I don't fight for Gay rights
Adultery is so common because society as a whole has accepted it just as it has homosexuality.
very few wait until marriage before having sex, again because it has become acceptable by society as a whole.
The Majority acts against the rules of Christianity because they don't know the word of God, or it's power, are to selfish and selfcentered to care, and don't know that it is to their own destruction. There are going to be a lot of surprised "Christians" on judgement day because the word of God is clear.... "Not everyone who calls me Lord, Lord, will enter the Kingdom of heaven, only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Matt. 7:21
2006-10-29 11:29:26
answer #1
answered by setfreejn836 3
What do you use for a measure of right or wrong?
Do you make up your own rules? If you feel like murdering is okay, then is murder right becuase you decided?
Do you decide what the majority believes and follow them? The majority of Nazi's belived Jews were sub-human and killed them. Was that right? If the majority of people decide to run off a cliff, is that the right thing to do?
I believe God put the Law on man's heart. But our hearts are sinful and sometimes can't tell right from wrong very easily. Therefore Law is also placed in Scripture.
But the Law shows us our sin. The penalty for sin is death and eternal damnation. But thanks be to God, Christ paid the debt for our sins on the cross and rose from the dead. So now all who believe in Him are saved and have everlasting life. That is the Gospel.
2006-10-29 11:29:38
answer #2
answered by rath_of_kahn_2000 2
Sin (weather you believe it or not) is your answer.
There are a lot of people who say their Christain but who really are not and practice what you talk about.
Then there are those Christians who fall into adultery or some sin, it doesn't mean they support it, it just means they were weak for the moment and fellinto the sin.
I have a daughter and I'm not married, I wouldn't trade her for the world, but given a chance I would do it over again.
2006-10-29 12:14:38
answer #3
answered by JaimeM 5
Ok first of all being gay is not a sin. Prousouing and indulging in Homosexual actions is a sin. You cant ever possibly feel attraction for the same sex as you and they have the same problem with feeling attraction for someone of the opposite sex. They should be pittyed and prayed for because they cant pursue the person of there offection.
As to the other things you can blame society and its done because its eaiser then not doing it.
2006-10-29 11:28:28
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
In the Bible, Jesus said "All men fall short of the glory of God" Sin is a natural thing, That is why remaining faith full is very hard. It is a true testament to God if you can refrain from sinning, but God knows that we are not perfect.As far as the Gay issue is concerned, My bible teaches me to"love the sinner, but hate the Sin." therefore I will not condemn or bash anyone because they are committing a sin.
2006-10-29 11:24:41
answer #5
answered by marc f 2
I think a big reason for all these things is basically this:
People do not want to be responsible to anybody. They only want to answer to themselves, and no one else. They really don't want to be good, and have no "fun." They simply want to go along for the ride, and who can blame them? I've been guilty of this myself.
One other thing is that a lot of Christians (myself included) just sit on their butts and criticize people who aren't as good as they are. They don't get out there and TELL those people what they are doing wrong, they don't try and lead them to Christ. As a result of this, most people don't truly know the Savior as a friend and companion.
2006-10-29 12:19:47
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
It is easier to slide downhill with a greased sled than it is to climb to the summit ofa mountain without proper hiking equipment. Most people do not clothe themselves with the Lord and feed themselves on the word and drink from the water of life that is Jesus. To say it is human nature is true. However, to strive to be a better human is what Jesus wants us to do. You will never know what you can acheive if you never attempt anything.
2006-10-29 11:51:25
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
The Church, lost its power in voice. Once prayer was taken out of School, the Christens lost power, because they did not fight for this, now they fight for nothing,
But hang on, there's a new kind of Christan in making, you well see them, in your life time, we are going to change this back,
we are not going to sit down no more.
A new movement of God is coming.
One with power, one with a Anointing from God himself,
You will fall flat on your face when you come across one of his children, you will know God when you see this happen,
The movement is coming Its started,
We will take back by force, what the Satan did as you explained so well here.
Gays have no rights. And God will give rights to the others when they come into to this new Anointing, it removes sin.
Values are not lost for ever, the war is still on, just we lost the battle. Its not over yet.
2006-10-29 11:27:46
answer #8
answered by Faith Walker 4
Everybody Knows what would Happen if they Jumped off the Empire State Building.
The Results of Sinning aren't that Obvious.
Some Results take years to show up.
BEING GAY is not a SIN if you are a WHAT-SO-EVER.
It takes the Great Judge to Figure those Cases Out.
And the Great Judge Jesus Loves What-So-Evers Too. (Died for Them)
2006-10-29 11:22:02
answer #9
answered by maguyver727 7
All the 'rules' you mentioned were not invented by Jesus or Christians but existed long before them.
Christianity is not about obeying 'rules' but a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
You cannot please God by being good, but being good if it doesn't make you proud and self-righteous will keep you out of loads of trouble.
Paul the Apostle was inspired when he wrote, "All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God."
2006-10-29 11:26:13
answer #10
answered by Anonymous