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I went to pick her up from practice tonight and she informed me that one of the other cheerleaders Mom told her that if she were her daughter she would smack her in the mouth and that she would also smack her butt. My daughter along with all the other girls according to the coach were being rowdy. This Mom though is not a coach or even an asst coach. She is merely a Mom, who insists on staying at all practices even though the coach has asked us not to. My question is how do I handle this, what should i do? My first thought is to bust her in the mouth, but I am trying to be mature about this whole situation. And what breaks my heart is my little girl said when the lady said it, it made tears come in her eyes . Any advice?

2006-11-01 14:26:15 · 12 answers · asked by awagner1971 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Grade-Schooler

12 answers

Tell the mom that she has no buisness telling you what to do, nevermind even TALKING to your daughter, and that she should really just mind her buisness and not go to the practices (although i would advise wording it more politley if you dont want to come across too mean)

2006-11-01 14:36:02 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

who picks on an eight year old? That women does and she doesn't even deserve to breathe air. Her daughter is probably going through a lot and hides it behind a pretty face. This woman wants her child to be the best of everything and won't take no for an answer. That's how she was raised, while Cheerleading is suppose to be fun and help people gain friends she thinks it as a college application. Tell her to never talk or criticize your child, because you give her the respect of not doing it to her child. Tell her that you hope she can't sleep at night for making an eight year old cry. Ask her if she is happy? If she ignores you, that says a lot about herself and how immature she is to walk away from an adult conversation.

2006-11-01 14:37:33 · answer #2 · answered by fourcheeks4 5 · 0 0

I'm sorry if your daughter's feelings were hurt. Unfortunately, since you weren't there, all you have is one side of the story. It's hard to say what exactly was said to cause the mom to have said she would think a spanking or a slap to the mouth would have been necessary. Not that I think ever slapping a childs mouth is acceptable- but it makes you wonder what came out of the girls' mouths that was so unacceptable. Your daughter and the other girls aren't likely to tell you, and the couch would not have been in hearing range to know. The other mom might not have been out of line in thinking you would not have approved, and although her methods were questionable, her motives might not have been.
I'm also curious as to why a coach would not want parents staying for a practice session where there are players and cheerleaders of that young age. I would personally not want to leave my 8 year old with only one or two other adults present- especially if their attention was going to be focused on other things.
Perhaps you might ask the other mother her version of the events, before you pass judgement and things get out of hand. You could mention that your daughter was upset by her remarks, but depending on what the other mother says, you might find her remarks were not much different from what yours might have been had you heard and seen all.
Before you say your daughter would not say or do things like that, I want you to remember she was with a group of other girls. I have 6 kids, and I've learned that what they will do when alone, and what they will do in front of you, all changes when they are in a group or away from adult supervision or you. I discovered it for myself, when my eldest son played church group softball. I happened to turn up early to pick him up, and he hadn't seen me. Ordinarily, he did not curse at all, I'd never heard it out of his mouth. Yet I heard my 9 year old son yell some very crude language, and even make a remark about the "endowments" of a classmate. Needless to say, he got a nasty surprise when he did see me. I'm not saying this was the case- but I do suggest you brace yourself for a picture of your daughter you would not have suspected.
I'd also consider hanging around for practice sessions. Something about a coach discouraging parents is fishy. Smelly fishy, and not a situation to be trusted. You have to wonder what goes on that he doesn't want parents to witness. Maybe nothing, but definitely not a situation I'd want to encourage.

