relevant anniversary date. Call up the aquarium and the zoo while you're at it. Pack a lunch and enjoy it on the grounds of the museum or site i.e. save money by not buying food at the museums expensive restaurants!

7. Let your brains get on the same wavelength and rediscover Scrabble or chess. Pick up some other board games at the local thrift store. Or break out the deck of cards which should last you a few hours. I wanted to learn poker and my boyfriend spent a good 4 hours with me and my 3 good female friends teaching us how to play. It was a way memorable night.

8. Go for a walk. Do a photo scavenger hunt to make your walk more fun and adventurous. Take photos of each other, classic or silly, and get people walking by to take pictures of you together. If you so choose, you can do a photo album, frame or collage with those pictures mixed with others each of you has.

9. Go window-shopping in different types of shops where you wouldn't normally shop such as antique stores and flea markets. Go to the thrift store or local discount department store and amuse yourself in there -- the toy section can be quite fun!

10. No longer just a pastime for the elderly relegated to high school gyms and Lions Clubs, bingo is great! Playing is free, and sometime prizes are pretty good! Cash included.

Hope I was helpful! Some of these are for a couple thats been together for a bit, but some aren't. Happy dating. Just remember to be creative and make sure its something you can enjoy together.

2006-11-02 02:44:22 · answer #2 · answered by moderncutthroat 3 · 0 0

If you live together, make her a spaghetti , bottle of wine . Lay the table for two, flowers in a vase [they are cheap enough ] and a card with a little verse or just tell her how much you appreciate her. Then watch a dvd or just talk etcetc. Just remember , clean the kitchen once you have finished cooking, nothing spoils my day more than a messy kitchen.

2006-11-02 02:32:52 · answer #3 · answered by Duisend-poot 7 · 0 0

Picnics in the woods or a grassy park are always a favorite of mine because the guy took the time to make me something, even if it wasn't costly, and we have alone time. Take something so you can have a game too, like Cat's Cradle or a ball or something like cards. It's cheesy yes, but it is about the time you're spending above all else! And a book is a good to take too... Or lotion and you can give her a massage after you eat... Above all, just make her feel like she's the center of everything, than it won't even matter if you can't cook, lol!

2006-11-02 02:27:35 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There are cheap wkn breaks to Paris-3 nights for the price of 1.Around £85 PP

2006-11-02 02:36:27 · answer #5 · answered by sircrazydude90 2 · 0 0

Cook her a nice meal, have candles on the table. Buy a couple of roses and sprinkle them in a heart shape on the bed and again have a few candles around the room. Meal can be quick and cheap, she will appreciate the effort, especially if you dont usually cook.

2006-11-02 03:18:35 · answer #6 · answered by Annie M 6 · 0 0

go get a couple candles from the dollar store and write her a letter tell her how you feel about her ,go home and set up the living room with the candles and lay a sheet on the floor make a picnic with what ever she likes to eat .have every thing ready make sure all candles are light and give her the letter .that will be a night she will never forget and it doesn't cost you that much at all no more than 10.00 bucks and a little time to set it up .............good luck

2006-11-02 02:36:10 · answer #7 · answered by mari 3 · 0 0

romantic u mean..hm...1stly,go back n think during the nite bout all your past and stages that both of you have gone across during your relationship.and then tell her about how u feel and how both of you used to quarrel and then patch up.and all sorts of stuff which both of you have gone through to survive ur relationship till that vrey minute,survey it,tell her in romantic and decent way.if u have a car,talk bout it to her n the car.or in a private place with no1 around.i always use tis..it works well...but MIND you talk it in style and humour,if not she may feel that you are talking crap.u can save a lot of money by using this..u can use it NUMEROUS times too.but u have to think often.sorry girls,i hope what i say did not offend any1.

2006-11-02 02:35:01 · answer #8 · answered by mR questiOn 2 · 0 0

Make her a dinner at home! Make sure knowone is in the house, get some candles and make a nice dinner, turn on some music and make it really romantic!

2006-11-02 02:26:46 · answer #9 · answered by --Br0oklYn-- 5 · 0 0

Go together to visit her favourite place and spend a day, enjoying being in each others company. A nice lunch would and added benefit.

2006-11-02 02:30:12 · answer #10 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

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