Oh boy - this is a tough question, because there are some different interpretations. I will try to include as many different interpretations of each seal as I remember.
First Seal: the white horse could represent a peaceful conqueror OR a conqueror that wants to appear peaceful (thus it is a deception, and so can be safely assumed that he's a bad guy). I have also read that this could mean the Bible and/or the Holy Spirit, but usually the gospel is described as a two-edged sword, so I am not sure about that one.
Second Seal: it most likely means war
Third Seal: could mean famine and/or inflation. I don't remember the exact figures, but I read somewhere that "A quart of wheat for a day's wages, and three quarts of barley for a day's wages" was ridiculously expensive for that time.
Fourth Seal: also self-explanatory; it means famine, war, diseases, and animals will kill 1/4 of humanity.
Fifth Seal: martyrs told to wait until all of the specified servants of God were killed (the number isn't specified here, but I suppose that God knows a certain number, so I guess the martyrs were waiting for God to intervene and put a stop to it).
Sixth Seal: This might be the same earthquake that is spoken of elsewhere. The seals may be in successive order or they might be interspersed with the trumpet judgements and even the bowl judgements too. I don't know. But the description of what happens really seems similar to the other earthquake that is described in Revelation. We'll see.
2006-10-29 12:03:38
answer #1
answered by Iamnotarobot (former believer) 6
The scroll with the seals is like a deed for land or a will of inheritance. Jesus the Lamb of God is the only one who has the right to open the scroll and to receive the inheritance. The seals represent conditions that have to be met before the actual inheritance comes about.
I can't tell you the exact events that will transpire since they are all related symbolically but they represent what is going to happen in the final seven years of tribulation on this earth before Jesus returns. They describe a vision of war where the anti-christ deceives people as a peace maker who claims to be Jesus or the promised messiah or something like that. And then a time of famine where people will have to receive the 666 mark of the beast in order to buy food, the persecution of the faithful saints during the tribulation, and the coming of Jesus to put an end to it all.
Chapter 6 is like a synopsis of the other events found later on in the book of Revelation like in Chapters 13 and 19 where it talks about the false prophet and the beast and the coming of Christ.
2006-10-29 12:10:53
answer #2
answered by Martin S 7
In the Bible, the horse often symbolizes warfare. This horse, likely a beautiful stallion, gleams with a whiteness that indicates unblemished holiness. The rider of this horse has a bow, an offensive weapon of war, but he is also given a crown. The only righteous ones seen wearing crowns during the Lord's day are Jesus and the class represented by the 24 elders. This scene harmonizes beautifully with Psalm 45:4-7
You might ask though, why must the newly crowned King ride forth to war? It is because his kingship is established in the face of bitter opposition from Jehovah's chief adversary, Satan the Devil and those on earth who knowingly or unknowingly serve Satan's ends The birth of the Kingdom itself calls for a major war in heaven.
The birth of the Kingdom itself calls for a major war in heaven. Fighting under the name Michael (Meaning "Who Is Like God") Jesus overcomes Satan and his demons and hurls them down to the earth. Jesus' ride of conquest continues through the opening decades of the Lord's day while the nations and peoples of earth are being judged and sheeplike humans are being gathered to the King's side for salvation. Though the whole world still lies in the power of the wicked one, Jesus lovingly continues to shepherd his anointed brothers and their companions, helping each to achieve trhe conquest of faith. 1 John 5:19; Matthew 25:31-33.
Reference Scriptures Remelation 12:7-12; Daniel 7:13.14,27; Luke 1:31-34; Rev. 4:4,10; Rev.14:14;
Second seal, It is the second cherub, with the appearance of a bull, that issues the command. Power is the quality here symbolized but power used righteously. In contrast, though, John is now to a hideous, death dealing display of power.
