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i have a problem

whenever at work i touch an object e.g. key board desk etc im a fraid to touch my clothes worried that there may be some infectious germs
i dont even use toilets at work worried i may catch an infection. jsut today i reluctantly washed my hands in the bathroom at work but then a guy walked past coming out of the toliets and for some reason i assumed he had urine on his hands which spriknled onto my hands. then i washed my hands with handwash but was afraid when i shook excess water off my hands scared that it may have hit dirty water in the basin and and speinkled back onto my hands,..........

you may have realised by now the extent of my condition, any reassurances or fellow members who suffered from this and any advice or tips??


2006-10-31 01:45:45 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Mental Health

13 answers

Sounds more like obsessive compulsive disorder, see your primary physician

2006-10-31 01:50:52 · answer #1 · answered by cheri-er-rn@sbcglobal.net 3 · 0 0

I agree, it sounds like OCD. Have you ever watched the movie "What about Bob"? Richard Dryfuss and Bill Murray. It puts the disorder into a funny framework and is encouraging because Bob overcomes his OCD, and various other ailments. The usual treatment for OCD is antidepressants which work to block anxiety. OCD is one of many types of anxiety disorders.

The concern about germs is natural, and handwashing is the best protection against the germs, but what you describe is excessive fear and an excessive reaction to it. When a problem behavior interferes with your life, it's a problem that warrants medical evaluation. Good luck, and remember that without some exposure to germs, our immune systems become overly reactive and also fail to build up immunity to common germs. Germ exposure makes for a stronger immune system. Look up some articles on allergies and you'll find that those kids exposed to more germs (eg. farm kids) and pets, have fewer allergies and are less likely to develop asthma. One exception to germs however, is hospitals and long-term care facilities. These places have a lot of germs and some are tretment resistant. When you are in these facilities it's important to wash your hands thoroughly.

2006-10-31 02:33:45 · answer #2 · answered by sushi 2 · 1 0

I agree. Sounds like OCD, but I wouldn't stop there, and I wouldn't "label" you, either. OCD is a *symptom* of something larger, it is not *the* end all be all.

First, and I don't mean this in a bad way, but you need to find a way to relax, because I think that you are largely dealing with an incredible amount of anxiety that has chosen to manifest itself in this manner of being "afraid of germs". In other words, I don't think the germ issue is the real issue at all.

Take measures to put some rest & relaxation into your day- meditate, get proper sleep, just sit comfortably and breathe, watch your stimulants (caffeine, sugar), eat right, excercise, take your vitamins, all of that.

If you can't do these things for one reason or another ("too busy"), therein could be the first problem. But if you can do these things, then, you may be able to put some issues into perspective.

I'm not a fan of drugs for any of our fad diagnoses these days. Like I said, I believe that what you are experiencing is a symptom of a larger (but manageable) problem. With that said, I'll ask you some questions that you may like to consider. If you have trouble answering, or you experience irritation with me, it could mean that I'm onto something.

Ask yourself why you have (sub)consciously "chosen" (and you *have* made that choice) to be afraid of germs. Take responsibility for that decision, because that will empower you to change your life around- the other way.

On a much deeper level, hands (carriers of germs) symbolize "reaching out", etc. Are you truly that afraid of the world around you? Are you afraid to reach out or receive good things from the universe? Are you afraid that what you "put out" will be rejected?

Or do you exhibit anti-social behavior as well? How much do you like or dislike other people? I ask, because these germs are a product of our world and our human bodies. If you can't handle these "products" of our living, a person might wonder how much you really like people, including yourself. I fear to say that it may be a self-esteem issue, as well.

You may need a therapist to help you through issues other than your fear of germs. You may be pleasantly surprised. I hope you find peace.

By the way, I was like this when I was little- I couldn't eat in the same room with other people, because they were "breathing on my food..".

2006-10-31 02:09:25 · answer #3 · answered by Realmstarr 4 · 1 0

no, that is obsessive compulsive disorder. you are afraid of germs. I knew a girl like that. She finally over came most of it. I do not know how thought since i do not talk to her. but recently i have seen a episode on mtv about that. They had to go to thearpy or a treatment program. hypocondrism is when a person thinks they are sick all the time and obessive about it when there is nothing wrong at all. i can see how you can get the two confused.

2006-10-31 01:53:04 · answer #4 · answered by owned by a siberian husky 4 · 0 0

You are describing a compulsion for handwashing. If you do this excessively, or it interfers with your normal functioning, then you might need help with it. If you can control those thoughts, then you likely just have a excessive fear of germs, if it controls you, then you might seek help from a mental heath professional.

2006-10-31 02:10:27 · answer #5 · answered by David B 7 · 0 0

This sounds like a particular phobia called misophobia, the fear of dirt or germs. Your obsessive-compulsive behavior may be a compensatory mechanism to deal with your phobia. I would suggest some kind of psychological therapy to help you overcome the fear.

2006-10-31 01:56:14 · answer #6 · answered by Black Dog 6 · 0 0

I am sorry to tell you that you are not a hypochondriac, you have OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder). Check out the yahoo health web page for a full description and ways to treat the disorder. www.health.yahoo.com. I hope this helps?

2006-10-31 01:55:52 · answer #7 · answered by Bruce d 3 · 0 0

Sounds like you might be experiencing the same, as that guy on TV that helps the police solve cases.

I believe the show is called "Monk"!

You should check with your doctor to be sure!

2006-10-31 03:36:09 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

OCD. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

No, I have hyperchondria....think somethings terribly wrong with me....when something starts to hurt and I need to run to my doctors office....You become a hyperchondriac when you think you should have your own private doctor....all to yourself...he he...

2006-10-31 02:38:20 · answer #9 · answered by tikizgirl 4 · 0 0

I've heard of this problem before. Please seek medical help before it gets worse. People eventually may shut themselves up inside the house rather than be exposed outside.

2006-10-31 02:07:24 · answer #10 · answered by stargazer 2 · 0 0

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