Legally he cannot do this without parental permission.
I would say that he can do it when he is 18 but for now, try clip-ons (just kidding)!
Ask him what the benefit will be of doing this? What will be the potential consequences? Of course as with other piercings, he will have to be prepared for the hygiene and infection protection. Is he prepared for that?
Parenting with impact is not old-fashioned but abdicating responsibility does seem to be more and more common. Let him know that you are not willing to stop being his mother just because he has a smart mouth.
At 16 he may be wanting some other privileges like driving, etc. Ask him what his goals and priorities are.
There is always time later for these silly fads.
Just because some girls think it's hot doesn't mean that a lukewarm kid will get hot just by poking a hole in his eyebrow.
2006-11-01 06:50:44
answer #1
answered by anirbas 4
I say this because if he does if could do some terrible things to the body. I could mess up his vision some how or get infected and ruin the scar tissue. I don't think you are being to old fashioned. You are just being his mom. Tell him if he would would like an eye piercing than he can do it when he living on his own at his own house and has his own family. also you have to give parental permission to have the piercing done when a kid is under the age of 18. As long. as you say it is OK he can do it. But he CAN'T get a piercing legally without a guardians saying OK to it.
2006-11-01 06:57:15
answer #2
answered by bitsyrocky 2
If you think he is responsible and mature enough to earn the privilege, then go ahead and let him. If you don't he may turn 18 and go piercing crazy just because he's had it on his mind for so long. Even if you really don't like it, it's not the worst thing he can do. Usually an eyebrow piercing doesn't even leave much of a visible scar after it's removed.
2006-11-01 13:22:15
answer #3
answered by caitlinerika 3
Id say when you move out and are on your own, then you can do it. But for right now he is a minor and you should still have control over the situations. I know its easier said than done, but he needs to undestand that is the way it is. I always say I wont let my boys do that kind of stuff, but I know it will probably happen. But I will try and be consistent in what I tell them. If you let him do that, then he will begin to think he can get away with other things too.
2006-11-01 06:55:27
answer #4
answered by Blondi 6
I used to think that of my parents, that they were "old fashion" (I still kind of do, for other reasons) when they wouldn't let me get a second piercing in my ears. I was told "when you are on your own you can make your own decisions" and also "as long as you are under my roof you will do as I say" . . .so, I moved out right after turning 18; but, to this day, I haven't added any more piercings to my body!
I now have a daughter of my own and, when it comes to something I don't agree with, I can't see myself changing my standards to fit in and help her 'fit in' w/ everyone else. I'm sure she will see me as "old fashioned" but I have come to terms w/ that and I will do my best to relate to her; but I know that I will have to set boundaries and limitations to her "freedom to express herself".
So, to answer the actual question: "Am I being too old fashioned?" Today,that's what it's labeled as; but you have every right to be -I'm sure you have good reasoning behind it.
Good luck.
2006-11-01 06:57:18
answer #5
answered by M_M 1
NO NO NO NO NO!!!! don't let him do it..... it will make him look punk,gothic, or emo! just don't let him do that, say he goes into get a job the person giving the interview will unfortunally put that in as part of the interview (unless its at a tattoo parlor or a gothic, emo store) remind him that the hole will always bee there even when he's like 50
2006-11-01 11:22:32
answer #6
answered by Haley 3
Chose your battles . . . . and this is a small battle and not worth fighting. It is not a permanent thing, once he grows out of it (and they all do!) the piercing is removed, and heals, and no one but you and he knew it was there. Let him do it. It is not the end of the world, it is not permanent. Now if he wanted his face tattooed that would be a different matter altogether.
2006-11-01 05:46:41
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
let him pierce a different body part .the eyebrow looks so stupid , try to make a comprmise and let him pierce his nipple or something else just not the eyebrow it is so dumb looking ......and no you are not being to old fashioned , explain that you would prefeer that he pierce something that he could possiblly cover in the avent he wants a decent job in the future ......I would let my kid pierce his tounge befor his eyebrow, tell him if he gets in a fight someone will tear it out and he will be in real pain .... tell him chicks dig a pierced nipple way more than a pierced eyebrow .... tell him something hip , but tell him no eyebrow ........
2006-11-01 07:25:51
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Just tell him that you don't like it and your the parent. When he is old enough to do it without your permission then it will be his decision to make, until then he will just have to live with your decision.
2006-11-01 07:25:10
answer #9
answered by kat 7
Well I told my kids they could have their piercings when they lived on their own and made thier own decisions. They have and did get them but not until they were over 18 and on their own.
2006-11-01 05:43:07
answer #10
answered by elaeblue 7