ok let me explain i was calling my friend jeanie and then by MISTAKE i pressed the wrong number so i ended up calling some guy named juan who i hate!!!!!!!!! and well lets just say it was soooooooooo embarrasing help me! what would you say in school lol it dosent sound bad but it was :-((he thinks i still like him but I DONT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)HUH! PLEASE HELP
17 answers
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Family & Relationships
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let me say everything in details...........
i dialed the wrong number!
it was juan
and i go "hey jeanine"
and hes like wtf its juan..
so i go oops sorry....
but heres the thing last year he used to like me and now he HATES me and cant stand me or my friend jeanine
i DONT like him anymore....but its going to be really awkward tommorow....and its already been awkward since the first day of school...and now this!!!!!!!!!
i sounded like a complete idiot!
also he hates us because we make fun of his "now" girlfriend because she gives me hard looks...:-(
it dosent sound embarrasing but it is!:-(
12:27:18 ·
update #1
i just have his number because i used to talk to him like evryday LAST YEAR and it just stayed there i didnt even notice anyways i hate him because he loves to talk bad about me and he told hid girlfriend im "horrible" and now she looks at me hard....i really dont "hate"him lol
12:32:21 ·
update #2
he still has my number sio he knows me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! plus im a cheerleader so his girlfriend "hates" me even more because of that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! go figure i havent done anything to her :-(
12:33:50 ·
update #3
jason and company: like omy god get a life!!!!!!!!!!!!
thanx lil player....
thank you guys for answering
12:37:32 ·
update #4
i know someone name juan iz he skinny and short and he has a ceaser cut oh i mean back to the question but you didnt tell him who you were so your okay right...oh hold up a cheerleader :)
2006-11-01 12:30:51
answer #1
answered by Luis 4
you call the embarrasing? jk
you should of seen last week what happened to me
i wanted to move IT was so bad, i could of cried and it was with the guy i liked! I couldnt even look at him and thankfully he said something to me the next day, but wow It WAS horrible.!
Basicly just think in two weeks it wont matter at all. I thought i was gonna die and now i'm perfectly fine, i remeber thinking about what has happened before and about how i got over it, and i did get over this one and we are still good friends =]
Dont worry its not as big as a deal as you think it it.
Trust me =]
2006-11-01 12:26:14
answer #2
answered by dreamscrushed 3
OK,so why do you have a guys number that you hate to begin with,,,and why do you hate this guy so?,,,any way,,,just let the guy know if he says anything,,that you simply dialed the wrong number.But I bet he will ask you similar the same questions I did.
2006-11-01 12:28:10
answer #3
answered by ladydi_me 2
This is a very minor mistake. People dial the wrong number all the time. Just forget it, it's no biggy!
2006-11-01 12:23:26
answer #4
answered by ruthie 6
Explain a little more...did you start talking to him thinking he was jeanie? Did you tell him you liked him? What happened? I can't help you unless I know...
Just forget about it...it's not that bad, you just think it is.
2006-11-01 12:24:37
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Well next time you see him in school, try and explain to him that it was a mistake. And if he thinks that you like him, tell him honestly that you don't like him like that. If he doesn't believe you, at least you know the truth.
2006-11-01 12:24:51
answer #6
answered by Jessie 2
people dial the wrong number all the time. i don't really understand the problem.
2006-11-01 12:21:11
answer #7
answered by Meredith B 2
i was wearing one, a bright pink one, at a party last week. there was a pool, but no one was going in, everyone started dancing, and eventually, i fell in. i was wearing white hollister shorts and you could see straight through. thank god i was wearing a bra, because you could see that to lol. after this, i was embarrassed, but everyone jumped in after me so it was all good.
2016-05-23 08:41:25
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
well if that was me, i would avoid him!! But if you do confront him, just tell the truth that you called the wrong number.
2006-11-01 12:21:49
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
you should like, totally sneak up behind him and cut his throat!!!
because that way, like, he can never and i mean NEVER tell anybody!!!!!
*make sure to drive the knife deep and twist hard*
2006-11-01 12:27:13
answer #10
answered by Anonymous