The only thing that irks me about Xtians is the constant need to judge those outside of their faith.
Many atheists do this also, but it is not forbidden by our doctrine.
"judge not...." you all know the rest, but yet, are you not passing judgement everytime you claim that an atheist is hellbound?
2006-10-31 09:46:22
answer #1
answered by Random 3
You've asked this question as if you respect our opinions. That's an excellent start. Thanks.
Here's my list.
1) The circular logic. The Bible says that the Bible is true, so it must be true. How can we possibly have a conversation with that?
2) The misrepresentation of evolutionary theory. If you're going to criticize evolutionary theory, fine. But at least get it right.
3) Insisting on shoe-horning the rest of us into Christian/fundie/religious categories like faith, belief, Bible, etc. Atheism isn't a denomination. It's a pretty generic description with a huge range of thinking and experience behind it. Evolutionary theory isn't a dogma or faith either. It's a theory.
4) Using evolutionary theory as a means of attacking atheists. The two are not synonymous.
5) Attacking atheists.
6) Seeing persecution everywhere. You basically control the U.S. culture and government. You are not a minority.
I read this forum because I'm interested in religion as a social phenomena and also recognise the power that religion has over many people. I would love to be able to have more thoughtful conversations here with Christians. Here's hoping your question makes that more possible.
2006-10-31 18:45:58
answer #2
answered by The angels have the phone box. 7
I don't know you so I can't comment on what you're doing per se. I'll give it a try, though:
I hate to be judged. I hate it when someone has an attitude of superiority, or is condescending because they believe that they are right and safe from Hell, and I am wrong and not safe. I hate when a Christian tries to debate the existence of God with me, and the way, as soon as they hear something that challenges their beliefs, they resort to name-calling or "you have to have faith". It's a no-win situation, so I avoid this. I do not start these debates because it would be totally hypocritical for me to attempt to "recruit" or force my beliefs (or lack thereof) on anyone. I resent religious holidays, and how some Christians treat people who do not observe them. The pressure my family used to put on me to celebrate it with them before I really put my foot down about it was ridiculous. I hate how the President of the United States, who is supposed to represent all Americans, manages to slip "God" into every speech, how it's on the money, how it's all over the place as if it were the only religion on the planet. I hate that little sideways glance, the raised eyebrows, the clearing of the throat and the "Hmm! Well."
I guess I just hate the pervasiveness of it all, and the blind acceptance of ideas that make no logical sense to me, and the attitude that I am somehow "bad" for questioning or challenging those ideas.
2006-10-31 18:23:12
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Boy did you open up a "can of worms".
My mother was Catholic, my father was an atheist and we were raised Catholic. Religion was never an issue in our family, my parents each respected each other's beliefs.
Just because I am Catholic doesn't mean that I think I am "right" and that everyone else is "wrong". I try not to judge anyone because I know I certainly have my own faults.
I think most people are decent and caring individuals no matter what religion or belief they are and that most of us are just trying to get along in this life.
We don't all try to "change" everyone we meet or try to "push" our faith on others. If you were interested and asked I'd try to answer your questions but I wouldn't dream of trying to change your beliefs.
And it isn't just some Christians. There have been several times when other religious groups have shown up on my doorstep and been very "insistent" about "shoving" their faith on me. I think it's very "disrespectful".
Religion and personal beliefs are just that, personal. You are never going to please everyone out there, but good luck with it. You sound like a very caring and decent individual and I wish you all the best.
God bless you.
2006-10-31 18:16:50
answer #4
answered by Mugsy's Place 5
1-Their ability to rationalize blatant contradictions in the bible. For that matter, their ability to change the meaning of the bible to fit what science has proven. For example, the big bang and the creation story.
2-Their attempts to ingratiate themselves into public schools, by perverting science to justify their belief.
3-The way they condemn people who work in abortion clinics, homosexuals, non-believers, etc., then scream persecution when someone doesn't want their children exposed to their beliefs.
