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I'm 15, and my bedtime is 10:00.
I'm trying to convince my parents that this is unreasonable, and that no one even HAS bedtimes once they turn 12 or so!
What's your opinion?

2006-10-29 23:50:15 · 17 answers · asked by sarahg 3 in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

Yeah, I'm actually really responsible.
I get As in school, wake up on my own, etc etc

2006-10-29 23:55:27 · update #1

17 answers

People age 12 and up DO have bedtimes. The thing about NOT having a bedtime is that you need to be responsible enough to realize when you need to go to sleep each night.

If you know your body enough to know how late you can stay up and still get up easily the next morning, then convince your parents to extend your bed time, not remove it.

Tell them you'll do a week long trial, and that as long as you get up easily each morning, and don't show signs of being tired during the day, then you can keep the extended bed time.

I think I had an 11pm bedtime past 6th or 7th grade. My daughter is 10 and has a 9:30 bedtime, but is usually still up until around 10. She doesn't get up real easily, though, so I know later wouldn't work for her.

2006-10-30 00:01:20 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

When they graduate from school. Depending on what time you wake up that should determine what time you go to bed. At your age you should be getting 8 to 9 hours of sleep a night. So if you wake up a 6 am your bedtime should be 9 to 10 pm. It's better to be rested than falling asleep in class like I use to.

Try telling them you find you are getting too much sleep and ask them if they can extend it by a hour. Tell them if they have trouble waking you up or your grades are affected you will go back to the old bedtime. Let them know that your almost an adult and you need a little freedom so you can think for yourself.

Good luck

2006-10-30 06:24:37 · answer #2 · answered by billy f 2 · 0 0

Well hun, all parents are different. When I was like 13 I didn't have a bedtime anymore. But to be honest with you.....10:00 doesn't seem to bad through the week when you are in school. But if that time is also the weekends...THEY NEED TO LIGHTEN UP!!! OMG!!! What about summer vacation??? Please don't tell me you have to go to bed at 10, then...do ya???
Really, parents can have weird Ideas sometime..BUT, they are your parents....
What are their reasons for a 10pm bedtime??? Ask them if there is any way you could SHOW them you are responsible enough for a later bedtime....We know that you get yourself up in the mornings....Ask them to try out a late bedtime and see how you do!!

2006-10-30 03:54:29 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I allowed my daughter to ween herself...yet, hehe, she stopped even as she became about 7 months old. some human beings say your baby can help you comprehend even as, yet i in my opinion experience that some toddlers would in basic terms go on continuously in case you enable them!!! I watched a teach once the position there have been toddlers who were 8 years old and nonetheless BF!!! This to me is ludicrus! i think that an suitable age is the way you experience about it. what's suitable for you received't be suitable for someone else and vise versa. do you want to stop? Is it time eating or uncomfortable? Do you nonetheless savor it? He for sure doesn't want it for nutrioutional fee, so it type of sounds like he's utilising it as a convenience device, very reminiscent of a baby would with a pacifier. you're asking "How do I stop him?" So, i'm getting the hint that you'll like it to stop. It also relies upon how typically he's doing it. If that is conventional, then you definitely'll ought to ween him off slowly like something. If that is once an afternoon, till now mattress type of component, then attempting replacing it with yet another activity...which incorporates a tale, warmth milk, rocking, a marginally bedtime activity? also, he's on the age the position he can understand diverse what you're saying, even even though it may not seem so. So possibly attempt explaining to him that he's a huge boy now, and introduce something new and interesting that he would use as his new convenience merchandise, which incorporates a crammed animal or toy. you are able to continually stop chilly turkey too in case you needed! He would throw matches and such, yet he receives over it and flow on to something else. in basic terms make certain he's comforted even as he must be and all will workout consultation! best of luck!

2016-12-05 08:58:12 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have a 15 yo daughter and she puts herself to bed between 7-8 most evenings. She's also the one who's up first thing in the morning and in a GREAT MOOD!! I admire her for her self responsibility! Sometimes you kids can make much wiser choices than some adults. :o)

I would say that your parents have decided that this time is not only late enough but in your best interest. Sounds like you're a darn good kid and their concern for you certainly attributed to that Kiddo... :o)

I really wouldn't worry much about your 10pm bedtime. What would you do after 10pm anyway? Not too much to do...
Get your "Beauty Sleep".... believe me. When you're out in the world on your own, you'll be able to stay up all night, every night if that's what you'd like... and you'll have the rest of your life to do that too.
So, in conclusion here.... Go to bed at 10pm... You're only doing yourself a HUGE favor... ;o)

2006-10-30 00:16:49 · answer #5 · answered by ~Me~ 4 · 0 0

untilI left high school I had a bed time on week nights..... it was 7:30 primary school and 9:30 high school
I am now 24 I don't feel I missed out on anything in fact I liked the structure.. I always was in a much better mood than my friends that stayed up to all hours.

2006-10-29 23:56:20 · answer #6 · answered by mum 2 Cameron and Ewan 5 · 1 0

The fact is most kids dont know whats best for them. Staying up past ten is detrimental to your growth and ability to function in school. Way to many kids go to school exhausted and it refects in their grades. Teen agers need more tsleep than most because of growth and puberty. Your parents are correct in giving you limitations and see you get to bed at a decent hour.

2006-10-30 00:18:06 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have a 14 year old daughter,and she has a set bed time on school nights.I do this,so that she gets a proper good night sleep,so that she is able to learn what is needed to learn at school,not just to learn,but really takes in what she is learning.As a parent ,it is my job to make sure that she does the best to her ability at school,and I myself believe that to make sure she is able to do this,is to make sure that she gets a good night sleep.My daughter has never had a problem with this,as I have explained to her my reasons for doing this.

2006-10-31 09:26:53 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

When you start working. At 15 you should be able to get working papers and obtain a PT job.

2006-10-30 05:28:23 · answer #9 · answered by hsp_goddess 2 · 0 0

I don't believe in bedtimes. My son is almost 3, he goes to sleep when he wants to, gets up when he wants to, & naps when he wants to. Sometimes it's like 8pm and sometimes it's like 11pm. It's a much more non stressful way of parenting.

2006-10-30 01:32:06 · answer #10 · answered by njyecats 6 · 0 1

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