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Are there any customs fees or taxes that need to be paid when entering or leaving Aruba? I know there is a passenger facility charge of $35 on all outbound flights, and an energy tax that comes out to roughly $6 a day on your hotel bill... but anything else?

2006-11-01 22:47:08 · 2 answers · asked by cami 4 in Travel Travel (General) Other - Destinations

2 answers

I don't recall anything and we go a couple of times a year. You have to fill out a customs form declaring everything you bought there, but there was a pretty generous allowance for items for personal use and gifts as well as liquor, and I never paid a fee on anything.

The plane tickets included all the fees necessary for the travel end, and hotels probably vary on what fees you pay, so you should check where you're staying.

Be aware that they're changing the rules regarding needing a passport, and you'll have to have one to enter from the US (used to be able to get by on a birth certificate).

Have a fun time!

2006-11-01 22:59:38 · answer #1 · answered by wynterwood 3 · 0 0

a better question would be, can you buy "justice insurance" to insure that after running into the sexual predators that seem to have the run of the island, you will have recourse to the l.e. and judicial system, your body will be found and returned to your family, and the predators will be jailed. recent history would suggest that justice for tourists stands in about l0th place on aruba's list of priorities. don't think for a second that you won't need that insurance coverage, their claims of safety and security on the island are pure baloney.

2006-11-02 01:36:41 · answer #2 · answered by dnnsvaughan 1 · 0 0

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