Hey Ash,
I reckon you should take her to a gallery, take a special packed lunch with you, with things you would have eaten as a kid, like jammy doggers and jam sandwiches. Pack some pencils and paper and afterwards go to the park and take it in turns to draw a picture of each other. This will give you an excuse to take a long look at her. It doesn't matter if the pictures are rubbish as long as you can laugh at them and at each other.
Remember it's the little things that count and if you find out she only cares about your money then she's definitely not worth it.
2006-11-01 07:02:03
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
How old are you? I take it your either a student or just very poor, cant you ask your parents for some money?Thats what they ae there for among other things. If not get a job..no girl wants to go out with a pauper anyway..its a sign of a no hoper sorry.
2006-11-01 06:51:36
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
take to a cafe and sit down.... order water. when the server asks what you want to eat, tell her you're still looking at the menu. when you've made a decision, order the most expensive thing on the menu and demand that your date do the same. when you're done eating, stand up and say you have to step outside to take a phone call. come back in and scream and cry about how your grandmother has just had a heart attack. explain to the server that you need to leave, and that you will return in one hour to pay for the check... but don't come back. then take your date back to your place and have your way with her mouth.
2006-11-01 06:51:29
answer #3
answered by bizzush 2
go for a walk in a nice quiet place
go for a bike ride
rent an old classic movie from the library
make her dinner at your house
drive to a hilltop with a view of the city and make out
sit around and listen to music
go to a school sports game
2006-11-01 06:55:12
answer #4
answered by spoonman 3
You don't have to take her anywhere but for a walk, if she's interested. She'd be happy just to be by your side. Beware of your surroundings. There may be things you can do without money. A pic-nic, a swim if there's water around you. Open markets...etc. Good luck Romeo.;-)
2006-11-01 06:52:24
answer #5
answered by kick it 5
cook her a romantic meal at home or take a picnic to the park u dont have to do stuff that costs money. money isnt everything and it shows u really put some thought into it!
2006-11-01 06:49:49
answer #6
answered by jaqueline 2
Start saving your money...whilst you're doing that you could always ask her over to yours for a nice home cooked meal and a bottle of wine.
Its the little things that mean the most.
2006-11-01 07:08:25
answer #7
answered by debs1701 3
Do you have a few dollars at least? If so, ask her out later in the evening. Say, "Would you like to go out and get some ice cream?" It's an ice breaker, and EVERYBODY loves ice cream!
2006-11-01 06:50:26
answer #8
answered by Mrs. T 4
How about stayin in? try cookin a candle lit meal. OR get a part time ob and ask her wen u hav enough money
2006-11-01 06:49:51
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
My brother used to cook supper for his dates and get a candle and turn off the lights and it would look like a little restaruant
2006-11-01 06:49:48
answer #10
answered by jkfranklin 3