Yes.To have a successful diet,you cannot have a list of forbidden food.You can still eat the food but not that much.
Here is an article that I have found on the web.Hope it helps!!!
Losing Weight With Peanuts
Quite often feelings of hunger can hinder the best-laid plans to stay with a weight-loss program.
But recent studies are now showing that adding peanuts to a healthy eating plan can actually help dieters achieve and maintain weight loss by suppressing appetite naturally.
Feeling Full - Naturally!
Peanuts contain high amounts of both mono- and polyunsaturated fats which have been generally shown to help lower total cholesterol and the incidence of heart disease.
The good news is that some nutritional researchers now believe that fat in the small intestine stimulates the release of a chemical transmitter that signals feelings of fullness to the brain, which in turn suppresses hunger pains.
Researchers have shown that the traditional "Mediterranean" diet that contains satisfactory amounts of unsaturated fat (ie the type found in peanuts) assists people maintain healthy diet practices over a prolonged period of time because they do not experience an overwhelming sense of hunger.
The Secret of Successful Dieting
According to research at Harvard Medical School and Brigham Women's Hospital in Boston, almost three times as many people were able to follow a higher-fat diet that included peanuts and peanut butter during an 18-month weight loss study.
101 overweight men and women were assigned to either a low fat diet or a higher monounsaturated fat "Mediterranean Style" diet. The study found that participants on the latter diet lost more weight and were able to stay with the program.
These findings are consistent with a study at Purdue University, which showed that snacks of peanuts and peanut butter produced more eating satisfaction and feelings of fullness than other high-carbohydrate snacks such as rice cakes. Study participants who were fed peanut snacks didn't feel the need to add additional kilojules to their daily diets to attack hunger.
Remember, peanuts...
Are a significant source of plant protein without the high-cholesterol saturated fat found in many animal sources of protein
Contain high amounts of both mono- and polyunsaturated fat which have generally been shown to help lower total cholesterol and rates of coronary heart disease and to suppress appetite naturally
Are amongst the most concentrated food sources of Vitamin E (also linked to preventing coronary heart disease)
Are abundant in beta-sitosterol, known to inhibit cancer growth as well as protect against heart disease
Contain isoflavones and saponins, which both have anti-cancer and antioxidant properties
Contain additional vitamins such as B6 and folic acid, as well as minerals such as magnesium, copper, zinc and selenium
Dieting Ideas To Go Nuts About!
Mix nuts with sultanas or raisins for a high energy snack
Serve peanuts in their shells when you have guests
Spread peanut butter on bread and top with sliced banana or grated apple
Add mixed, crushed nuts to your muesli or sprinkle on a banana smoothie
Toss raw peanuts into a beef and vegetable stir fry.
Include nuts in your next garden salad.
Spread a little peanut butter and a scrape of honey on rice cakes or crispbread
Add nuts to a low-fat biscuit or slice recipe
Top a healthy banana cake with crushed nuts and low fat cream cheese
Mix crushed nuts into sweet soy sauce and use as a dipping sauce for Vietnamese rolls
Credits: Information in this article was sourced from the Peanut Company of Australia in Kingaroy, Australia and The Peanut Institute in Georgia in the USA. For more details about the studies cited in this article, please visit their respective web sites
2006-10-31 19:22:42
answer #1
answered by Nickname 2
2016-04-15 04:02:48
answer #2
answered by ? 3
I agree with above comments. Keep in mind that diets are okay and everything, but they can decrease your metabolism, causing your body to conserve fat. What you really need is some long, slow aerobic exercise. Go for at least 12-15 minutes or more per day of walking, jogging, running, cycling, or some other kind of exercise such as these, and don't stop doing this once you get rid of the weight you want to get rid of. Another thing to keep in mind is that weight really isn’t the problem; fat is the problem. Weight and fat are NOT the same thing. Muscle actually weighs almost 7 times as much as fat. So don’t pay too much attention to your weight; instead pay attention to how thin you look and how good you feel.
2006-10-31 18:45:23
answer #3
answered by aqwaters 3
Peanuts are better than candy. You have to eat in moderation -- not too many. But, go to one of those sites that calculate calories. Input your normal lunch. Then input a lunch that is: Peanut butter and jelly sandwich, glass of milk and an apple. Which has fewer calories? Go with that.
If you find you are eating peanuts all day, you won't lose weight. You shouldn't eat them if you can't say no to them. But I've seen several articles that say an ounce or two of peanuts a day is really good for your health.
So, just look for a balance. Good luck!
2006-10-31 18:44:26
answer #4
answered by Madame M 7
Yes but not a lot.
Jenny Craig includes it in their weekly diet, but they have it maybe twice a week, and only 10 peanuts at a time.
Anything more than that and it may be too much fat for your diet to lose weight.
2006-10-31 18:49:01
answer #5
answered by Julie 3
Nut are a excellent source of "good Fats & Oils" peanuts have a high content of fat in them compared to other nuts.. I would suggest trying almonds, or pinenuts, walnuts, or even munching on sunflower seeds.. A mix of Nuts & Seeds would definatley be a wise snack choice if you are on a diet..
2006-10-31 18:44:23
answer #6
answered by channille 3
wow u seem desperate well i got my body fat percentage from 21% to 11% and got a six pack along with it in 20 days and im 13 all i did was completly starve myself like abouloetly no food at all u need to threat your body with starvation and exersise at the same time for about 11 days i didnt eat anything except for ice cold water and i swam for 3 hours per day did ab workouts and punched my abs and disiplined myself it takes alot of commitment and dedication but it sure as hell was worth it starvation may consume mussles tho so drink protein shakes eat apples,greentea,otatmeal,grains and raw veggies also do swimming jumping jacks,bike,jump rope,for as long as u can no matter what wake up early workout and so on good luck
2016-03-19 02:23:57
answer #7
answered by ? 4
Peanuts contain 164 calories per ounce, and are addictive to most people. Not a recommended way to lose weight.
2006-10-31 22:25:31
answer #8
answered by JOHN M 5
It’s Friday brunch time and you simply can’t stop going back pertaining to seconds. But hang on! Stop for just a minute and suck on extra strong mint. The flavour will probably put you off that 3 rd plate of chicken korma/roast beef/sushi medley.
2016-05-01 16:14:45
answer #9
answered by ? 3
Keep this meal between 400 and 800 calories. Serve yourself a scaled-down portion, so if you like returning for seconds, you'll just find yourself eating a normal-size portion.
2016-02-11 01:29:05
answer #10
answered by ? 3