Forget her and move on, before she reels you in again and seriously breaks your heart after a long term relationship has ended with her, because it will... and she will!
She clearly doesn't know what she wants, except attention from every man around!
And with friends like your mate, you don't need enemies, so move on there as well... and never again introduce your girlfriends to your mates, not until you are absolutely sure, your relationship is rock solid in the future. And your friendship is a real one!
You should not have dumped a decent long term girlfriend for someone you barely knew, and perhaps this failing on your part, also says something about you as well as these two people, maybe a weakness of your own that you need to address, before a new relationship begins?
Just think how the girl you dumped for her was feeling when you did it... exactly as you're feeling now... and it hurts, doesn't it?
Now that you know just how it feels, try to remember it always in the future.
It's where the saying 'What goes around, comes around' seriously hits home isn't it?
Always, what you do, affects someone else and more often than not, when it relates to relationships, it hurts them too... perhaps this episode will change your own behaviour and make you a stronger, caring, loyal, and less poachable partner for someone else one day! I truly hope so.
Good luck;-)
2006-10-31 02:05:13
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Oh for God's sake it was a 3 week fling with a girl on the rebound, what did you expect? If you could leave you last woman for that then don't sweat it, you were never going to last there either. This is all of your own making my friend so just move on. You don't seem to have a problem picking up girls so why worry. There are plenty out there
2006-10-31 01:57:05
answer #2
answered by Yeah yeah yeah 5
im a girl too, and it seems to be obvious that things is already over. you said you called her then told you that she already have a new one, so whats the point in believing or keep on holding to your relationship knowing that she honestly has a new boyfriend. let her go, give yourself time to think. if she doesnt come back, well accept that things are not really meant to be in the first place. dont let someone betray you. move on, for sure there would be millions of girl than her. good luck..
2006-10-31 01:59:03
answer #3
answered by ems 1
See the pattern here. She turns to you in time of turmoil or loneliness. She sounds like the type of person who has to be in a relationship. Unfortunately, because she's so prone to transitional relationships, she bounces between one relationship after another. It's more about attention then love or any of the stuff of relationships. No, I don't think she's making up stories. She confused, and without direction. You're her crutch. That's no good for her, and certainly no good for you. Get out and stay out. It's best for you both.
2006-10-31 02:31:39
answer #4
answered by JB 6
Oh my word. Get shot of this lassie. She sounds great - I totally lost track of who she was with a few sentences into your Ask. Do yourself a favour and don't look back. You will find someone else in time. Your pal is another one, what kind of friend would do that? I'll tell you - a sh*te one. Pull your socks up and move on. Things will get better and you will be able to look back and wonder what the hell you were stressing about.
2006-10-31 02:02:30
answer #5
answered by rondavous 4
It doesn't matter WHY she did what she did. Doesn't matter, WHO she started dating. All that matters is each and everything she did, how she did it and the way she did it shows you what kind of person she is. Confusion, using, lying, deception etc. Do you want to be involved with a person like that? Not matter what she looks like or who she is...don't let her hurt you or depress you. If you lost a shiny car you can cry. If you lost a beat up, four colored, balled tire car that left you stranded time and time again. Would you cry then?
2006-10-31 02:01:40
answer #6
answered by momusmusic 2
Well there is a strong arguement to be made in favor of kicking your friends @ss. But that would probably be wrong (or so the courts would says).
I would just forget about the chick. You have no use for a girl would play two friends off each other.
2006-10-31 01:59:05
answer #7
answered by The Teacher 6
Let her go. Find someone better. She seems immature. You don't just end a relationship over one dispute. And you don't keep jumping from relationship to relationship. I wouldn't put much more thought into her because truthfully if she walked away so quickly she couldn't have cared that much and you deserve better.
2006-10-31 01:57:09
answer #8
answered by Bubbles 3
There more than 50 million eligible females in this world.You can find 1 for urself with ease. Dont cry over spilt milk.
2006-10-31 02:02:23
answer #9
answered by surendra s 2
sounds like she really dont care about your feelings at all, and is use to getting what she wants. Let her go and chances are she will be calling you again and telling you her sorry story, Dont fall for it. Find someone that treats you with respect and cares about how your feeling this way you can tell her how happy you are....
2006-10-31 01:57:36
answer #10
answered by kelliejo0875 2