I've always believed in the fact that the man should be the one to ask the woman out, but I recently had an unusual conversation with a friend in which he declared that this view was "very old" and in "a modern society" it was more "acceptable/appropriate for the woman to ask the man out."
So who should be the first to ask, the boy, or the girl?
26 answers
asked by
Family & Relationships
➔ Singles & Dating
After reading a few of the responces - I feel I need to claify something: I am MALE.
This was an Odd discussion with a friend over IM, and I'm not intending on asking anyone out anytime soon.
I'm just curious as what my friend said really got me thinking...
07:16:29 ·
update #1
EITHER ONE!!! This is the 21st century!
2006-11-01 06:43:09
answer #1
answered by sjl6987 3
The relationship usually works out better when the man makes the first move. There are many sociobiological reasons for this, and although a lot of girls may disagree, the hardwiring of both men and women is set up for the male to be the initiator. There are exceptions, of course, but generally speaking, if a woman is looking for a bright outcome, she should wait for the man to ask her, not vice versa.
2006-11-01 06:55:07
answer #2
answered by ragged 3
either or honey!! if you are not shy and are interested in a man and you think he feels the same there is no shame in you asking him out on a date if he turns you down that is okay just move on. but on the other hand if you are shy and prefer the man to do the asking that is okay too, there is nothing wrong with believing in old chilvary - ha ha i do!! but remember some men take a long time or are unsure if the woman feels the same and therefore dont or are too shy to ask the woman out on a date. sometimes us woman have to make the initiative...hope this answers your question!!
2006-11-01 06:56:11
answer #3
answered by gottohaveitwild 1
Well traditionally its the man that does the asking but since the feminist movement thing women have been doing the asking as well. So honestly I'm all for either party. I mean its modern times and life is too short waiting for someone to ask you out. So either sex should be willing to give it a shot.
2006-11-01 06:49:00
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I agree with the others, it doesn't matter who. But if you are old-fashioned, like me, the guy asking the woman out is better. I also heard that whoever asks is suppose to pay for dinner as well. However I can't guarantee there is any truth to that. It all depends on the person, sort of like whether the girl likes the guys to open doors for them or pull out chairs for them.
2006-11-01 06:46:57
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
You know it really doesn't matter these days. Growing up I was taught that it should be the man, but things change and if some one is going to wait for the other to do it, they could wait a life time, because they are doing the same.
2006-11-01 06:46:33
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I don't think there is a set person to do the asking. If you see someone you would like to go out with and get to know better, then just ask them out. I wouldn't won't opportunity passing me by because I am waiting on a man to do the asking.
2006-11-01 06:45:32
answer #7
answered by heaven o 4
Well Bluesky,
After 4-1/2 from a divorce, I'd taked to a lady that was very attactitive. She asked me by phone if I would like to start see her. Of coarse the answer was yes.
To me it would not matter to me how asked first.
2006-11-01 06:54:57
answer #8
answered by flying bug 2
See some women best believes that its the mens job to ask firts but it can be either way.if you feel for the men you love and you feel as though you want to be more then friends then just go ahead and take a step and ask them.It might feel uncomfortable, but hey a woman got to do what woman got to do to get her man.
2006-11-01 06:45:36
answer #9
answered by mackinmami1 1
Ideally, I think the man should be the one to ask the woman out. But I guess in this day and age, anything is okay.
2006-11-01 06:44:52
answer #10
answered by spelling nazi 5
It doesn't matter. If a girl is shy and believes that girls should never make the first move, but the boy is shy too, then they might like each other but blow any chance of being together.
2006-11-01 06:46:43
answer #11
answered by ♥vegetarian♥ 4