I believe that is quite normal for boys. They get a good feeling when they do it, so why not do it? Try not to let it bother you. He will grow out of it.
2006-10-29 15:50:04
answer #1
answered by honeyrlr 3
Humping The Floor
2017-01-11 09:01:55
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I worked at a daycare where kids ages 3 and up would actually please themselves at nap time. Whether it was with their own hands or a toy. I was completely shocked at first. The teacher in that room would tell them to lay still and close their eyes...that's all they really could do. She doesn't understand fully what she is doing but she knows it feels good so she does it. It is becoming more normal these days, as I have seen.
2016-05-22 06:40:39
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
It's completely natural, but you should emphasize that it's not something that he should do in front of other people. I would let him know that this is something that he should do in his room only. Don't make him feel dirty or wrong, approach him gently. He's at the age where he can understand the need for privacy and use that to your advantage. It is important to start explaining this now, before he starts doing it at a friend's house or *gasp* at school. I wouldn't let it worry you however, it's normal. All he knows is that it feels good.
2006-10-29 16:13:52
answer #4
answered by sunshineandsilliness 2
little boys definitely become more aware of their bodies before girls do, i wouldnt worry about it too much and dont make a big deal of it, or you know he will do it all the more! i wouldnt imagine he knows what he is actually doing its just movement to him, from an adults eyes its embarrassing and for getting a lil hard on, he cant help that its only natural
2006-10-29 22:06:48
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
It's totally normal for young boys to do this. If you don't say anything to him he might continue to do it for another two or three years before he grows out of it. If you see him doing it just ask him what he's doing and when he tells you he doesn't know (because chances are he won't have any idea why), just tell him to not do it. Make sure you aren't stern with him because he might associate that particular action with something bad which might be problematic years later since it will be learned early in his development.
2006-10-29 16:02:19
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
My youngest son did that for quite some time, but with his hand under him. I told him that it was okay to do, but was something that should be done in private, like in his room with the door closed. That's what he would do. I, personally, have no problem with masturbation and don't want my kids to think it is a bad thing. We have just had talks about it being something to do in private.
2006-10-29 15:58:07
answer #7
answered by schoolot 5
At the age of five is a little early but to do this in your sleep for a male is not uncommon.
2006-10-29 20:59:23
answer #8
answered by Four Feathers 1
My son is now 11 and he used to do the same thing..it was rather embarrassing..lol They realize young what reels good so they need to be taught that it is in appropriate to masturbate in front of others; they don't know. I used to tell my son that if he wanted to do this he would need to do it in private in his room. I never scolded him for it as it is completely natural.
2006-10-29 15:51:11
answer #9
answered by **KELLEY** 6
he does it because it feels good, you need to tell him if he wants to do that type of thing he needs to do it in the privacy of his room. When you see him doing it remind him that it is not something others like to watch and get him to sit on the couch
2006-10-29 19:15:03
answer #10
answered by Rachel 7