when she jumped on your bf, she could have fractured her leg. really need to get her to the vet asap...please don't wait since she's in pain.
2006-10-31 11:41:19
answer #1
answered by Lilypie99 3
Find a local charity from the phone book such as the SPCA if you can't afford a vet, most vets will take payments.
She may just have pulled a muscle, in which case she may just get prescribed Rimadyl., if it's over twenty four hours and she is still under the bed, she may have a fracture.
No food or water after midnight tonight if it is a fracture in case she needs anaesthetic.
But there is help out there for people who cannot afford vet fees:-)
If she is eating and drinking normally, and her poops are ok, it is probably not life threatning.
2006-10-31 11:49:06
answer #2
answered by wonderdog 1
I'm not an expert, but I really don't think she's dying. I think she may have pulled a muscle or maybe hurt her back when she jumped up. It doesn't take much to do something like that. My friend's dog jumped up on the couch and sprained his leg. If she was fine before she jumped up on your boyfriend, that's probably what it is. It would be good to have her checked tonight because she's in pain, but if you can't, get her in first thing tomorrow. Now you're going to have to let me know how she is! Call your after hours vet before you give her anything-dogs can't take human pain meds!!!!
2006-10-31 11:53:42
answer #3
answered by Starscape 6
How old is she?And what breed?
Dogs like people and especially large breed dogs develop problems like arthritis over time.If she is a large breed dog and older than 5-6 years it could be that when she jumped on your boyfriend she dislocated a bone.This causes extreme pain and she would be unwilling to go anywhere.Also a fracture is a possibility.Or there could be a problem in her spine,for example two vertebra's could have come nearer than normal that would result into pressure of the nerves causing also pain and problems of the stance,like paralysis or paresis.
I wouldn't suggest waiting till tomorrow.I don't think it's something as serious as to cause death,cause she's eating and drinking,but it sounds like she is in a lot of pain.If there is really no other possibility than going tomorrow make her as more comfortable as possible,put food and water near her in a way it's easy for her to reach without having to move a lot and of course it would be better if you could at least have someone check from time to time how she's doing and if she needs cleaning(i'm guessing she's not coming out for her walks).Keep her dry and warm and don't give her human medicine like a painkiller,it's dangerous!
2006-10-31 11:56:19
answer #4
answered by zusje17 4
She may have pulled a muscle when she jumped, but if possible...don't leave her alone tonight. If you have an understanding boss, maybe you could trade days or take off...call in sick if necessary...because once you leave for work, you're going to worry all night and wish that you were with your dog. Keep the vet appt. tomorrow even if she acts better. Good luck
2006-10-31 11:48:06
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Sometimes, the animal shelters can help, for free.. if you're dog is in this amount of distress.
You said you couldn't get her to the vet until tomorrow. Can't you get her into the animal hospital, without the ability to pay right now.. do you have a credit card.. Let them know what condition she is in and what you re fearing, tell them you WILL make payments, sign whatever it is that they want, but that you need to get her in there RIGHT NOW!
Also, maybe the K9 police may be able to help, I'm not sure..
I wish you and your dog the very best of everything.. I will definitely hold both of you in my prayers.
Please, let us know what the vet has to say..
Is your boyfriend going to sit with your dog while your at work.. have someone there for her.
Can you call in sick..
2006-10-31 11:50:55
answer #6
answered by sassy 6
Doesn't sound like your dog has anything immediately life threatening and she should be okay until the morning. She may have sprained or bruised something that is causing discomfort is she applies pressure on it, like when she jumped up.
Just be sure to get her to the vet in the morning, as if this is a fracture or something, she's going to be in pain from it, but she'll survive the nite.
2006-10-31 11:44:27
answer #7
answered by Shadow's Melon 6
If your dog is eating, drinking and pottying then it isn't too likely it has something that will kill it tonight. Get your dog to the vet as soon as you can. It sounds like she may have a soft tissue injury (like a sprain) and is in pain and that is why she doesn't want to move.
2006-10-31 11:51:01
answer #8
answered by Shalvia 5
I agree with other posters. She probably hurt herself when she jumped on your b/f. Probably nothing major, just a strain.
Don't know the size of the dog, but you could give her an aspirin for the discomfort. Base the dose on her size. Dogs are given aspirin for arthritis all the time. It might make her feel a little better.
2006-10-31 11:52:58
answer #9
answered by momwithabat 6
YOU MAY BE RIGHT. Have you had her on a heart worm medication? Just a thought. How was she acting before the incident. Happy ,jolly, or subdued. Sorry for your trouble. I wish I could help.
2006-10-31 11:44:38
answer #10
answered by rural diva 2
If you can not take her tonight than take her to the vet as soon as they open and wait if you have to i would not wait until 2:45.
2006-10-31 12:19:09
answer #11
answered by KC 2