Third seal, Happily, this third cherub"has a face like a mans," depicting the quality of love. Principled love will abound in God's new world, even as that fine quality permeates all of Jehovah's organization today. Rev.4:7; 1John4:16
Fourth seal, This is the voice of the cherub that resembles a flying eagle. Farsighted wisdom is indicated, and truly John, the John class, and all other earthly servants of God have needed to observe and act with insight in view of what is here depicted.
Fifth seal, A sacrificial altar up in heaven. It is trhe first time that John mentions an altar. Already, though, he has described Jehovah on His throne, the surounding cherubs, the glassy sea, the lamps, and the 24 elders carrying incense all of these resembling features of the earthly tabernacle,
So as you can see how deep this subject is. You might want to contact one of Jehovah's witnessess, as we are going to be studying the book of Revelation starting the first week of January 2007 for approx. a year and a half. You will get an indepth detail of this book throughout. Look up Jehovah's witnesses in you white pages.
Or write to Jehovah's Witnesses, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, New York 11201-2483. Give your name and address and they will contact you.
2006-10-29 13:09:36
answer #3
answered by Just So 6
Pretty much, "the Lamb"(which I presume to be Christ considering he was referred to as the Lamb of God, which refers to him going to his crucifixion willingly, like a lamb goes to its slaughter) takes a scroll from "the one seated on the throne", which I presume to be God. This scroll has six seals upon it.
When the first Seal was opened, out came a rider on horseback(one of the Four Horsemen) to conquer. This would be Conquest.
The second seal was then opened and the second Horseman came out, carrying a sword to take peace from the Earth. This is War.
The third seal was then opened and the third Horseman came out, carrying a scale and saying that you get a quart of wheat for a day's pay. That's like saying today you get bread and water for a day's pay. This is Famine.
The fourth seal is opened and out comes the fourth and final Horseman, which is, obviously, Death. These four were given authority to kill off about a quarter of the people, plants, animals, and all living things from the Earth.
The fifth seal is opened and you see all those who had been killed for their testimony to the word of God. In other words, these are the martyrs, people who were killed for their beliefs. They're waiting for Judgement Day, to be counted and avenged.
The sixth seal is opened and this causes an eclipse, earthquakes, all sorts of natural disasters to ravage the Earth. It's called the "great day of their wrath", meaning the Lamb(again, presumably Christ) acting on behalf of the one on the throne(again, presumably God). In other words, it's now Judgement Day, where those who remain on Earth are going to be judged.
2006-10-30 12:29:14
answer #4
answered by Ophelia 6
The Greeks are so very descriptive and have many words for the same idea or thought. As others have already answered the Greek word used here is, "khloros," which means, "green," or "verdant," but according to Greek literature this was a color used to describe the color of one's skin, (blanching), such as when stricken by disease. So although the Greek word for the colour green is "prasinada," this particular green is a very sickly looking green. So, there is a difference.
2016-05-22 06:15:38
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
A seminar I went to just recently helped me to understand these. It was called a Revelation seminar and it was given by the Seventh Day Adventist church. If you can find a church near you they can help you as they helped me.
This chapter deals with historical and end time events.
2006-10-29 11:57:48
answer #6
answered by I-o-d-tiger 6
Each seal is a series of events. Its pretty plain.
EDIT: You know you can look this up on line. Most any Christian website will have digital commentaries you can use for free.
2006-10-29 11:29:37
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Jesus is the Lamb.
And....he alone is worthy(God) to judge the world.
GOD BLESS YOU AS YOU SEEK THE TRUTH-LIVE4TRUTH=]http://www.chick.com/reading/tracts/0074/0074_01.asp
2006-10-29 11:28:33
answer #8
answered by LIVE4TRUTH 3
it is actually literal. during the tribulation, God is going to send those judgements upon the earth
2006-10-29 11:30:37
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
1st seal.. vanity or ego
2nd seal... hate
3rd seal... slavery
4th seal... fear
5th seal.... the anti christ
6th seal... the self
2006-10-29 11:45:18
answer #10
answered by Anonymous