2006-11-01 14:46:59 · answer #3 · answered by The mom 7 · 1 0

First things first, get the tank cycled and get it ready. Decide which substrate you prefer to use and place any decor and plants that you want in the tank. Get a filter and heater--because cold water fish like minnows or Goldfish would not do well in your tank. Substrate: Gravel is the most common and relatively easy to clean using a siphon. Heater: Try to get an adjustable heater because they are the most reliable. Tropical fish prefer temperatures between 72-79 (degrees varying for different fish.) A thermometer is useful too. A water test kit: to measure pH, ammonia, etc. A fully cycled tank will take about a month. Continuously check the water to make sure the levels are optimal. Water Conditioner: I would recommend Seachem Prime because it controls nitrates, protects the fish' slime coat, and removes chlorine from the water. Decor: I would recommend using terra cotta pots, etc. They are safe and much cheaper than normal aquarium decor. Penn Plax decor has a tendency for the paint to chip in the aquarium. Plants: Live plants have many advantages and can help keep your tank clean. Anubias, Amazon Sword, and Moss balls are probably the most hardy and most rewarding plants, but you would need a 1.5 inch layer of organic soil under your gravel layer for the Sword and Anubias. Plastic plants are easier, but try to avoid the ones with rock bases because they can rust! They contain metal wires. The ones with the plastic cup bases are better. Fish: (*notice, just making suggestions for fish you could have, not to say that they are all compatible). Avoid Guppies as they are not the hardiest fish (the fantails anyway). Mollies are prolific breeders and will need aquarium salt. Platies are good, but require groups of 3 or more. 2 females, 1 male. Sword tales are the same way. You maybe able to get a few dwarf gouramis. I would avoid barbs--they have a tendency to get nippy. Some people like them though. Tetras--neons aren't the hardiest, but they are nice looking fish. Need 6 or more to avoid aggressive behavior. Danios--are very pretty and need groups of 6 or more, too. Female bettas--can be kept in groups in a tank this size. 2 Dwarf puffers-not regular size. Puffers are agressive and not very easy. Mystery snails and shrimp make decent tank buddies but can be meals for some. Loaches are too big for your tank and need groups. Sharks (bala, etc) are the same way. Food: Get a high quality food like Omega One or New Life Spectrum. Blood worms and brine shrimp (frozen at petstores) are good treats for most of the above species. I hope this helps. I have a 20G tank with just Glofish danios in it that looks great. Good luck and be patient! :)

2016-03-19 02:40:55 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Sadly, you are not going to change the despicable behavior of this Mom. You are right to be concerned for your daughter. The only suggestion I can offer is to have a talk with your daughter. Explain to her there are sad people like that in this world who believes it makes them feel bigger to bully a child. Tell your daughter this woman is sick, and it has nothing to do with her. You should also talk to the coach to see what can be done to keep her away from practices.

2006-11-01 14:38:45 · answer #5 · answered by clueless_nerd 5 · 0 0

1.If you start getting into the other moms face..it will end up ugly and may escalate into something that you both may regret.
2. You need to explain to your daughter that some people get upset for the smallest things and tend to get out of hand and to just listen but not take it personally.
3. Talk with the coach to find out if the rules actually apply to everyone and if so why has he/she not enforced them.. and explain the situation....then take a seat and enjoy the practice....I find it odd a coach forbids parents to watch.

And finally--keep your cool...your Daughter is watching you and seeing how you handle strife.

2006-11-01 14:40:45 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i think they need different coach!! if the only thing the coach says is they where all being rowdy!! the coach is one that is sapost to keep these kids safe and sound when they are with him or her!! i would complain to the school about this lady & the coach!! if you contiu to have more proplems, you should consider taking her out!! this is a inportant age and you don't need cheerleading doing more harm then good! my kid's school took it out of the school b/c of parents like that one!! they are now in UPWARD cheerleading!! it is a great program! maybe they have it in your area!? it is usal ran throw a church, and they don't allow stuff like that around the kids!!! check with your local churches!! good luck:)

2006-11-01 14:59:24 · answer #7 · answered by rblankenship_rblankenship 5 · 0 0

definatley pull a csi move get your daughter to tape record this woman as proof when you bring it in to the school's administrator... any other parent yelling at a kid of mine would be punched across the face for abuse like that!!! you're the parent and these kids are doing a healthy activity other than getting into drugs and sex at their very young age.

2006-11-01 14:36:06 · answer #8 · answered by chanel_wears_movado 2 · 0 0

I think that you should find out which mom goes to the practice and inform her that YOU are the parent of your daughter and that she needs to stop going to practice.
If she refuses then maybe you should just slap her!!! *(jk, nrt)
Really though if she refuses then you should just tell the coach that she said that parents couldnt watch practices and that she should enforce her own rule.

2006-11-01 17:29:25 · answer #9 · answered by KoreanChick 2 · 0 0

Votre fille n'est pas l'autre responsabilité de maman, elle est le vôtre. Avoir un discours avec l'entraîneur et la découverte hors ce qu'est arrivé. Ce n'est pas cette autre responsabilité de la mère pour regarder hors pour votre fille ! La Maman est mauvais !

2006-11-01 14:40:04 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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