4-Their mistaken attempts to claim that the U.S. is a christian nation founded on christian principles, deny the seperation of church and state put forth by the constitiution, insist that its legal to use christian symbology and practices where tax money is spent, all the while forgetting that even their savior supported this same thing ("Render unto Ceasar that which is Ceasar's").
5-Following the teachings of a man who encouraged a humble and giving lifestyle, while pulling up to the church that cost over $100,000 to build in their BMW's and Mercedes.
6-Their inability to agree on even the most basic things about their faith. I'm refering to things such as how to interpret the bible. Is it literal, figurative, allegorical...?
7-The baseless claims that morality comes from a higher power, and without god, there is no purpose to life.
I realize that none of these apply to all christians, and some of them actually strive to be "christ like". The problem is when the face that your faith is given publicly is so ugly, and filled with venom, that the ones they claim to represent are given the same bad name.
2006-10-31 18:24:53
answer #5
answered by Bill K Atheist Goodfella 6
What bothers me about Christians is that most of them will never ask this question. In fact, most of them will never question any facet of their faith, and will react with anger when anyone else questions it. These are the kind of people who give the finger to fellow drivers who display an "EVOLVE" fish on their car, or threaten newspapers over editorial content.
It's no use pointing out to them that anger is fear -- every time -- and it's no use asking them what they're afraid of.
2006-10-31 18:19:29
answer #6
answered by ? 7
Two things come to mind, although there are probably more:
1) Any time they say or imply that I'm going to Hell just because I don't believe everything that they tell me. I don't even care if they do it "out of love"; it's just rude and obnoxious. If I really am going to Hell, then leave it up to the "big guy upstairs" to decide what my fate will be... I don't need the threats. I'm not saying that you in particular threaten people with Hell, but a lot of Christians do, and it's really irritating.
2) When they deny well-established scientific evidence in order to support what's in the Bible. It doesn't bother me if someone practices Christianity, but when they go around saying that the world is 6,000 years old... come on, that's ridiculous. I always get angry when I imagine a second- or third-grader doing research for a school report, finding one of those biased creationist websites, and reading all this totally BS information about how men and dinosaurs co-existed, and thinking that it's true. It's misinformation with only one purpose: To mislead people into thinking that the Bible is 100% literally true. That kind of stuff irritates me. Obviously not all Christians are like that, but some of them are really aggressive when it comes to spreading those kinds of flat-out lies.
2006-10-31 17:52:33
answer #7
answered by . 7
i know most christians do not actively preach the gospel to others, but what bothers me about the ones who do is that they seem very surprised and shocked that there are people out there who disagree with them.
This strikes me as pretty ignorant. Also, many of them use subversive tactics, especially when preaching to Jews.
2006-10-31 18:37:24
answer #8
answered by abcdefghijk 4
When they become politically active and try to pass their opinions off as facts, that angers me even more than proselytizing. I have no problem whatsoever with Christians, they can insult me personally as much as they want, I could really care less. But they have no right to make anyone else follow their religion's teachings.
2006-10-31 18:26:21
answer #9
answered by Shinkirou Hasukage 6
Most Christians, I simply have NO problem at all with. I find their beliefs silly but as long as they aren't shoving them down my throat, I have absolutely no problem with them.
HOWEVER... while I respect their right to believe, even when they are being nice and respectful, I can't help but be bothered by the sheer number of people on this planet who would rather live by religion than by the mind that they claim their various deities gave them.
As you can guess, I have this problem with all religious, not just Christians.
But like I said, as long as they keep it to themselves, UNLESS I ASK (then I deserve what I get *g*), I simply have zero problem with them at all.
2006-10-31 17:46:23
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
it is not all christians who bother me. not even all those who try and share their faith with me are bothersome. for me it is the self righteous ones. those who constantly go around acting like they are better then everyone else.
2006-10-31 17:47:24
answer #11
answered by Anonymous